From the Perfect World

Four hundred and ninety-two unique means of transportation

"Judging from the degree of ground vibration, there are nearly ten giants."

Chu Xuan stood up from the ground, and he looked towards the foot of the mountain.

"Zheng Zha, be careful."

Lou Cheng picked up the Xuan Snake Sword.

The standard double blades on his waist are just decorations for him to pretend to be a member of the Survey Corps, and he will still use the Black Snake Sword in actual combat.


Zheng Zha looked a little heavy.

After returning to the giant world, he thought of his teammates who died tragically before his eyes, and his smile disappeared.

Zhao Yingkong drew out the standard double blade without saying a word.

She was more comfortable with the dagger, but considering the giant's size, even if the dagger hit the giant's vitals, it would be difficult to deal a fatal blow to the giant, so she also replaced it with the standard blade made by Chu Xuan.

Compared with the melee weapons of the three of them, what Chu Xuan took out from the interspatial bag were two pistols that he had modified.

It looks exactly like a desert eagle, with a cold metallic luster as a whole, and a device like a silencer is installed at the muzzle.

The bullets in the pistol are anti-giant bullets made by Chu Xuan. As long as an ordinary giant is hit, the anti-giant bullets that explode will severely damage the giant.


The figures of the four disappeared beside the extinguished bonfire, and the sound of gas ejected from the three-dimensional mobile device made the forest no longer silent.


After a few minutes.

Standing next to a giant corpse that was evaporating, Lou Cheng sighed, "If we had known in advance that it was a world of giants, and had made targeted preparations, this mission with difficulty of 20 people wouldn't be so difficult."

Chu Xuan's judgment was very accurate, saying that it was close to ten giants, and indeed it did not exceed this number.

Four ten-meter-level giants and five six-to-eight-meter-level giants.

During the first time that the four members of the Zhongzhou team used the three-dimensional mobile device and the actual battle of the giants to sharpen their combat skills, it only took a few minutes for the four of them to deal with the nine giants that had only allowed them to retreat strategically before.

"Although giants can move at night, their speed is 20% slower than during the day. It seems that the 'Lord God' has not endlessly increased the difficulty of this world."

Chu Xuan sat on a branch half a meter thick. He looked at the glass bottle emitting steam in his hand, and said lightly: "After the death of the giant, the spinal fluid extracted from the giant's body can still exist, but when the giant's spinal fluid is exposed to In the air, it will irreversibly start to evaporate."

In the time of his few words, the spinal fluid just extracted from the body of a six-meter-level giant has completely evaporated, leaving no trace in the glass bottle.

The three of Lou Cheng launched the three-dimensional mobile device, came to the branch about twelve or three meters above the ground, and began to summarize the deficiencies discovered in the first battle using the three-dimensional mobile device.

"It's so hanging, I was almost pulled by the giant wire rope."

Zheng Zha exhaled lightly, and steam rose from his body, which was the giant's blood splashed on him.

"Based on your progress speed, this time it can be regarded as an extraordinary performance, but when you unlock the gene lock again, you will be able to control the three-dimensional mobile device proficiently. You should take note of that feeling."

Zhao Yingkong crossed her legs and leaned against the tree trunk.

"You unlocked the genetic lock..."

Zheng Zha looked at Zhao Yingkong in astonishment when he heard the words, and changed his words in the middle of speaking: "Can you unlock the gene lock as you like?"

He understood what Zhao Yingkong meant, and only when he unlocked the gene lock according to his own will would he speak in this way.

Zhao Yingkong nodded in disbelief.

"It really is from the 'Zhao family'."

Chu Xuan pushed his glasses. He remembered that he had seen a piece of top-secret information about the Zhao family before coming to the Lord God Space.

"If it's the product of that plan, it's normal to be able to unlock the gene lock at will."

Chu Xuan, who was thinking in his heart, lowered his head slightly, making his glasses reflect the moonlight and blocking his sight.


Two hours later.

"It's time, there are still four hours before dawn, let's continue on our way."

Lou Cheng, who was in charge of security, woke up Zheng Zha and the others.

The four took turns to be vigilant, each for half an hour, and finally it was Lou Cheng's turn, so he was the one who woke up the three teammates.

After tidying up, the four of them set out on the road again.

"The Wall of Maria is about 100 kilometers away from the Wall of Rose. If you don't encounter a large crowd of giants, you will be able to see the Wall of Rose in two days."

On a plain, four people were riding a bicycle each.

This is the vehicle they brought from the space of the main god.

"If you are willing to switch to the motorcycle I made, we will be able to reach the Wall of Rose in two hours at most. We don't need to pedal the bicycle at all, and we must be wary of giants at the same time."

Chu Xuan's words sounded a little regretful.

Zheng Zha's face darkened immediately, and he said speechlessly: "Compared to the motorcycle you made, I still believe in bicycles, and I can't even trust electric vehicles."

Lou Cheng and Zhao Yingkong recalled the scene when Zheng Zha happily rode Chuxuan's 'Ben Lei' motorcycle in the main god space a few days ago, the one with blue tail flames spraying blue light, and finally exploded in the middle of the road.

If it wasn't for Lou Cheng's timely rescue and taking Zheng Zha to the 'Lord God' for treatment, the Zhongzhou team would definitely lose its staff.

The day before everyone returned to the giant world.

Chu Xuan swears that there was no accident, and the electric car also exploded. This time, Zheng Zha's injury was much lighter than the first time, and he jumped to the main god hall with a broken leg for treatment.

"You said that they are all human beings. Why can the hosts of the power of the nine giants maintain self-awareness, while the 'Innocent Giant' is so brainless?"

Shaking out the unpleasant memories, Zheng Zha looked at Lou Cheng and Zhao Yingkong.

"The taller the giant, the higher the temperature of the body. Perhaps the brain cells of the 'Innocent Giant' were burned out."

Zhao Yingkong made a guess.

"Ordinary giants have the ability to learn, so it is impossible for the brain cells to be burned."

It was Chu Xuan who spoke, and he continued: "Another giant is coming, go to fight in the woods ahead."

The dust was flying several miles away, and it was obvious that a group of strange species was approaching everyone.

"Extraordinary species."

Zheng Zha's face changed slightly.

Compared with ordinary giants, odd-line giants are undoubtedly more troublesome. The action patterns of ordinary giants are easy to guess, but when encountering odd-line giants, it depends on the temporary adaptability, whether it is the strange behavior patterns, shots, or moving speed. , the strange species are far superior to ordinary giants.

"Zheng Zha, don't force yourself this time, let the three of us come."

Lou Cheng kindly persuaded him.

He can't guarantee that, amidst the roundup of many strange species, there is still room to lend a helping hand when Zheng Zha is in crisis.

"I see."

Zheng Zha nodded.

He knew very well that using a half-baked three-dimensional maneuver in the face of the strange species would not only disrespect his own life, but also cause trouble for his teammates.


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