From the Perfect World

One thousand four hundred and thirteen expectations

"Beginning in a perfect world ()"

The two supreme kings didn't know which time and space they entered along the long river of time. Chu Yu could only see them rushing to the upper reaches of the long river of time. The opportunity to try followed, but the dangers in that were also self-evident.

After a moment of weighing, Chu Yu chose to hold back. With his strength, he was a hindrance in this world, let alone going to the past time and space where he had to be bound.

After a while, because the war subsided, the long river of time gradually disappeared in the world, only the terrifying scene of the creation of the world and the end of all things remained, indicating that there was once a fierce battle with the supreme eternal ones. Now they have left this time and space, and the Dao marks are still eternal. Waiting for the terrifying fluctuations, even the strongest of the most humane can't get close to it.

When Chu Yu was running the holy method of healing, he also came to the side of Jianxian and Ruanrendao. He looked at Jianxian who had left Zhanxiantai and didn't say much, and he didn't mention the original 'sentence', but said: "The immortal The king's battlefield has been transferred to another time and space, and the nine heavens and ten lands have escaped, at least before An Lan wins, the nine heavens and ten lands will not be destroyed."

"If the power of the king has the nature of destruction and destruction, then it will make the world go to perish faster. On the contrary, it can create the world and create an eternal golden world, so that the strong in one side of the world will become stronger, gradually surpass, and always surpass. on other universes."

Chu Yu looked at the aftermath of the destruction caused by the two supreme kings, and felt a little throbbing in his heart. To erase these traces, he would have to spend hundreds of thousands of years or even longer, and only the quasi-immortal kings can do it. This kind of method is even close to being a true immortal.

If Chu Yu didn't care about this matter, even after tens of millions or billions of years passed, the traces of the Dao of Tiannv and An Lan would still not change, let alone dissipate between the heaven and the earth, even if it became weaker, it would be impossible.

Regarding the horror of the power of the Immortal King, the creatures in this world may not be able to detect the strangeness, because when the world view changes, everything in various senses also changes. This has nothing to do with strength, and only Lin Yang understands that in Now that the world view has changed several times, how much stronger the Immortal King in this era is than in the Chaos Ancient Era.

If most of the fairy kings in the Chaotic Era are almost the same as the legendary consummated golden immortals of the first generation, then in the Zhetian Era, even the weakest fairy king series will not be weaker in destructive power than the legendary consummation The great power of the golden immortal is to destroy an infinite universe with one blow. As for the stronger group of immortal kings, they are already close to great supernatural powers.

Based on this, the strength of quasi-immortal emperor-level and immortal emperor-level powerhouses has also been significantly improved invisibly, otherwise the supreme being of the heavens in the boundless blood sea would be many times more miserable than he is now.

According to Lin Yang's guess, as time gets closer and closer to the era of the Holy Ruins, the world view should change many times, and each change may be related to strength. Maybe at that time, even an ordinary fairy king would He can open up an unknown number of universes with his thoughts, and an unknown number of palm-destroyed realms. He has the quasi-immortal emperor-level combat power of the chaotic ancient era.

Although this is nonsense in Lin Yang's eyes, it is the fact that it is helpless. Under the repeated changes in the world view, and in the situation where the new settings are suspected of overwriting the old settings, the immortal emperor-level creatures are changing from his original cognition. The 'Multiple Worlds Master' has grown into a 'Multiple Worlds Super Power'. The span here is not a star and a half. He has seen similar situations in different worlds, but they are all combined with multiple different worlds as a whole. Only then can it be discovered.

Among other things, Lin Yang's deepest memory is the prehistoric world. He suspected that a single nuclear cleansing in his era could kill almost all the gods in the world. This is still a bit of face. In other words, judging from the fact that Jinxian is being chased by hundreds of mortals and running all over the mountain, a modern army in a powerful country can challenge the heavens.

At present, he has discovered the strongest prehistoric type of different world, and the strongest person in it is close to the immortal emperor of the Shading Era. As for the prehistoric calendar world that once had karma, Lin Yang is temporarily excluded.

With so many special projections going to different worlds, Lin Yang knows that there must be a few of them who have gone to stronger prehistoric worlds or simple super-advanced worlds, but in common sense, the former either have the jurisdiction of Heaven and Dao, or there are a bunch of them from various settings in the Middle East. Putting together the perverted Da Luo and Hunyuan in the end, the latter also has similar super existences, either creatures or rules. His special projection is already extraordinary and will attract the attention of the strong, unless the base is large It has reached a frightening point to fight for the probability, otherwise it is almost impossible to grow and awaken smoothly in those super worlds.

The Dragon Snake World is the most obvious example. If his special projection hadn't been awakened early enough, he would definitely be brought by Jiang Dajiao and everything in the world to disappear in the flames in the end.

At this time, Lin Yang, who was preparing for a "game version update" for Dragon Snake World, didn't care much about the nine heavens and ten earths. As he said, since he had written the script, his fate was doomed. Unfortunately, in this episode, he didn't leave An Lan with the so-called glimmer of life, escape, etc., so that An Lan had more possibilities.

Although he didn't have a big grudge with An Lan, he initially grew up with the resources of the nine heavens and ten lands. He had to give an explanation to all the living beings who died under An Lan's hands in the last years of Xiangu. As for the resurrection, Lin Yang came to this place I don't know how far it is. In fact, for all living beings, and even a very few superpowers, death is a kind of ultimate liberation.

The death of Demon King Pu was similar, otherwise would the Emperor Slaying Spear really have spiritual wisdom? Just at the most critical moment of Pu Mowang's return, he crucified the immortal king giant.

Suddenly, studying how to play... Lin Yang, who was transforming the dragon and snake world, was moved. He raised his head and looked at the inexplicable place.

There is not really anything there, except for the ancient chaos, there is nothing there, and his reaction is just a habit of many years, and the reason for this is that Lin Yang vaguely sensed that a fallen special projection was revived, but The state should be wrong, otherwise he should get in touch with that different world by now.

"The prehistoric world? Is it the future?"

Lin Yang's thoughts turned.

Every moment he has thousands of special projections falling, but for so many years, the only special projection that he cares about is the projection of the future sage in the prehistoric world. If the projection of the human race in the 'Wei' tribe didn't die halfway, he didn't have to be so cautious when he returned to the world of the Lord of the First Life, and he had to consider his words and deeds for a long time.

"Is it that world..."

It has to be said that Lin Yang had some expectations.

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