From the Perfect World

Chapter 1,653 The Emperor of Heaven is reincarnating?

"This is?"

Wu Shi asked.

He could see how much Ye Fan valued and cautious about this seed, so he was even more curious.

Emperor Zun and Empress were also similar, and they both looked at Mark, waiting for him to answer their questions.

Ye Fan didn't pretend to be mysterious, and simply explained the whole story, which made the eyes of the three Taoist ancestors become solemn.

Seeds sent by the Emperor of Heaven!

A divine object considered as ‘hope’ by the Holy One!

This is something they cannot ignore.

All the supreme beings in Lu'an are like this. Obviously, the important gender of this seed cannot be compared to the four Taoist ancestors, even the 40,000 Taoist ancestors.

"No wonder I felt that you were a little restrained when you were fighting before. It turns out that you were thinking about this seed in your heart."

Emperor Zun said.

He has known Ye Fan for the longest time, so he naturally knows Ye Fan's style better.

"It allows you to avoid being harmed by the highest energy storm..."

Wu Shi pondered, his eyes glowed with fairy light, trying to see through the seeds.

As for the so-called supreme storm, it is the supreme ripple, but in Ye Fan's eyes, this is indeed an out-and-out world-destroying storm that can end everything in the world and collapse countless heavens and worlds.

For a moment, the four Taoist ancestors all fell silent, trying their best to find out the secrets contained in the seeds and why they attracted the attention of the Emperor of Heaven.

Suddenly, Ye Fan let out a light sigh.

This made the three Taoist ancestors look at Ye Fan with inquiring expressions.

"It seems to be a little different from when I was in God. It seems to have a little vitality and is recovering."

Although he said it was 'seemingly', several Taoist ancestors were almost certain that the seeds must have changed from before, otherwise, Ye Fan would not be like this.

The cognitive ability of a Taoist ancestor is not easy to make mistakes.

"Vitality? Revival?"

Someone frowned and said to himself.

The dazzling and bright light flooded the hall, and countless heavens emerged around each Taoist ancestor. Their own avenues penetrated the infinite world and transcended eternity.


I don’t know how much time has passed.

"I saw that an ancient evolutionary path was reviving, and this seed represents extraordinary significance on that evolutionary path."

The empress told what she saw.

Coincidentally, although the observation method she used was very mysterious, it essentially originated from a casual suggestion before the rise of the Emperor of Heaven.

Perhaps it is because of this layer of cause and effect that the empress can see some scenes that Ye Fan and the others cannot see.

“An evolutionary path that is recovering?”

Ye Fan was stunned.

He couldn't help but think of the path of immortality evolution, but Ye Fan was certain that the seeds had nothing to do with the immortality. Otherwise, as an evolver who once walked the immortality, he would not have any feelings.

Thinking of the word 'ancient' mentioned by the empress, Ye Fan secretly thought: "Is it a path of evolution that is strangely contaminated like the immortal way, or is it silent for some reason?"

He searched his own memory, but he couldn't guess what kind of evolutionary path it was.

God’s evolutionary civilization is so dazzling and brilliant that it reaches its pinnacle. How many ways does it take to evolve?

Even if some of these evolutionary paths can be traced back to the same source, it does not change the fact that there are many evolutionary paths.

This also makes it impossible for Ye Fan to guess which ancient evolutionary path is being revived.

The Empress and the Emperor are similar. Although they have traveled in heaven for tens of thousands of years, they have not visited even a single place, and the information they know is not unlimited.

After the research was fruitless, Ye Fan solemnly collected the seeds.

"Have you in heaven ever heard of the Donghuang Bell or the rumors of the Ten Divine Artifacts?"

Wu Shi asked the doubts in his heart.

After hearing this, the three Taoist ancestors gave their answers one after another.


"Do you suspect that the ten great artifacts did not originally belong to the heavens?"

Emperor Zun looked at Wu Shi and guessed his doubts.

It had to be said that he was quite shocked by the power that the Donghuang Bell had shown previously.

Wu Shi is obviously the weakest among the four, but he can use the Donghuang Bell to compete with the three soul river supreme beings, and his combat power is stronger than them.

Therefore, the Donghuang Bell does not look like a divine object that can appear in the heavens.

"That's right."

Wu Shi nodded and said: "Although none of you have heard the names of the top ten artifacts in heaven, it is possible that the years when the top ten artifacts were active were too far away."

"So much so that the powerful men in this life will no longer take the initiative to mention these artifacts that have disappeared in the long ancient history."

Wu Shi expressed his guess.

Intuition told Wu Shi that if he wanted to have a deeper grasp of the Donghuang Bell, he must understand the true origin of the Donghuang Bell.

It seems that this artifact has a stronger power dormant, but he can't activate it now.

"It is indeed possible. God is too vast, and I don't know how many secrets it hides."

The three Taoist ancestors agreed.

In their eyes, God is still a mist. How many Taoist ancestors and supreme beings there are, and how many supreme beings there are.

None of them know.

Suddenly, Emperor Zun remembered something and said: "I have heard people mention it, because each evolutionary path has different names for different realms."

"It's fine in one territory or several territories, but from the perspective of the entire universe, these titles are too confusing."

"It is said that there is a set of naming standards within the most ancient heaven, covering all realms."

This kind of thing is of little significance to the heavens. The reason why Emperor Zun mentioned it is because it is related to the 'most ancient heaven'.

According to legend, the most ancient heaven came out of their heaven.

When the three Taoist ancestors looked at it, Emperor Zun said: "Use the number of 'stars' to measure strength. If you can destroy a universe, it is the 'Ten Stars'."

"Destroying countless universes is the 'twenty stars', which is almost equivalent to the Immortal King series."

"Taoist ancestors, quasi-immortal emperors, literary sages, and even all creatures of this level, a breath of breath will collapse the heavens and cause all worlds to collapse."

"If we really take action, countless heavens and realms will collapse one after another and go to destruction. In the rating of the most ancient heaven, it can be regarded as a 'thirty star'."

Emperor Zun has said this, and Ye Fan and others have also guessed that the supreme beings in the Lujin Domain are probably forty stars.

Every ten stars have a gap of countless times.

Several Taoist ancestors did not pay much attention to this matter. Emperor Zun said: "Some people have said with certainty that the most ancient heaven was established by the Emperor of Heaven, but we all know that the Emperor of Heaven is a creature that disrupted the ancient era..."

"Is the Emperor of Heaven a person of reincarnation? The Three Ancient Emperors we know are just one of his lives, but he was actually born in the oldest era?"

"If you say so, then the evolutionary path corresponding to that seed may be the evolutionary path that the Emperor of Heaven once took."

Emperor Zun went around in circles and finally talked about seeds.

The three Taoist ancestors didn't think there was anything wrong with this, and could easily follow God Zun's thinking.

"If we really understand it this way, does the silence of that evolutionary path mean that the Emperor of Heaven encountered an accident in a certain life, which led to the silence of the evolutionary path and the beginning of a new round of reincarnation?"

"The Emperor's whereabouts were a mystery many years ago. Is he also reincarnating?"


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