From the Perfect World

1470th fantasy-level memes

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Nine Leagues.

The expression of the future who was waiting for the progress of the matter suddenly changed. He looked up at the eastern sky. Kong Xuan was surprised when he saw this, and followed him to look over, but what he saw in front of him was only the clear blue sky and white clouds and stars shaped like stars There is nothing beyond the mountains.

"What's wrong?"

Kong Xuan frowned, and five-color brilliance gradually appeared in the void, and he was on guard secretly.

After a pause in the future, he said strangely: "Didn't you see it?"


Kong Xuan frowned even deeper, and said, "There is nothing but the endless sky."

In her eyes, the heaven and the earth turned into their original colors, filled with energy torrents, timelines and spacelines criss-crossed and turned into the cornerstone of everything, and the traces of the law of causality permeated everything, billions of substances seemed to become another kind of mystery state.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see anything unusual.

Future was stunned, and he murmured: "There was a flame, which dyed half of the sky red, and the Great Desolate Continent seemed to have entered dusk directly from noon."

"That direction is the East Imperial Palace. Could it be that there will be a big fight if there is a disagreement?"

According to his speculation, the wedding banquet between Donghuang Taiyi and Kunpeng should have just started for a while. Even if Wu Ming wanted to discuss human affairs with the two emperors, he should at least wait until the wedding is over. Shoot, this is impossible.

Although Donghuang Taiyi once attacked him with the title of the emperor, but in his heart, Donghuang Taiyi is an extremely proud and strong man, and it is absolutely impossible for him to give up the normal wedding ceremony just because of Wu Ming's threat on the wedding day. Process the matter of fighting.


Kong Xuan said to himself, her expression of looking at the future was not fake, and she couldn't help becoming suspicious. After a while, Kong Xuan said: "It sounds like this kind of flame is not the embodiment of energy, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it from me. perception."

The multicolored light in the void was bright, and Kong Xuan entered the fighting state. Since the East Palace has changed, she will know how to face the prehistoric people next.

"Not only is it not energy, it is also not a manifestation of matter, space, or time. It gives me an indescribably strange feeling, as if..."

In the future, I wanted to talk about the Xiantian Lingbao, and it was the top-level one, but when the words came to my lips, I said: "This kind of flame is the external manifestation of some kind of meme, and it has nothing to do with the normal flame except for the shape. , look at it this way, if it is really the influence of a meme, then this meme is likely to be a fantasy-level meme."

Kong Xuan's face changed instantly, and he lost his voice: "Fantasy level?"

The essence of memes does not need to be repeated, does not seek any logic at all, and exists in an extremely chaotic and disorderly manner. Fantasy-level memes are the strongest level of memes. The reason why they have this name is that theoretically this level of memes Because it only exists in fantasy, it cannot really appear.

Just like Xiantian Lingbao has a field of expertise, the same is true for memes. Different memes have different effects, and fantasy-level memes do not affect one universe, or hundreds or thousands of universes. They have the ability to change the nature of the multiverse. The super-horror ability, the normal situation is fine, but as long as the fantasy-level meme changes in a bad direction, it will inevitably set off a catastrophe that sweeps across the multiverse in an instant.

As for the type and form of the catastrophe, it depends on which field the fantasy-level meme is involved in. Not to mention the depth of its influence is the entire multiverse level. It is unavoidable, if there is an outbreak of fantasy-level memes called 'mentally retarded', then the IQ of all creatures in the multiverse will plummet countless times and become veritable mentally retarded.

It seems that this only affects all living beings and will not interfere with the world, but in fact, this will bring countless civilizations, planets, planes, and universes to the brink of destruction in an instant, and the balance that is usually maintained under rationality will disappear. Regardless of the consequences, what you do is no different from the mental retardation in the eyes of creatures at this time. For example, because something is too delicious,

Something was too funny, so he laughed and pressed the button of nuclear weapons, causing a nuclear chain reaction of various nuclear forces.

It's the same at a higher level. For example, Tai Yi and Di Jun, who had conflicting ideas, fought regardless of everything, destroying countless universes and sinking a large area of ​​​​the Primordial Continent.

It is precisely because of the deep understanding of the horror of fantasy-level memes that Kong Xuan, a top-level high-ranking saint, is so eclipsed. Who knows what disasters this fantasy-level meme manifested in flames will cause. Knowing that, the last time a fantasy-level meme erupted was during the melee of the ten thousand races. Although it was not a fantasy meme in the time domain, it also changed the time state of that period of time, and the time was distorted.

It's as if the time that was originally a river has become fragments of time, or countless particles. During that time, even the innate holy throne lost control over time. As for the imperial holy throne, the emperor at that time Jun is the fire crow rescued by a certain tribe of the human race, and Taiyi is also struggling.

"Nine times out of ten it is."

Future said in a deep voice, he had encountered an intermediate meme in a low latitude once, so he knew the feeling of meme.

Of course, with his strength, it is not difficult to solve the intermediate meme, so he successfully purified the meme, turning it from chaos to order, but in the end he failed to purify the meme, or the innate spirit. Po brings out the low latitudes.

At this time, the East Palace was extremely chaotic.

Someone attacked the Eastern Emperor. When Di Jun made a move, Hetu Luoshu was forcibly resisted by an innate holy throne, and the remaining attackers had three high-level holy thrones besides the holy gods.

"Cangtian mirror! Come out!"

"Wanhuatai! Out!"

Two innate spirit treasures that were second only to the top level flew out, and when the third high-level saint was released, Wu Ming was a little surprised by the sacrificed treasures.

"Chaos Orb! Come out!"

"Yin and yang are two ends. It is the biggest lie in the world to say that there is yang in yin and yin in yang. How can the extremes of yin and yang be in harmony?"

"Destroy all yin and yang, destroy all yin and yang combinations..."

"The name of our organization - burn heterosexuality, remember it, sing it, this is the ultimate truth of the multiverse!"

The assailant laughed wildly. This remark shook many saints of all races. After all, there is a congenital saint among the assailants, which is already the most powerful support for his remarks.

"Go to die, die group?!"

Dong Huangtai was extremely angry, his eyes were red as he looked at the messed up wedding banquet.

He didn't care about the Eastern Emperor Bell who was restrained by the Chaos Orb, and angrily scolded: "You really don't know how the word death is written, do you really think that it is only the spirit treasure that Di Jun and I can achieve the throne?"


A black and white thunder appeared in the palm of his hand, and Tai Yi's expression also changed from extremely angry to indifferent, as if he had changed a different person.


Uh... only one chapter today...

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