From the Perfect World

206 Popularize 'Common Sense' (Hall Master Qing Chlorine + 2)

January 1, 10023 in the Yulan calendar is the Yulan Festival.

Under the attention of the entire continent, the Baruch Empire was established, and its territory was once the Territory of Chaos.

Numerous kingdoms and principalities have sent envoys to congratulate and send blessings.

Not to mention that Rogier, one of the six god-level powerhouses, attended in person, but the fact that the power of the Baruch Kingdom itself defeated the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness in one fell swoop would make everyone pay attention.

After the establishment of the Baruch Empire, Lin Yang and Ao Feina did not leave immediately, but stayed here for a while.

At the same time, many sanctuaries on the Yulan Continent are ready to move, because they have all been ordered by the God of War, O'Brien, that the cemetery of the gods, which is opened once in a thousand years, will be opened again soon!

On this day, Lin Yang's family was enjoying lunch with Lin Lei and others in the imperial palace. When it was over, a guard came in from the outside and whispered a few words in Lin Lei's ear.

Cathrot from Mount Valkyrie came to visit.

"Let him in."

lei spoke.

He didn't think there was anything to shy away from.

After the guards retreated, Castrote walked in from outside the hall.

"Good day, Lord Rogier."

Castrote bowed his head deeply.

This is a God's Domain on the same level as his teacher, so he couldn't help being disrespectful, especially when O'Brien mentioned Rogier's name every time, he had a kind of dignity.

"Good day."

Lin Yang wiped the corners of his mouth and responded.

If there were no children around, he might not have responded. After all, the other party was just a sanctuary, but since Fanny and Adolf were watching, as a father, he naturally had to set an example of good manners.

Castrote was immediately flattered. This is a teacher who treats the strong with dignity, and he will respond to himself.

Calculating the emotions in his heart, Castrote thought of the purpose of coming this time.

"Before March 3 next year, Linley, you must arrive at Wushen Mountain."

He looked at Linley and stated the purpose of his trip.

"Is it because of the cemetery of the gods?"

After Linley was initially puzzled, he thought of the answer.

O'Brien told him in the past that in the not-too-distant future, the cemetery of the gods would open again, and only this possibility would allow him to go to Valkyrie Mountain.

"Yes, it is the cemetery of the gods. Next year will be the opening day once in a thousand years."

Castrot nodded without hiding anything.

The existence of the cemetery of the gods is a big secret to most ordinary people, but Lin Yang, a god-level powerhouse, is obviously familiar with it.

Although the other party has only become a god for a few decades, but he was born in the Yulan Empire, the high priest Catherine must have told the other party about the cemetery of the gods.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go to Martial God Mountain when the time comes. I always have the feeling that I must go to the cemetery of the gods."

Linley smiled and spoke.

If it weren't for this feeling, with the eleven series of godheads bestowed by Lin Yang, he would probably choose to retreat and practice the mystery of the pulse of the earth, and become a god as soon as possible.

In the past few days, he has given three godheads to Delin's land system, allowing Delin to start refining.

Even if it is known that refining the godhead to become a god, the advancement of cultivation will be extremely slow in the future, but the opportunity to become a god is right in front of you, and not many people can refuse it.

However, refining a godhead cannot be completed in a day, even for a lower godhead, it will take some time. It will not be a short time until Delin completely refines the three godheads and becomes a high godhead.

"I haven't seen you in decades. Linley, you have a wife and a child. The changes are really big."

Castrote sighed after finishing the business.

He and Linley could be regarded as acquaintances. At that time, the other party had just come out of the Holy Alliance.

"Delia and I are in love, and we want to strengthen the Baruch family. Naturally, we won't be single like you for so long."

Linley also responded with a smile.

His father has no intention of remarrying, and he can't just rely on his younger brother Wharton, so he can only work hard with Delia.

Lin Yang on the side felt the same way. His burden was even heavier than that of Lin Lei. Without a younger brother,

Only by yourself.

Fortunately, Fanny and Adolf finally popped out, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I probably won't meet a woman I like in my life."

Castro shook his head sighing.

Although it is not obvious from the outside, he is also thousands of years old, and it is difficult to find the mentality of a young man.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Ofina took Fanny and Adolf out for a play, accompanied by Delia and Linley's children.


After staying in the Baruch Empire for more than a month, the convoy of the Jiaaisi family left. After Lin Yang and the others left, Linley and Delia also entered the secret room of the miniature plane to start training.

Seeing that Ofina is not far from the peak of the holy domain, Lin Yang is also going to tell her about the division of the divine domain.

"I haven't told you about the direction after becoming a god before, but I just want to tell you today." Lin Yang said.

"After becoming a god?"

Ofina was slightly puzzled.

The reason why her progress is so fast is because she is cultivating with the godhead. Although she has not refined it, the mysterious power of the law surrounding the godhead is countless times clearer than that between heaven and earth, and it is naturally easier to comprehend it. Simple.

"That's right, the strength span after becoming a god is huge."

Lin Yang nodded slightly, and he continued: "If you fully understand one kind of mysteries or combine two kinds of mysteries, you can become a lower god. Except for the wind element with nine kinds of mysteries, it is normal to become an intermediate god. As long as you fully comprehend two kinds of mysteries, you can become a lower god. good."

"When you have fully comprehended all the mysteries of a certain department, it means you have become the high god of a certain department. Although you have reached the high god, these are only the most basic aspects. People with backgrounds will choose to start integrating the mysteries at a low level. strength, because after becoming a high god, it is almost impossible to integrate the mysterious, I am an exception."

"My avatar of the thunder god is a high god, the Dzogchen, second only to the main god, and even rarer in number than the main god. Only those who have fully comprehended the mysterious laws of the same department and integrated them can be called the Dzogchen, the mysterious The power is one hundred thousand times that of the upper god, and when you become Dzogchen, you will get a piece of Dzogchen will power bestowed by heaven and earth, which can increase by 80 times...

Therefore, Dzogchen is basically the pinnacle of gods. Just from the understanding of the mystery, most of the main gods are not as good as Dzogchen, but it is only because the universe endows the will power of the main gods, which far exceeds the power of the will of the Dzogchen. Superior to the Dzogchen. "

Ofina was stunned by Lin Yang's words. She used to only know that her husband was a high god, but she didn't know Lin Yang's true strength until today.

The pinnacle of the gods, the great consummation of the upper gods!

"However, if a person has become Dzogchen in multiple departments, then he will have more powers of Dzogchen will, and his strength will naturally far exceed the Dzogchen of a single department. Moreover, there are soul mutants in this world... I am unconscious ten times Three years, because the soul has mutated."

Lin Yang's words kept hitting Ofina, making her heart sway.


There is no charge below.

Thank you Sui Yuejing for making you safe, crazy Yi Jianxiao, Xiao Liutian, capricious ruining your life, and other book friends for your rewards during this time.

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