From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred and sixty-seven motes of dust flood the wilderness, he transforms into free

"Wouldn't it be impossible to enjoy the benefits of being the 'Day of Heaven' and use the thoughts of all living beings to enhance one's own strength?"

The little girl murmured.

But after thinking about Xuantian's character, the little girl is not surprised, this is what Xuantian should do.

Hearing what she said, Uncle Lin showed a loving smile.

This is killing two birds with one stone, turning the negative emotions that may pollute one's own consciousness into the ultimate monster in the game, and leaving 40% to 70% of the positive emotions as appropriate, and Lin Yang gave the remaining 40% to the sentient beings.

It's not that there is no real need for strength, but that it is not only negative emotions that can pollute self-consciousness. Excessive positive emotions are also terrifying and abnormal, which can brainwash people into a true self-sacrificing virgin.

At that time, Lin Yang hadn't realized "I am me", so naturally it was impossible for him to die like this in order to improve his strength.

He doesn't like evil 'demons', nor does he like righteous and kind 'gods and Buddhas'. What he pursues is the neutral 'immortal' and self. For this reason, Lin Yang sometimes absorbs a small amount of negative emotions to counteract them. A sense of justice overflowing from the heart.

When the little girl was moved by Xuantian's greatness, Uncle Lin said kindly: "Since then, the world has developed on a positive side. Xuantian's talent is unparalleled, surpassing the times. I don't know how many, and he can always come up with something to make all living beings intoxicated. The games, movies, stories, and music of the world have never been outdated even for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer."

Special He and I live in different worlds with different styles, such as fantasy, fantasy, magic, science fiction, horror, nonsensical, inexplicable, martial arts, fairy tales, etc., which cannot be described at all. As long as you combine the form of the tomb world at that time, you can produce works corresponding to the different world. , can easily lead the trend, and there will be no day when inspiration runs out.

"Later, the Heaven-defying level was no longer the strongest, and Xuantian created a higher realm, a realm that could truly compete with the Heavenly Dao back then."

"It's actually not quite right to say it's creation, because when Xuantian smashed the evil heavenly way, he was a peerless master in that realm, and he just figured out how to let others step into that realm."

"And this is not the end. After many years, Xuantian has been breaking through the shackles of the past, so that all beings can go higher and farther."

"If it is said that when the evil Heavenly Dao was in the past, the Heaven-defying level and the Heaven-defying king were the first echelons, and the peak of the heavenly rank was the second echelon, then at a certain period after the birth of Skynet, the evil Heavenly Dao at the beginning was reduced to the first echelon. The masters of the third echelon are about the same status as the original heavenly masters."

After talking about this, Uncle Lin coughed several times, and finally even bent down, dripping blood on the ground, which woke up the little girl who was wandering in the illusory world that Uncle Lin woven, with a deep feeling Sorrow surfaced in my heart.

She walked behind Uncle Lin, tapped his back lightly, bit her lip and said, "Uncle, do you want to ask Granny Zhu to come and see?"

Grandma Zhu is a doctor in Zhu Village. It is said that she was a celebrity in the city when she was young, and her medical skills are extremely superb.

"No need, uncle's body is best understood by uncle."

Uncle Lin endured the pain and waved his hand.

If he really followed the old lady's prescription, the grass on his grave would be three feet high. This situation is also very good now, which is a rare experience in life.

Among his countless projections, there are also sick and consumptive ghosts,

But compared to the total number of projections, there are too few projections with serious illnesses, far less than one in a billion.

Compared with those projections that need to save themselves, the Yingshen manifested by Yingyuan can wait until the time comes to kick his legs, and it will be fine if he dies. Now Uncle Lin is just hanging on his life reluctantly, and he will die when the time comes.

As for the 'timing', it all depends on Lin Yang's feeling, it may be a few days, or it may be millions of years.

"A mortal with a stooped figure, but he insisted on lingering for millions of years? Wouldn't he die if his wish was fulfilled?"

The thought flashed in his mind, Uncle Lin gasped for breath a few times, and he said, "Uncle won't die for a while, girl, don't worry."

Seemingly because of his weakness, he leaned against the wall and said with a smile: "Later, the original method of Inner Heaven and Earth was also replaced by a new practice method. Xuantian redefined the three major stages of practice."

"Mortal Realm, Dao Realm, Celestial Realm..."

"In the four heavens of the Mortal Realm, the pinnacle is the great master, and the martial arts cultivation has reached the pinnacle."

"Thirty-six changes in the Dao realm, one change is a heaven, and a master who has cultivated the thirty-six changes can transform the dusty land into the universe with a flick of his fingers, and draw the power of heaven and earth to create all things and all living beings, also known as the state of otherness. .”

"Xuantian has been exploring the mysteries of the heavenly realm, and now his cultivation is so advanced, he has mastered all the mysteries, and he is completely able to say 'true way of heaven'."

Uncle Lin slowly described all the changes in the Tomb of God World since he left.

This is not a special case. As long as the world view of the other world does not lock the upper limit directly from the source, then all the projections of the other world will be able to use various means to approach the realm of the main body. There is an exception in the world where human beings are completely not allowed to practice.

"Wow, in charge of all mysteries, turning dust into a flood!"

The little girl was amazed.

Among so many stories, the follow-up story of the tomb of the gods is the only story that makes her feel the most powerful. Maybe any monk in the high realm can pick up the wishful golden hoop like the Monkey King and the sea god Tang San Rod and Trident of Poseidon.

In her simple logic, even if she can pick up that kind of artifact, she is not as good as Monkey King and the others, not to mention the so-called heaven realm after the realm.

"Xuantian is so powerful!"

The little girl worshiped her, and there was a little bit of starlight in her eyes.

When she was excited, she heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground, and her heart tensed suddenly, and she looked around and saw Uncle Lin, who was still telling a story just now, fell to the ground unconscious.

After a moment of astonishment, she let out an exclamation, and the little girl couldn't stop crying, she ran to Uncle Lin and shook his body.

"Uncle, uncle..."

The children who were eavesdropping on the story outside the house sensed something was wrong, and rushed in without caring about exposing it.


after one day.

After Uncle Lin woke up leisurely, the little girl with a flustered face caught his eyes. He remembered the cause and effect, and sighed, and said, "Girl, after Da Zhuang was taken to cultivate immortals by the immortals, I can see that you also have feelings for immortal cultivation in your heart." Longing."

"Uncle's body is not good, and he doesn't have much ability, but when he was a businessman, he was chased by robbers and had to jump off the cliff. Unexpectedly, with the blessing of God, he not only survived, but also got a kind of blood in the cave halfway up the mountain. The divine liquid called the power of origin and an incomplete cultivation technique."

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