From the Perfect World

Chapter 50 Returning to the Mountain

"Ze Luoju... my lord?" Bai Bazheng stared blankly at Ze Luoju's body which had been split into two, ignoring the blood splattered all over his face.

Not only him, but everyone who followed seemed to be stupid, looking at the fallen body in disbelief.

"Why did Ze Luoju die in the blink of an eye?" Central Plains Merchant swallowed with difficulty. This is the location of a flying man escaping from the earth, why did he die inexplicably?


Someone slapped himself backhanded, and murmured: "It will hurt, it's not a dream, Han Hai Xie Knife is really dead."

"Master Ze Luoju is invincible! How could it be!" The one-eared horse bandit panicked. Ze Luoju's backer is dead, and they will be swallowed by other cavalry with no one to protect them.

"Impossible, impossible, who killed Ze Luoju? Under the eyes of everyone, no one noticed." Bai Bazheng wanted to break his head, but he couldn't think of any outside scenes that had entered the city recently.

" in chaos." Someone sighed, as if they saw the fight between horse bandits.

"That Xuantianzong's number one person really took his life." The ugly young man said angrily. This kind of young generation who made themselves feel inferior should all die.

Hearing this, someone in the crowd said faintly: "I heard that Xuantianzong's dharma body ultimate move 'Heavenly Emperor Stepping on Time' has the power to freeze time..."

This word made everyone present have associations.

Could it be that time was frozen just now? So the person who killed Ze Luoju couldn't be found?

"Afraid that Qingyang would die in the hands of Ze Luoju, did Xuantianzong send an outside scene to kill Ze Luoju? But why didn't he kill him sooner or later, and insisted on killing Ze Luoju now?"

The person who opened the mouth was puzzled and couldn't figure out the reason.

"It's obvious that we can start two days ago, no, from Yuhai to Xuantianzong, even the strong outside scene will take more than a month, unless Xuantianzong has premeditated, otherwise even Qingyang's challenge to Luoju will not matter at this time." Know."

"Perhaps it was Xuantianzong who signaled that he would return to the true nature and return to the innocence." A shaker who had covered himself tightly guessed, he shook his head slightly and said, "It is impossible to return to the true nature. Pu killed the evil knife of the vast sea, and made a big joke in the world."

After everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement, and instantly killed the location scene? nonexistent.

At this time, Lin Yang Youyou's words spread into the ears of everyone, and the disdain was not concealed.

"With this standard, you dare to say that you will send me to see Yan Luo?"

These words, like a fixing spell, made everyone freeze on the spot.

As the number one person on the list, the chance of lying is extremely small, especially this kind of lie that is easy to be exposed.

Could it be that Ze Luoju was really killed by him?

Unbelievable flashed in everyone's heart.

"It's going to change!"

The middle-aged man lamented that the vast sea would be chaotic, and stared at Lin Yang's far away back.

Don't rely on external objects, open up and kill the location instantly. I'm afraid it was not visible in ancient times.


In recent days, the vast sea can be said to be hidden by waves.

In front of him, Mengnan, the 'Great Asura', showed his real body without any disguise, as if he was looking for something. Later, the crying old man ambushed Master Xuanbei of Shaolin, and the battle between the two spread thousands of miles, from quicksand to the depths of Bomi, and it has not yet ended.

The most jaw-dropping thing is that Lin Yang, who has been at the top of the list for a year, "returning to nature and returning to nature", with an unbreakable body, leapfrogged and quickly killed several horses in the location series. The leader of the bandit, no one can survive twenty moves before being beheaded, it really shocked Han Hai.

After beheading Ze Luoju that day, Lin Yang went to the lair of several other horse bandit leaders without stopping, beheaded each other in full view, and killed most of the horse bandits.

For more than a year, he has long been clear about what kind of goods are in the Hanhai horse bandits, and they are all people with blood on their hands, and death is not a pity. This time, he killed so much that he could reduce Han Hai's tragedies caused by horse bandits by 80% for a period of time.

The world mistook Lin Yang for a person who hated evil as much as an enemy. He won't tell others how many times his zhenqi has been inflated by this massacre. It is because of the massive amount of zhenqi that his body can hardly bear, and he can use all his strength to mobilize several top-grade treasure soldiers for a day. above.

"The most important thing is to practice."

Looking at more than 3,800 experience points, Lin Yang felt what happiness is. With a little more, one can perfectly master the lowest level of Dharma Body Divine Art.

"It's a pity that when we return to the Central Plains, it will not be so easy to wantonly kill the exterior scenes."

A look of regret flashed across Lin Yang's face. When it came to the location level, even if it was placed in the Martial Dao Dazong, it was also the backbone of the sect. Once there were heavy casualties, it would inevitably cause chaos. And a small sect like the Juhua sect doesn't even have warriors with all nine orifices open, let alone exterior scenes.

"Jade Emperor Mountain, we're here."

From afar, he could see Xuantianzong looming in the clouds, and Lin Yang turned into a stream of light, heading straight to the foot of the mountain.

Unless they are real masters, even if the elders of Xuantianzong go back to the mountain, they have to climb the mountain step by step from the foot of the mountain, and it is strictly forbidden to go straight to the top of Yuhuang mountain. The guardian array is not a decoration, and even a careless dharma body may fall.

At the foot of the mountain, there are a group of disciples stationed on the main way up the mountain.

"Who is visiting my Xuantianzong?"

Seeing Liu Guang flying towards him, the leader asked cautiously. This method of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground is obviously only available on location, so he can't help but be careless.

"Junior Brother Qing Yuan, is it your turn to be on duty today?"

The streamer dissipated, revealing Lin Yang's tall and straight figure.

"I met Senior Brother Qingyang!"

Seeing that it was Lin Yang, Qing Yuan bowed quickly, seeing his movements, the disciples who guarded the mountain behind him also quickly saluted.

The name of Qingyang can be said to be thunderous in the enlightenment, who doesn't know that this person is number one on the list? What's more, he is his own senior brother.

"Brother, are you on location?"

Qing Yuan's uncertain question. Flying to the sky and escaping to the ground is a good location, but the Lin Yang in front of him gave him a different feeling from the location inside the door, lacking that indescribable temperament.


After hearing Lin Yang's words, Qing Yuan's eyes became more puzzled. He knew that this senior brother could achieve location a year ago, but he didn't know why he didn't make a breakthrough. But people don't want to break through, and it doesn't have much to do with themselves.

"What major event has happened to the sect this year?"

"Everything is business as usual."

Qing Yuan answered truthfully.

After the two asked and answered, they walked halfway up the mountain, where there was a pool full of lotus flowers blooming, and a stone tablet was erected nearby, with three characters of "Jiebing Pond" written on it.

Xuantianzong enshrines the Emperor of Heaven, and outsiders worship the mountain. When they come here, they must put their weapons into the mustard ring, or hand them over to the disciples of Xuantianzong, and they are not allowed to take them outside. It is also from this point that flying up the mountain is not allowed, otherwise it will violate the precepts of Xuantianzong.

All the way to the Tiandi Hall on the top of the mountain, Qing Yuan turned around and went down the mountain to continue guarding the mountain gate. Lin Yang straightened his clothes, held his head high and walked into the hall.

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