From the Perfect World

Chapter 1535 Future Enlightenment, Perfect Change

The latest website: "Our multiverse can hold about 3,900 holy seats. The elders who made great contributions to the rise of mankind at the beginning got the holy seats a hundred years ago."

"It's different from the fact that the merit value required to advance to the fifth level is constant."

"Anyone can predict that as time goes by, as our clan becomes more prosperous and there are more and more people, it will become more and more difficult to obtain the holy throne."

After the middle-aged instructor said this, some students asked: "This is not fair, at least for the clansmen who were born a long, long time later, it is not fair."

"Maybe there are less than a hundred saints in my family now, but after a long time, sooner or later the holy seats will be full. In that case, wouldn't future generations be able to become saints forever?"

They know what a holy place is.

That means infinite energy, and it is immortal, even if it falls into one of the four great Jedi in the multiverse, as long as it falls, it will be resurrected immediately.

In the prehistoric era, there may have been a superpower who could completely wipe out a holy god with great power, but in this era, the origin of any holy throne is protected by the wheel of merit.

Unless the end of the ultimate domain, endogenous multiple levels, it is impossible to completely kill a saint.

"You're thinking too far, it's something you have to think about at least tens of thousands of years later."

A female student whispered.

She has a good history, and she often pays attention to major events in human society. So far, the human race has not had a saint for 90 years. From this, it can be seen how much merit is needed to obtain the holy position.

The middle-aged mentor laughed and said, "I had the same question at the beginning, so I asked someone."

"Do you think that after being sanctified, it will be done once and for all? No."

He said and shook his head, admiringly said: "The ancestors will not allow such things to happen, so the saints will deduct different amounts of merit points every year according to their own strengths, so as to maintain the 'sacred position' and put an end to vegetarian meals in the corpse position. Occupying numerous holy places but doing nothing."

"If the merit drops to a certain level, then the wheel of merit will take back the holy position."

"In this way, future generations will naturally have the hope of becoming saints, and they will not miss everything because they were born late, and can only regret it."

"That may not be absolutely fair,

But at least it is relatively fair. "

The middle-aged tutor spoke slowly, explaining to the freshmen.

Next, each student raised their own questions, which were answered one after another.

Their questions are too tender for a middle-aged mentor who has been in this position for a hundred years, and the answers are fluent.

Later, someone asked about some things about the soul hunter system.

"Want to reach the sky in one step? This is naturally hopeful."

The middle-aged instructor talked about a rumor among the soul hunters, saying: "The twin emperors who ruled the prehistoric continent and reigned over all races in the past have not completely died. They are living somewhere in the multiverse in the form of soul beasts."

"It is speculated that at this time neither the emperor-level soul beast 'Tai Yi' nor 'Di Jun' has recovered to its peak period. After all, there is only a fragment of consciousness left by the twin emperors a hundred years ago. It can be recovered that quickly."

"And as long as you find any one of the two emperor-level soul beasts and kill it, you can get part of the essence of the other party, so as to reach the sky in one step."

"Although no one has found any traces of the two emperor-level spirit beasts so far, some people speculate that the soul ability of the Taiyi spirit ring should be 'Taitiandi', and the soul ability of Dijun's spirit ring should be 'Hunyuan Destiny', both of which can affect The moves of the multiverse are extremely terrifying."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the students present became hot.

Many people are fantasizing about such a scene——

Encounter an extremely weak emperor-level soul beast, kill it easily, and ascend to the sky in one step, becoming a fifth-level soul hunter-the hunter of the old gods.

But there were also some people who were relatively sober, thought of some loopholes, and asked: "Teacher, didn't you say that if you don't have enough merit, you can't become a fifth-order powerhouse?"

This statement also made the students stop their fantasies and looked at the instructor one after another.

"Maybe, the strength of the emperor-level soul beasts is no longer what it used to be, but the crimes they have committed will not be reduced."

"Even if the current emperor-level soul beast is only at the first level of strength, the merits obtained after killing it are far enough to become the fifth level, and the great lord will bestow a lot of heaven and earth mysterious yellow energy."

"Isn't this one step up to the sky?"

When the freshmen were full of excitement, the middle-aged instructor continued: "Nowadays, the method of obtaining merit has been found out... at least it is effective during this time period."

"1. Kill spirit beasts above the fourth rank."

"However, it should be noted that there is a considerable difference in the merits gained from killing a fourth-level spirit beast before the fifth level and killing a fourth-level spirit beast after becoming the fifth level. Obviously, the rules of the wheel of merit do not advocate meaningless slaughter. .”

"Second, defeat a group of soul beasts that have stabilized, and let them fall into an unorganized state of fleeing again."

"This may be to prevent the soul beasts from attacking the human race on a large scale, causing unnecessary casualties, or it may be the resentment in the hearts of some big shots."

"When you take the 'Prehistoric Calendar Simulation Class' in the future, you will know how miserable our situation was in the last era. The village that was just established may be wiped out because of the whim of a strong man from all races. Cannibalism for fun."

"Those who escaped by chance had to endure the misery and reorganize their villages, until not long after, let the ten thousand races be wiped out again."

"Three, open up a new plane..."

After the middle-aged teacher finished talking about several ways to obtain merit, he also talked about some precautions.

For example, one cannot kill people with high merit for no reason, or do things that are obviously not good for the human race, as this will reduce one's own merit, and if one's own merit is negative to a certain extent, it will become 'karma'.

It doesn't matter when the karma is low, but if it is high, not only is there no hope of becoming a fifth-order powerhouse, but also people will get merit after being killed.


On the Great Desolate Continent, there is an ancient city with continuous celestial light and countless shining runes.

This used to be the place where the "Wei" tribe was located in the past, and it is also the ancestral land of the human race today.

In the future, many spiritual treasures have been re-refined, such as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

But different from the previous ones, the retrained Four Swords of Zhu Xian is no longer an innate spiritual treasure, but an acquired spiritual treasure, but its power is no less than what it used to be.

When proving the Tao a hundred years ago, some of the origins of the innate spiritual treasures he devoured were the spiritual treasures owned by the human race, so of course he had to return them.

If it wasn't for the past hundred years, he would have solved some very deep hiding mice, which he should have done a hundred years ago.

After all the spiritual treasures returned to their original owners, Future slowly closed his eyes and let out a long breath of fresh air.

When he opened his eyes again, the pair of deep eyes containing the mystery of heaven and earth and the prehistoric universe had already changed. They were extremely ancient, running through the era, linking all the time in the past, present and future, and gaining insight into the changes of time and the rise and fall of all things.

"I see……"

The future remembered everything.

It turned out that a hundred years ago, he had already restored the link with his true self, no wonder everything after that was like a divine help.

Even at the time of the breakthrough, it is not difficult to reach the end of the ultimate realm in one step.

In addition to the correct path he chose, the more important thing is——

He absorbed his own incarnation of the Emperor.

Otherwise, without the background brought by this other-level incarnation, even if he becomes the ultimate, it will be difficult to directly become the ultimate end of endogenous diversity. Ding Potian is better than the ultimate endogenous single body.

In this regard, the future does not feel that there is anything bad.

His current achievements in this body are completely dependent on himself and do not depend on others. The so-called I rely on myself is absolutely correct.

"It's already gone."

Future's eyes moved slightly.

His main body left in a hurry many years ago, and a big thing happened in the perfect world, otherwise, with his character, after he successfully escaped, he would have to walk in this world and see other multiverses How is the development.


at this time.

a perfect world.

Lin Yang looked at the boundary sea.

In the past, a wave in the Jiehai was a broken universe, which was quite terrifying, but now, the Jiehai is even more terrifying.

A drop of water in a wave is a dead universe, thousands of times more terrifying than before?

Lin Yang saw it with his own eyes, when a fairy king who was crossing the sea was afraid of the "waves" formed by the universe made up of waves, not long after, the world changed, and he looked at the "waves" formed by the universe made up of drops of water. Similarly, there is no change, and I don't feel that this 'wave' has changed compared to before.

It seems that in the eyes of the other party, it has been like this from the beginning to the end, and the threat level of the 'wave' to him has not increased at all.

In other words, the strength of this Immortal King also increased correspondingly at the moment when the world changed drastically.


The author guessed it, the holy market volume will be finished in about a month, and then there is no need to bear the name of TJ =_=...

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