From the Perfect World

One thousand three hundred sixty-six uneasy

The latest website: Chu Yu didn't expect that this extremely powerful weapon was not taken to the fairyland, but stayed in the nine heavens and ten places.

Not long ago, he was in a daze. He never thought that the Emperor Killing Spear would appear in the world. Even if he had not seen this terrifying weapon that belonged to an emperor of immortality, he knew it from the ruins excavated later. There is such a terrifying weapon.

How strong is the weapon of the emperor who surpassed the fairy king? Chu Yu was curious before, but it's a pity that let alone in this world, there are only a handful of such treasures even in the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries. I heard that the ancient artifacts originating from foreign lands and burial fields belong to the emperor-level treasures, and then each of them in the sea of ​​​​boundary A large realm has been opened up on this side, and there are countless kings in it.

"Killing the emperor...referring to killing the emperor of the immortal way?"

The Immortal Emperor who looked like a boy took a deep breath.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, he also knew that the supreme person who surpassed the supreme fairy king was the emperor.

As far as he knows, the Heavenly Emperor is such a person, and the Huangtian Emperor is also in this ranks. They are all incredible existences that surpass the Eternal Immortal King.

Giving the weapon the title of Emperor Killer, how confident it should be.

Chu Yu led him to walk in the misty chaos. There was a hint of reminiscence in his eyes, and he said: "I don't know how many eras before the Immortal Era, before the years so long that the fairy kings would forget, the Immortal Realm walked out An emperor wanted to quell the calamity on the other side of the boundary sea, but ended up dying on the other side of the boundary sea."

"The most vicious weapon that killed the emperor of the Immortal Realm was the Emperor Slaying Spear. It is rumored that the emperor's blood on the spear peak is still wet."

The Immortal Emperor was shocked when he heard the words. For the first time, he heard that apart from the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Huangtian, other emperors had been born in the world of Immortal Realm.

Thinking that the Emperor Slaughter Spear had appeared in nine heavens and ten places, he hesitated, "Could it be possible..."

Knowing what he was going to say, Chu Yu nodded and said, "During the chaotic years, the Emperor of Heaven crossed the sea and encountered three immortal emperors on the other side of the boundary sea. I don’t know how many universes were destroyed in the First World War, across the boundary sea, and lasted for countless tens of thousands of years, from the end of the boundary sea to the vicinity of the fairyland.”

Hearing these words, the Immortal Emperor felt chills in his heart. In the hands of those people, the universe seemed to be reduced to a counting unit.

As for how Chu Yu learned about it, he guessed it. According to Chu Yu's sense of the battle between the Heavenly Emperor and the three immortal emperors (?),

The reverse deduces the possible course of the matter.

"Later, the Immortal Realm was about to be destroyed, and the Heavenly Emperor paid an unimaginable price and finally killed the three Immortal Emperors. The Huangtian Emperor seemed to be the Immortal King Realm that was broken during that period. As for the Emperor Killing Spear, it naturally fell into the hands of the Heavenly Emperor hands."

Chu Yu said so.

The Immortal Emperor was thoughtful, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven was concerned that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were his hometown, so he left behind the most ferocious weapon, the Emperor Slaying Spear.

The two walked a long way in the chaos, but they didn't see the trace of the Emperor Slaying Spear. In the end, Chu Yu frowned.

"It's strange, it's obviously moving in a straight line, why haven't I seen the Emperor Slaying Spear here?"

Even if the power of an imperial figure cannot be underestimated, Beidou is almost half a universe away from the border of the universe, and Chu Yu and the Immortal Emperor have also traveled a long, long way in the chaos. If you go to this area, you might lose your way, and you can't find the way back to the nine heavens and ten places.

Chu Yu paused slightly, and said: "In the last era, there were no gods even in the immortal artifacts, but I heard that there were gods in the emperor-level treasures. Although the power of humanity is very weak, the gods in the Emperor Killing Spear Maybe he felt something under the stone emperor's blow, so he woke up from a deep sleep, and then disappeared by himself."

Now only this reason can explain why the Emperor Killing Spear is not here, but there are also contradictions in it, such as the power of a mere humane monk, can it really make an emperor-level treasure god feel?

Chu Yu also had a second guess in his mind, but it was too scary.

That is the king in the Tomb of Immortal Kings, one step earlier than him, has taken away the Emperor Killing Spear, if this is true, it undoubtedly shows that the king is in good condition, awake all the year round, even bored, and will pay attention Dispute between humane ants.

If not, how could it be possible to come here so quickly and take away the Emperor Spear when the Emperor Slaughter Spear did not reveal its breath.

This made Chu Yu shudder a little. Thinking that his every move in these years might be watched by a real king, he felt a little creepy in his heart.


The universe is wild.

A world-ending battle broke out here, the star field was shattered, the void was almost turned into nothingness, and time froze from time to time.

The decisions of the supreme beings are not wrong, but they don't know that there are creatures in this universe who are strong enough to enter chaos under their noses, so they are fighting with their lives in order to fight for the right to belong. Now the battle is so fierce that it can be said to be stronger than For the slaughter on the road to immortality, except for not being sublimated to the fullest, all the supremes have used the means of suppressing the bottom of the box.


A certain supreme imperial soldier exploded, and the god inside the weapon disappeared in the flames, and after the slight pain in the heart of that supreme, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he directly swallowed up the remaining life energy of his own imperial soldier. Let your own combat power be closer to the peak.

"Three Lives Three Worlds!"

There is a supreme shout, turmoil in the world, and a terrible breath bursts out.

The world is illusory, the past universe is presented on one side, the present universe is presented on the other side, and the future universe is presented on the other side.

This supreme self, self, and ego sit cross-legged in different universes, reciting the supreme scriptures and communicating with each other.


Immeasurable rays of light filled the starry sky, and all means of observing here were completely ineffective.

The powerhouses of the Big Dipper Starfield are hurrying to evacuate this place. No one knows what the outcome of this supreme melee will be, but with the lessons learned from the Stone Emperor, no one can predict that the supreme who wins in the end will launch a dark turmoil.

Moreover, after mastering the Emperor Killing Spear, no one will be the opponent of that Supreme. Those Supremes who have not fallen in this battle will inevitably devour the energy of all living beings, so as to maintain their state in the next battle The road to immortality opened for the first time.

All of a sudden, many people became nervous, and as some strong men crossed the star field, all the origins of life in the starry sky also learned about this matter. Countless strong men had to do their best while being frightened. A bad plan is different from Shihuang alone. The dark turmoil caused by many supreme beings will definitely sweep the entire universe. After all, the universe is not very big, and the stars with life can be counted.

"Will the Supremes fall in the battle? How many Supremes can survive?"

There are powerful people all over the starry sky worrying. They sensed the terrifying divine power coming from the frontier of the universe. Everyone felt a little cold and worried.

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