From the Perfect World

It will soon be a high-quality product, thank you for your support of genuine book friends.

It has been more than a month since it was launched on June 1st. This time, the editor-in-chief strongly recommends that the average order has increased by several hundred. At present, there are less than one hundred left for the boutique. I didn’t expect the results to reach this point at the beginning. I am very surprised.

Writing a book is my dream (it is also a book shortage), I did not expect to get the support of so many book friends, I am really happy.

Thanks to my 2,900 genuine book friends for their support, my coding speed.... I have to write a chapter of 2,000 words and count the revision time, the fastest is more than one and a half hours, and the normal code is two chapters. One and a half hours, every day in the free time of work, except for the time of eating, I spend about three chapters, and sometimes four chapters at one or two o'clock in the morning. I would like to express my apologies to all genuine book lovers. As a reader, I also know the troubles of chasing updates.

Sometimes the transition required by the plot, some book friends think that I am helpless, or it may be that the newcomers can't handle it well, but I will definitely improve with experience in the future.

Thanks to starting point reading, genuine book friends supported by QQ reading, thank you everyone.

I found that every five shifts will cancel the average order due to skipping, so for the last few dozens of average order, I will increase the amount of updates after the high-quality products. If there is a leave note, I am not afraid of missing full attendance, so I will send more and more every day. I hope Dear readers, please support the original version.

I also thank the cats of the Sun Moon God Sect, the old love is not over, that night Yueyao and other book friends gave rewards, thank you for your support in this way before putting it on the shelves, which gave me the motivation to write.


PS: Average subscription is the average subscription of all VIP chapters.

PS: With such good grades, I have already quit the game (fantasy mobile game) because of codewords.

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