From the Perfect World

1431 Waidan method

The whole world was covered by endless white light, which melted everything. In the center of the endless light, Ye Yu, the chairman of the assembly, who was jumping with divine fire, was like an innate god, majestic and sacred, and no one dared to offend.

The eyes of a legendary dwarf race jumped wildly. He could see the mountains and land disintegrating at the microscopic level. Under the washing of white light, they disintegrated into endless fundamental particles in an instant. Looking at its scope, even the cities on the Great Desolate Continent would collapse in an instant. It turned into basic particles, and the most important point, it seems that the chief speaker of the business alliance is just planning to clean up this mountainous area, and he didn't make a move with all his strength, otherwise the legends present would inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

"Wu Ming, the Giant God Weapon is not something you can master."

Ye Yu is the spiritual seat of the angel family, so he has a humanoid appearance and a pair of wings on his back, but he is not a flesh and blood body, but a living body with positive energy.

The pure white light that can instantly annihilate the legend is nothing to him, it seems as easy as breathing.

"Chairman, treasures are always home to those who are destined. I was the first to discover the traces of the Giant God Soldiers. Naturally, I have to try to identify the owner."

Wu Mingfeng answered lightly, but he was far from as relaxed as he looked, and secretly squeezed a cold sweat in his heart. After all, he is the general speaker of the business alliance, and his status and strength are second only to the only immortal god of the business alliance, the Goddess of Wealth. .

However, he also has full confidence in his own thigh, so he took the initiative to use the Giant God Soldier as a bait to set up the kill.

"It's really a pity that a hero has fallen like this."

Ye Yu's wings fluttered slightly, and he looked down at the crowd with no emotion in his eyes, like a cold and heartless god.

Although his words sounded regretful, the chill inside made everyone tremble. Ye Yu said: "Although your ancestor dracolich is a demigod, the gap between a demigod and a spiritual position will not be smaller than that of a non-legend and a legend. Letting the dracolich protect you is delusional."

When the indifferent words came out, rays of light appeared in Ye Yu's palm, strands of light, like the dawn piercing through the night.

"No matter what you rely on, unless the Holy Spirit descends into the world, today..."

Ye Yu froze when he said this, a look of incredulity appeared on Gu Jing Wubo's face, he raised his arm and looked at it, his heart sank.

His positive energy body is gradually fading, and the divine fire is gradually extinguished. The darkness of his heart originally illuminated by the divine fire is also surging, trying to pull his will into the deepest and most terrifying darkness.

"What is it?"

Ye Yu's face was a little distorted, he felt that his will was being torn apart bit by bit, as if an invisible giant beast was chewing him, and regarded a strong spiritual figure as food, it was difficult to put into words the extreme pain To describe it, even looking directly at the dark sea of ​​the soul, Ye Yu who ignited the divine fire couldn't bear it.

Wu Ming also saw that something was wrong with Ye Yu. He instinctively looked to the future and knew that it was his thigh that made the shot.

He originally thought that this would be a battle, even if his thigh was a holy place back then, and now he meets a strong man with a spiritual position not long after his resurrection, no matter how strong he is, he will have to use seven or eight moves, but the facts tell him that his thigh is really It's very thick, very thick, and he has actually concentrated his attention, just wanting to see how his thigh will make a move, but Ye Yu is instantly killed when he waits.

Yes, was spiked.

It seemed that Ye Yu could still fight like a beast, but Wu Ming was keenly aware that Ye Yu had fallen, and now Ye Yu in front of him was just an ember, the last trace of a strong man who was only one step away from the holy god, and he was unwilling obsession.

Not only Wu Ming saw it, but also several demigods and many legends nearby. Perhaps many legends were still unable to confirm this, but the expressions of every demigod changed, and they were all extremely shocked. Ignite its own divine fire, it is an anti-entropy creature, and of course it is many times more sensitive than the legend.

"The chief speaker has fallen?"

The demigod of the dwarves stared wide-eyed, couldn't help but feel hairy, and looked around for a long time, trying to find out what caused a powerful spiritual figure to fall inexplicably in an instant.

"The Second Emperor of the East Heaven stipulated that the holy gods are not allowed to descend to the mortal world at will to interfere with all kinds of mortal affairs. If so, how could Ye Yu fall so bizarrely!"

"Could it be... a meme?"

A demigod turned pale.

He can compete with ordinary memes. After all, demigods are not just talking about it. Even if the essence of memes is a bug in the multiverse, it is an innate spiritual treasure that breeds problems, but there are also strengths and weaknesses. The meme of death - not even the holy gods can ignore, must be considered a threat.

In this short moment, Ye Yu, who was suppressing the beast-like roar, finally faded away completely. Any demigod could see that Ye Yu's will was muddled before he disappeared completely, as if he had been cursed by something. Let the will of a lofty spirit become a beast.

Someone also thought of Wu Ming, but quickly rejected this guess, which is too ridiculous.

When many strong men were suspicious, Wu Ming saw a pure white ball condensed beside Future. He was very familiar with that pure light, which was the light of purification displayed by Ye Yu. In the bead, I saw the changing gossip runes and more and more derived runes.

Thinking that the more illusory Ye Yu was, the more solid the pure white ball would become, Wu Ming gradually had a guess in his heart.

The way of cultivation is all-encompassing. Of course, there is also the method of extracting bones and refining the soul. In his opinion, his own thighs should have used similar methods. As for morality, Wu Ming doesn't care at all. He talks about morality with all races? That's completely brain-dead. Before talking about this, look at the huge number of human beings who have been abused, killed, and played with to death.


When Wu Ming's thoughts turned, he saw that the pure white bead shattered, and the derived runes collapsed one after another.


His vision remains the same in the future, and he didn't expect to succeed the first time. As long as he can accumulate enough experience, he will succeed sooner or later, because the most critical and decisive first step has already been taken, and he will really succeed. A living body is transformed into an energy source that can be controlled by itself. If you insist, it should be regarded as an in vitro golden elixir, referred to as an outer elixir.

The most critical technology here is of course the means of self-cultivation with gossip runes as the core, and the second most important is the technology of the Earth Spirit Race, or the related technology used by the Earth Spirit Race to manufacture giant god soldiers. The powerhouse of this series has computing power that is light-years away from the so-called quantum computer. Using the metaphor of a cultivator, even a cultivator in the tribulation period can only hope that the computing power at this time in the future can only be far behind.

Then, Future looked at the demigods who were wondering.

Do you need a reason to kill all races?

Need not.

On the contrary, seeing ten thousand races not to kill them requires a reason, a reason that can convince the endless dead souls of the human race.

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