From the Perfect World

Chapter 1,648: The Cauldron of All Worlds, Town!

Boundary sea.

Scarlet beams of light intertwined in the dark void, pieces of debris fell, and a large amount of soul river water poured down.


All the heavens turned into divine chains of order, trying to block the starry sky, but under the surging supreme energy, these chains were broken before they could get close.

Not much time has passed since Wu Shi discovered the invasion of Soul River, but there are already true immortal-level creatures crossing the passage and descending into the world sea.

Although Wu Shi immediately killed the true immortal-level creatures that came, he still could not change the fact that the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, groups of immortal king-level creatures will cross the border, and then, several supreme creatures will arrive in their true forms.

Seeing that the development of the situation was unexpectedly bad, Wu Shi's heart sank a little bit.

He even had an impulse...

Seize the time to return to the New Immortal Realm, use the East Emperor Bell to open the door to heaven, and allow a group of powerful people to take refuge.

Although, those who are left behind will definitely be killed.

But they have preserved the main force of the Immortal Realm and left behind the seeds and hope of revenge. Sooner or later, they will return to the heavens after practicing in the heavens for a long time.

Whenever he had a choice, Wu Shi would not consider this method, but now the situation was getting worse and worse, which made him a little shaken.

Do we really want to give up on the vast majority of people?


God is more dangerous than the heavens. It is not a paradise, but a higher and broader killing field.

Wu Shi made excuses to convince himself that there was still hope now, and he had to try his best no matter what. If it didn't work, he would use the Donghuang Bell to transfer to heaven.

When Wu Shi's mind was ups and downs, Black Blood Supreme's sneer sounded in Wu Shi's ears again.

"After I kill you, your true spirit will return to the Soul River, and your Dao Ancestor blood will be..."

He told what would happen to Wu Shi after his death.

It will be divided equally by the four major forces: Soul River, Ancient Underworld, Four-pole Floating Earth, and Emperor's Burial Pit. It will definitely not be wasted.

They have always done this in past eras.

"Among your predecessors, those guys who are called emperors and ultimate evolvers all once looked at the era of being invincible, but their final outcome..."

"Without exception, they were all divided equally by us."

Black Blood Supreme reveals a cruel fact that makes people shudder.

Even in heaven, such a force that regards the supreme being, the emperor, the ultimate evolver, and the Taoist as its prey is terrifying.

Maybe they will be attacked by all the forces of God.

Placed in the heavens, the four great disasters are simply despairing.

Listening to Black Blood Supreme talking about the glory and past of Soul River, Wu Shi's eyes became more and more determined, although only his back could be seen.

But that kind of determination is extremely conspicuous and attracts attention.

"Struggle with delusions and stubbornness."

"Just one person dares to stop us, even if Emperor Yi reincarnates, he won't be able to do it. Besides, you have just entered this field not long ago."

Seeing that Wu Shi was unwavering, Black Blood Supreme snorted in annoyance.


Another large piece of debris fell from the void, and the cracks were enough to allow creatures at the peak level of true immortals to pass through.

"The last glory and essence of this world were in the previous era, and you are just a mere remnant."

Black Blood Supreme couldn't help but think of the horror of the ancient era, and his tone was a little wary.

Wu Zhangyu responded and said coldly: "In the ancient times, how dare you to cause chaos?"

By now, he probably knew about the changes in the Ancient Era, so he rarely made sarcastic remarks.

While he was delaying, he was also adjusting his state to prepare for the attack.

Wu Shi's words made Black Blood Supreme laugh violently, shaking the depths of the Soul River and the heavens.

The world is shaking and seems to be about to collapse.

Obviously, even if his true body is outside the heavens, the most powerful person who is called the supreme is still indescribably terrifying and can destroy all worlds.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Etu has been invincible since ancient times. This is true in any era. It has never changed. It is the true master of all worlds."

"Your world, that era called Chaos Ancient, may be brilliant, but it is nothing in the world."

"Even 'he' once trembled under our power and was in fear all day long. In the end, he had to flee to heaven for refuge."

Black Blood Supreme laughed, trying to cover up the fear from the bottom of his heart with laughter.

As for...

It is naturally self-evident who the ‘he’ he refers to is.

Black Blood Supreme really didn't believe that the other party who was far away in the world could still feel it without mentioning the name related to it. That was simply impossible.

Hearing Black Blood Supreme's unfailing laughter, and thinking of what the other party said, Wu Shi's heart froze slightly, and once again realized the horror of Etu.

Although Wu Shi would not completely believe it, some of the words were true and could not be refuted at all.

No matter how great a person is, there are times when he is weak, and he does not reach the peak of his life as soon as he is born.

And the evil earth has existed since ancient times, and there is a supreme being dormant. When the strength is not good, it chooses to avoid it very knowingly. If it were him, Wu Shi would do the same.

Therefore, Wu Shi didn’t think there was any problem.

"But the result is that in the last era, you didn't dare to cause trouble in the heavens, and you were not known at all by the Immortal King who disrupted the ancient era."

"No matter how tortuous the process is, the facts prove that during the chaos of the ancient era, you were afraid, terrified, and cautious for fear of being liquidated."

Wu Shi said and shouted one last time.


The Donghuang Bell burst out with overwhelming divine power, and joined forces with the Wu Shi Bell to suppress the rift in the sky.

His words also caused Black Blood Supreme's face to darken, and murderous intent overflowed.

At the same time, several Etu Supremes who were attacking the rift also looked at the Black Blood Supreme.

Their division of labor is different and each has its own responsibilities, so it is not very clear what happened in this world in the last era.

They only know that this world is extremely extraordinary, and two invincible beings who are the highest in the world have emerged one after another.

Just when someone wanted to ask something, something happened suddenly——


The blood-red hole that was originally hidden in the depths of the void suddenly glowed, and a figure holding a giant cauldron was rushing towards him, trying to enter the heavens from the sky.

But in an instant, the next moment that the supreme beings noticed the entrance of the cave, that figure also jumped into the sky, many times easier than them who had worked so hard to open the passage.

"I'm coming too!"

The Emperor shouted loudly, and the terrifying aura penetrated the world.

Looking at the cracks all over the void, he also realized that the situation was not good.

He decisively threw his Taozu weapon.


The giant cauldron soared into the sky, and the mouth of the cauldron was hazy, chaotic, and dark, but one could see multiple universes, which were terrifyingly numerous and densely packed, far more than just one.

"The Cauldron of All Worlds, Zhen!"

Following the emperor's shout, the Cauldron of All Worlds suppressed the void, causing the cracks to spread more slowly.

"God's people... No, in just hundreds of thousands of years, the heavens gave birth to a second Taoist ancestor?"

Black Blood Supreme cannot remain calm.


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