From the Perfect World

Three hundred and ninety-three, return to 9 days and 10 places

After getting the position of the land of Tongtian, Lin Yang said: "This seat is going to return to my world. If you have nothing to do, you can visit my world. My seat welcomes you."

He didn't put on a superior posture just because his strength was far superior to all the fairy kings, but put himself and everyone on the same level.

After all, in the absence of the most fundamental conflict of interests, the strength is completely dominant. The more kindness he shows, no matter what thoughts outsiders have in their hearts, they can only respond to him with kindness.

Taken together, the benefits of a kind face far outweigh that of a cold one.

"Thank you King Xuan for your invitation. I will definitely visit King Xuan in nine heavens and ten places in the future."

All the immortal kings responded with their mouths.

Since a supreme giant said so, it is obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and maybe he can ask Lin Yang for some advice on cultivation.

"This seat is waiting for all fellow Taoists to visit us."

Lin Yang's words fell.


The brilliance of black and gray envelops countless symbols of various types, rushing out of Panwang's mansion, and going deep into the galaxy of the universe.

Lin Yang was communicating the ten thousand rules of the Immortal Domain, leaving some marks, so that the kings of the Immortal Domain can use this to contact him directly, without opening the door of the Immortal Domain, which is unnecessary.

The golden-haired man, whose body was full of countless golden auras, took the initiative to walk over and lay down in front of Lin Yang.

Jin Maoyu was startled by Lin Yang's sword on the boundary sea dam.

The extreme light that divides the boundary sea lingers in Jin Maojiu's mind until now, and it has not dissipated for a long time. It is a supreme power that he can't even imagine. A sword can affect the normal operation of countless universes.

"Have you changed from the supreme fairy king to the supreme giant in 30,000 years?"

Jin Maoyu, who knew Lin Yang's strength better than the kings of the Immortal Realm, guessed in his heart, his whole body was terrified, and was frightened by his guess.

The kings of the Immortal Realm's understanding of Lin Yang is in a cloudy state. Although it feels almost impossible, they have been shocked by a series of things to the point of numbness, and it is difficult to think about more aspects, just feel confused.

However, Jin Maoyu saw with his own eyes that Lin Yang went to great lengths to suppress him. He can only be said to be a supreme fairy king. He never thought that he would make up for some of the flaws in Daoguo in less than 30,000 years. , Lin Yang made great progress all the way, from the supreme fairy king to the supreme giant.

The shock he felt was far higher than that of the fairy kings in the fairyland, because it was much more "reasonable" than becoming a king and becoming the supreme giant, and the more "reasonable", the more shocking it would be. higher.

Not to mention the wild thoughts in Jin Maojiao's mind, after Lin Yang left a means of contacting him in Xianyu, he bid farewell to the fairy kings, and rode Jinmaojiao to prepare to go to the gate of Xianyu.

"Congratulations to King Xuan!"

The radiance of the Immortal King shining on the Peach Garden suddenly blazed, and the power of the Immortal King turned into a series of bright immortal symbols that filled the universe.

After becoming the Immortal King, words follow the law, every word and action is cause and effect, and it is also the embodiment of rules.

When the kings and fairy kings spoke at this time, the rules of the fairyland naturally responded, and corresponding visions emerged.

It's fine if he's a butcher, after all, he's the fairy king of the fairyland, so he doesn't need to make any big moves to leave, but Lin Yang is the supreme giant of nine heavens and ten places, so he naturally needs to be treated seriously.

"Lin Yang is leaving!"

Somewhere in Panwang's universe, Xiyi, who was taking the elixir of longevity, felt something and looked up at the sky.

The boundless avenue rule rises between the universe and the galaxy, paving a road, like all concepts beyond the world, existing at the beginning of all things, and connecting the endless future.

Of course, this is just an illusion created by the creatures in the Immortal Realm. In the eyes of the Immortal King, this is just a road symbolized by rules. It has no real meaning except to show the noble status.

The seemingly mysterious and unusually ruled road, as long as it is impacted by the power of the fairy king, it will be shattered and turned into countless symbols again.

The golden retriever carried Lin Yang on this road, surrounded by countless immortal symbols and rules of the avenue,

Head towards the majestic pass where the gate of the fairyland is located.

Countless fairyland creatures were prostrate on the ground, and no one could stand up.

The fairy king, who is rare to meet once in a million years, has met dozens of times in just a few years, which has given countless people bragging capital to show off for countless tens of thousands of years.

A celestial light soaring into the sky illuminates most of the universe, and an illusory portal condenses in the midair, surrounded by countless fairy birds, entwined with strands of fairy energy, and dozens of shining fairy crystals are also inlaid on the gate.

Every fairy crystal is condensed by true immortals for countless years, using a large amount of immortal energy and undead matter as the foundation. No matter how strong the humane monks are, they cannot create such fairy crystals.

The value of this door alone is an astronomical figure, surpassing many fairy artifacts.

Within a few breaths, the illusory and hazy portal was completely solidified, no longer the original illusion.

This is the main body of the gate of the fairyland that will be manifested deliberately only when the fairy king crosses the realm. When the normal true immortals and supreme go to the lower realms of the fairyland, they only walk through a certain projection of the gate of the fairyland.

"Congratulations to King Xuan!"

Under the influence of the rules of the Dao, the beings in the fairyland of this universe involuntarily opened their mouths.

The avenue runs through it all the time, whether it is tangible or intangible, heaven and earth are part of the avenue, and all spirits are also a part of the avenue. The words of the immortal kings interfere with the rules of the avenue here, and the sentient beings here are naturally unavoidable.

It is precisely because of this insurmountable gap that the Immortal King will not pay attention to creatures other than the Immortal King, and only creatures close to the level of the Immortal King will be valued.


There was a strange sound from the door of the fairyland, and a ray of light leaked from the slowly opened door.

At this moment, the rules of the Myriad Dao of the Immortal Domain near the portal have changed, becoming different from the rules of the Immortal Domain in the normal area.

Through the wide-open fairy gate, Lin Yang saw a universe floating in the center of the fairy gate, which was the nine heavens and ten earths he had seen from the embankment.

"Choose which position of the fairy gate to open in the nine heavens and ten places, this fairy gate will truly connect to the nine heavens and ten places, and be perceived by the monks of the nine heavens and ten places.

If I want to go to the other universes under the jurisdiction of the fairyland, the corresponding universes will appear after the fairy gate is opened, instead of the nine heavens and ten places. "

A hint of understanding appeared in Lin Yang's heart.

Lin Yang understood this matter the first time he saw the gate of the fairyland. At the same time, he also knew that it was the effect of a secret technique on the gate of the fairyland.

Golden Retriever skillfully controlled the fairy gate, opened it to the sky over the Three Thousand Daozhou, and then carried Lin Yang into the gate of the fairyland.

But at this time in nine days and ten lands, the trial of the two remnant immortals has not yet ended.

At the moment when the fairy gate was opened, one step earlier than Jin Maojiu was the sound wave of the creatures in the fairyland, which entered the Three Thousand Daozhou along the fairy gate.

"The Immortal King is back?"

All the supreme beings on the Zhanxiantai are looking at the bright door in the sky.


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