From the Perfect World

Chapter 3 Move Blood to Extreme Realm

I don't know what kind of mentality Shi Hao came with. After a brief silence, Lin Yang took the initiative to say, "Thank you."

After Shi Hao shook his head slightly, he said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me, it's because you seized this opportunity to transform yourself, otherwise the remaining divine energy will completely dissipate within three days at most."

He came back to look at it on a whim, but he didn't expect to see Lin Yang hone his body in the waste blood left over from his transformation. This is waste of blood for him in the realm of the venerable, but for ordinary people it is a chance to reborn.

"It's just a trivial matter for you and it's not worth paying attention to, but in the end I still accept your love." Lin Yang continued: "There is a saying in my hometown, 'The kindness of a drop of water, should be repaid by a spring' in the future. I will definitely repay this kindness when I have the chance.”

Lin Yang doesn't have an accurate idea of ​​what level his system is, whether he can catch up to Shi Hao, a pervert who has become supreme in two or three hundred years, but it is not difficult for him to repay Shi Hao.

Emperor Huangtian walked alone in the road all his life, and his sword ruled forever. But Lin Yang is clear about the few regrets in his life, and this is his advantage.

"Should the kindness of a drop of water be repaid by a spring? Then I look forward to it. Remember, my name is... Huang."

Shi Hao laughed. He pointed forward a little, and a ray of light flew into Lin Yang's body. He didn't report his real name. He was afraid that the hostile forces in the upper realm would send a true god to hunt him down. He was still in the process of perfecting the Dao of Heaven and Earth just after Nirvana, so he couldn't use the treasure technique.

The speed of the divine light was extremely fast, Lin Yang felt his brain hit by the divine light before he could react.

In the divine light are runes shining with thunder. Lin Yang concentrated his thoughts on the runes, feeling that they were runes related to thunder and lightning.

"Suan Ni treasure technique, after being cultivated, you can control all thunder in the world." Shi Hao explained. This is a tyrannical treasure technique that he practiced rampantly when he was in the cave realm, and it is not an important thing for him now.

"Kindness without saying thanks!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang was overjoyed that the Blood-Moving Realm could be achieved through water-grinding kung fu. However, such a powerful treasure technique as Suanni Treasure Technique cannot be easily obtained even in the upper realm. Shi Hao is simply his treasure-giving boy, no, it's his grandfather. He was also given a cultivation base and a killing technique, so that at least one more trump card will be added when he travels again.

Knowing that he could not practice Suanni Baoshu in a short period of time, Lin Yang wanted to test how many catties his physical strength had reached. Shi Hao had already left ahead of time, for him, the current Lin Yang was not worthy of his attention, and it was only out of curiosity to give Lin Yang another treasure technique tonight, without any desire for anything in return.

Lin Yang, who was eager to try, didn't care about resting, and came all the way to the center of Zhu Village, where there was a row of bronze tripods, which were specially used for the villagers to test their strength.

He didn't care about the weight of the few thousand catties in front of him, and he went directly to the giant ten thousand catty cauldron at the back.

There are mottled traces of time on the bronze tripod, obviously it was built a long time ago.

"Twenty thousand catties! Start!"

With a wave of one arm, Lin Yang lifted the giant tripod high with only one hand effortlessly. 20,000 jin is already the strength of the middle stage of moving blood, but Lin Yang did it without any effort.

After putting the bronze tripod in his hand on the spot, Lin Yang crossed several giant tripods and came to the last giant tripod.

This is a 50,000-jin bronze tripod. Apart from being the largest, its style is the same as the previous small tripod.


This 50,000-jin bronze tripod was more than twice as heavy as the 20,000-jin bronze tripod, but Lin Yang felt that he didn't have much effort, so he lifted it up easily.

50,000 jin represents the strength of a great achievement in moving blood, and Lin Yang's current strength far surpasses it, and there is no heavier bronze tripod for him to measure his strength.

"If you want to know how strong it is, you must find a special magic iron..." Lin Yang paused for a moment, then his eyes brightened, and he looked at the first few thousand-jin giant cauldrons.

"Two or three stacked together,

Is it enough weight? "While talking and doing, he pressed the 40,000-jin giant tripod on the largest bronze tripod and tried to lift it.

This time, it was not as easy as the previous two times. It was obviously difficult, but I still lifted it up! This shows that ninety thousand catties is not his limit. He pressed a 30,000-jin tripod up again, this time, it was very difficult to lift, and Lin Yang could feel his arms trembling.

"Single arm weighs more than 100,000 catties, this is the extreme state of moving blood!"

After returning the giant cauldron to its original position, Lin Yang was shocked by his enormous strength. Specifically, his strength exceeds 120,000 jin, which means he can lift 60 tons of weight. If you want to hit someone, a full blown blow may cause the effect in a bad plasma movie.

In less than a day, his strength increased by more than one hundred and fifty times. If everyone in Zhu Village knew about it, they would definitely drool with envy. No one would have thought that such a miracle would be created by a considered wasteland.

The next day, Lin Yang continued to exercise as usual. He found that after reaching the extreme level of moving blood, his subtle control of power dropped a lot. Although it was not as good as before, it was still better than now. He was not in a hurry to practice Suanni Baoshu. Even though he had never been exposed to Baoshu before, Lin Yang knew that it was not something that could be accomplished in a short while.

He expected that before the next time travel, he could get a preliminary understanding of Suanni's treasure technique, and he didn't have any extravagant expectations.

The days passed day by day, since the warrior selection contest that had been reported a year ago started, Zhucun’s younger generation eager to become famous all set off to participate in the competition ahead of time, and Shi Hao also followed the team to see and see, he himself entered the upper world After that, I haven't been far away from Zhucun.

Lin Yang didn't follow him, he knew that Zhu Village would live up to the tranquility in a few days. The young adult in the Immortal Palace chased and killed a silver-haired woman with a secret, and the chance of this woman made several "first generations" of the upper world's arrogant "first generation" appear in Leizhou one by one, and a battle of the venerable series broke out.

"Huoteng Jinyi, Lightning Son, Zhen Gu, Yuechan, Witch, Immortal Palace..."

Lin Yang's eyes gradually became deep when he thought of the genius of the upper world who would show up this time, even though there was a world-like gap between him and the other party at this moment, he didn't take it to heart. It is only a matter of time to surpass the opponent, Lin Yang has self-confidence. Even if he has not yet reached the Cave Heaven Realm, those few Tianjiao have long been invincible in the Venerable Realm.

"I will be able to cross tomorrow, I am really looking forward to it."

If it weren't for the gathering of wind and clouds here, or even a real god's move, Lin Yang didn't want to travel through and leave as soon as the time came. After all, the system didn't force him, and the right to choose had always been in his own hands.

"I don't know which world I will travel to. If it is a low-level martial arts world...the picture is simply too beautiful."

Lin Yang couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of punching the so-called No. 1 expert in the world into small cakes. He wouldn't get experience points that way. He hasn't triggered any missions this month. Don't expect much from the experience point.

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