From the Perfect World

1035th Tower 6 Advanced World

In the eyes of Lin Yang, the nine chaotic universes in the Manghuangji world belong to the strong type of universe in the strong multiverse. Each chaotic universe has quite a lot of territory, and any territory can almost be regarded as the scale of the weak multiverse. , the super continent that was the predecessor of the nine chaotic universes is approaching, and it is even considered a super multiverse.

But among the two multiverses at the same level, the strongest is not at the same level. Some people are so strong that they surpass the limitations of multiverses, can run amok in super multiverses and even infinite multiverses, and can destroy the multiverses they were born in one breath. And even if someone is the strongest in this multiverse, he can only rely on the power of the entire multiverse. Even if he is very strong, he can't compare to a strong person who can blow out the multiverse in one breath.

"Perfect and Infinite Hunyuan are infinitely diverse, and the first life is super diverse, and the world of the prehistoric calendar is half a strong multivariate, at least it was like this when I projected the fall. If you count the worlds other than the pluralistic of the prehistoric calendar, then the entire world view of the prehistoric calendar There is also a super multiverse, but the worldview and realm are as special as the first life, and it is possible to produce infinitely diverse and even beyond infinitely diverse powerhouses."

"The grandmist space is filled with high-level energy such as the grandmist aura, which is quite special, and the entire world view can barely be regarded as a strong multi-level."

Lin Yang's thoughts turned.

He didn't calculate the scale based on the universe developed by the masters of Hongmeng and Rogier. The bones and soul are melted by the aura of the primordial spirit, and it is only a thought of the primordial to promote anyone to become a celestial being.

According to Lin Yang's thinking, the universe and the acquired creatures in the universe should not exist in the primordial space at all. For practitioners, everything they practice is just something created by the primordial. To survive in space, unless one has the ability to live in the primordial space due to an accident that cannot be replicated, it is obviously not a path that the public can take.

Because of the butterfly effect caused by Rogier's projection, Linley, who was supposed to be the master of Hongmeng, was not brought to the brink of death by someone who became a soul mutant of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. One of the eleven masters at the top of all living beings in the dragon universe.

It is nothing to ordinary creatures in the universe, but for some people who know the primordial space and the masters of the grandmist, the Panlong universe or the star-changing universe is simply powerless. If you can't become the main god, it depends on whether you can pick up the main godhead. The latter is better. In theory, if you have enough strength, you can get the chance to become Tianzun in Tianzun Mountain.

It has nothing to do with strength that Rogier became the controller of the primordial spirit back then. It was all due to good luck. If Lin Yang could do it all over again, it would not be guaranteed based on Lin Yang's strength at that time.

"Whether time passes between different worlds depends on whether I or my consciousness stays in that world. It is common sense to say that after the fall of the future saint, if I go to the prehistoric world again, it will be the next moment after the fall of the special projection." ,but……"

Lin Yang’s special projections in different worlds are more than trillions of megabytes. Of course, many special projections died after awakening. For example, when the special projections were extremely weak, they caught up with the collision between river systems, supernova explosions, etc. Disasters that are impossible to resist, and some of these special projections of death have completely dissipated under the setting of the world view, and some other worlds have functions such as reincarnation and reincarnation, thus opening the next life.

This kind of special projection that was reincarnated but was too weak to break the mystery of the womb at the time of death would also make the time of the different world pass. Tai Yi has already made a move, so the special projection of the future saint should be completely out of his wits. I only hope that the space of the main god many years later will be powerful enough to create the reincarnation of the future saint. level saint.

"The purpose of the main god space is to gather the reincarnations of saints,

Although the way I was sanctified at that time was a bug, I was still a saint after all, and should be within the goal of the main god's space. "

"Although Tai Yi and Di Jun had already rushed to the streets during the official operation of the main god space, as long as they can get in touch with the prehistoric world, this is not a problem at all."

He thought so in his heart, but Lin Yang didn't give much hope for it. After the completion of the main god space, the prehistoric peoples have long been rats on the street, and the atmosphere of the entire multiverse has also changed into the very familiar link of human infighting and entrapment of the sages.

The way he, the number one sage of mankind, became holy is truly astonishing. Even if his deeds were not completely wiped out by Tai Yi and Di Jun, the strong human race may not be willing to see him reappear, and the division has long been over. cake.

Therefore, Lin Yang still puts his hope of rediscovering the prehistoric world on the continuous release of new special projections. The revenge of killing his life back then is not important to Lin Yang, who dies tens of thousands or millions of special projections every day, but lost The connection with the prehistoric world made him brood, so even though he was so strong, he still had resentment towards Tai Yi and Di Jun, these two ant-like things.

"If the saints in the future don't die, after I ascended in the prehistoric world, I would have surpassed the embryonic form of the Dao fruit long ago. The speed is completely out of proportion."

While his thoughts were turning, he, who was comprehending the mysteries of a new source world, separated tens of trillions of special projections in his thoughts, and then threw them to different different worlds with the help of the 'system'.

Basically, every year Lin Yang will distribute tens of trillions of projections, but it has been so long, and there are only so many high-level worlds, and only single digits meet the normal multiverse standard.


Lin Yang's expression moved slightly, and some interest finally rose in his eyes.

About 97% of these special projections have been awakened, and 97% of tens of trillions is also an extremely large number. If it weren't for Lin Yang's computing power, which has surpassed the limit of time, and also It can calculate all the causes and effects of countless multiverses in one thought, and the huge amount of information awakened by special projections will make people fall into a short trance.

He will have this kind of demeanor, not because he saw the prehistoric world, but another high-level different world. According to his division, it should at least have a super multiverse level. It would not be surprising if it is an infinite multiverse level.

"It's still in the period of Dragon Snake's national's too early."


The next chapter is still zero...

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