From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred and ninety-seven Zhuxian spirit body, Ganges sand spirit body

After coming to the perfect world, Xuannv, who has practiced for many years, is still in the perfect state of good fortune, but her combat power is much stronger than when she left the lord of the first life. It is quite easy for one person to fight ten normal good fortune.

However, the real world limited to the body is only in its infancy, and it cannot be complete without going to the other side. Even if Xuannv adjusts her inner scene according to the rules and basic structure of the perfect world, her growth is still very slow, and she wants to go to the other side in the perfect world.

"The various ministries have long been perfected, even if the emperor's seat is high, they can still run in an orderly manner. If you have time to go out and walk more, for the suffering beings, the world seen through the projection and the world seen by the real body are very different after all. .”

Lin Yang earnestly taught.

"Even if I take you back to the first life and let you go to the other side there, it will be difficult to cover the time when you return to the perfect world. Compared with the normal other side, you have many external characteristics. It can only be said that the disability among the other side."

"Only the series of Dao fruit prototypes can truly cover the long river of time in the perfect world. Otherwise, it would be difficult for you to be alone."

Thinking of throwing all the work that the Emperor of Heaven should be responsible for to Xuannv, Lin Yang said earnestly: "Self-destructing the embryonic form of the real world, only the countless universes in the body are left. In this way, starting from the sky, travel through the world, and understand In all times, when the world inside your body is the same as the world inside and outside the world, that power can make you break free from the boundless sea of ​​suffering in this world, and merge countless future bodies with the past. It is not weaker than any embryonic form of Dao Fruit in the first life."

Lin Yang went on to say something about not being older and stronger, but stronger and older. Finally, he saw that Xuannv destroyed the prototype of the real world in her body, and at the same time changed the basic structure of the world in her body. Countless universes are preserved, and a higher level of reality is no longer conceived.

Seeing that Xuannv, who was especially capable and also a foot-washing maid, had made up her mind, Lin Yang turned over her hands and took out the plain cloud border flag.

Immortal mist flows on the surface of the plain-colored Yunjie flag. At this time, there is no wind and the flag is constantly fluttering. It looks like it is just an ordinary magic weapon.

But in Xuannv's eyes, what kind of dense fairy mist flows on the treasure flag? It is clearly a world of heavens and myriad worlds with different shapes from other worlds. You can see the boundless hazy fairy fog.

"This treasure is given to you to protect yourself."

Lin Yang casually tossed the plain cloud border flag to Xuannv.

As for why the treasure of the golden mother is in his hands, it was a long, long time ago.

To sum it up, they were forced to fight back, kill people, and seize treasures.

Therefore, the Suse Yunjie Banner, Tianzhu Axe, and Liuhun Banner, the three magic weapons of the other side, and the magic weapon, became Lin Yang's things logically.

As for what Gu Xiaosang uses, anyway, he doesn't care if it's not his wife.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift."

Xuannv did not refuse, and accepted after saluting.

The relationship between her and Lin Yang is not that of an ordinary subordinate, but a capable and capable confidant.

If she doesn't have a treasure of the other side, she can only deal with the creatures standing in the highest realm of the heavens when she is out walking, and she can only use ubiquity or projection instead of death, and it is difficult to confront them head-on.

But mastering a treasure of the other side is different. As long as her countless projections have not died out, and the speed of death does not exceed the speed of birth of natural projections, she can use the plain cloud border flag to fight against a supreme being in the heavens. At least it can be delayed for tens of thousands of years.


Immortal world.

The ruthless person who almost died at the hands of some old monsters from the aborigines is hiding in a small thousand world to heal her injuries. Her injuries are extremely serious. Two-thirds of her body has been turned into flesh and the remaining third has broken bones and tendons. , There is not a single intact bone in the whole body.

In addition to the physical injuries, the Yuanshen's injuries were even more serious. If it was an ordinary monk, he would have died long ago.

Since he appeared as a 'Xuan Ling', Lin Yang didn't make a move like a bystander. Even though the spirit body of Shenhuo was not far from where the old monsters of the aborigines made their moves, they were still practicing hard work.

He can see the phantom of a white-clothed empress in the soul of a ruthless person... or in the depths of fate, which is a symbol of the "Wonder of Time·White-clothed Empress" in the chaotic era that came into being at this time, Even if the ruthless man really died tragically at the hands of several immortal ancient monsters, in the era of the ruthless man, there will be another empress in white clothes who will emerge as the times require, and the experience will not be different from that of the ruthless man.

Other monks became strong step by step from weak to strong, and then reversed time and space to go back to the past, and because the wonders of time are living beings, they became destined to become quasi-immortal emperors when they came to Ruthless.

Not only ruthless people like this, Ye Tong, Ye Fan, Wushi, and the three quasi-immortal emperors who will be hostile in the future are all destined for this. But it made Lin Yang complain for a long time, but later he understood when he stood tall.

"As long as the divine fire spirit body continues to engrave the avenue symbols, it will be able to steadily improve its cultivation. Before the avenue inscribed with the one-element immortal energy touches the realm of the emperor, no energy is needed."

Lin Yang said to himself.

The power of his spiritual body has only barely crossed eight great realms. It is enough to humbly claim to be the strongest god fire in history, but this power is still far from the supreme height of the heavens he set for his spiritual body. Too much, still work to do.

"The spirit body of Shenhuo no longer occupies energy for a short time, and can start to practice the new spirit body."

Along with the idea, there should be two more spiritual bodies in history near the main body of the dharma body.

One is a spirit body majoring in array formation. Lin Yang is going to carve the Zhuxian sword formation on the spirit body. After completely perfecting the Zhuxian sword formation from shallow to deep, it will be the highest level of the heavens. After all, it is also a killing formation of the other side series. It's not the kind of weak formations in the original works of Weak Honghuang and Fengshen Yanyi.

And the second spirit body will transfer the blood of the fellow practitioners and transform them into spirits.

Based on a certain supposedly famous "Suppressing Prison Strength", and combined with the world view of the perfect world, he created the practice method of the second spiritual body. The special projection that entered was too terrifying because of its talent, and was killed before it was awakened, but Lin Yang felt that the "Ganghe Sand" he created should not be weak. Just absorb the energy, and with one punch, all the laws and order will be blown away, obliterating the Dao, and opening up the world again in the chaotic energy around him, creating an invincible body.

"Ganges sand..."

Lin Yang's eyes turned, and a spiritual body suddenly turned into rays of light as many as the sands of the Ganges River.

Every ray of light is sublimated to the utmost in the realm of transforming spirits, and instantly becomes an individual, a villain as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River.

"The next step is to cultivate each villain to the extreme state of blood movement and reunite, so that a single blow can be as powerful as the sand of the Ganges River."

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