From the Perfect World

Five hundred and thirty sixth, the secret ceremony starts

Lin Yang, who carried the body of the Black Dragon King, finally walked into an underground cave.

He is going to undergo the most important transformation at this stage.

When he reappeared in the outside world, Earth Star would no longer have his opponent, and he would no longer have any scruples.


There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

After the gods of war left, some of the gods of war who returned to the base city landed in the 'God of War Palace', and then, the battle in city 003 inevitably spread.

If there were only one or two Gods of War, they could keep it secret, but at that time, a total of fifty-three Gods of War saw Lin Yang forcefully kill the Black Dragon King, and they even carried the corpse of the king-level monster forward with their own hands. hours...

That's why God of War and his friends showed off, spreading it to ten, and then spreading it to hundreds, and finally it almost became a 'secret' that everyone in the God of War Palace knew.

However, only Zhou Yongzheng knows what is 'unspeakable'.

after an hour.

A figure appeared above the forest.

"A member of the Huaxia Kingdom?"

Jia Yi looked at the woods that had been crushed by the body of the Black Dragon King, and muttered to himself.

He is the pillar of Huaxia Kingdom, a member of parliament.

After being reported by the subordinates of the God of War Palace, they rushed over immediately.

While flying, he saw a 'road' with a width of 100 meters in the forest, and finally along this road, he found the place where many war gods left.

"It seems that the body of the Black Dragon King was transported away with a transport plane."

Jia Yi quickly made a guess.


His watch vibrated, and a voice played automatically:

"Member Jia Yi, there will be a parliamentary meeting in the God of War Palace in two hours, please attend on time."

Jia Yi's face was slightly surprised, and then he thought that it might be because of the death of the Black Dragon King.

"He killed the Black Dragon King in three minutes. He is really a terrifying person. Who is it..."

"It's a pity that Xtreme Martial Arts has blocked the true identity of the founder of "Ta Kong", otherwise there is no need to guess."

After finding no traces in the forest, Jia Yi turned around and flew away.


Hongning Base City, the global headquarters of Xtreme Martial Arts.

Eight people sit in a sci-fi-style conference hall.

If the insiders of Xtreme Martial Arts see these eight people, they will definitely show admiration.

Because they are all existences beyond the god of war, and they are the core strength of the extreme martial arts.

Hong's three personal guards and five inspectors.

On the screen in the conference hall, a video is being played.

Next to the towering skyscrapers, the black dragon spread its wings and fought a small black dot.

In the end, the battle between the two rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the huge black dragon seemed to be only the size of a thumb, let alone its opponent.

"Has it been confirmed? The person who killed the Black Dragon King was Lu Yuan, the seller of "Takong"? Was it the quasi-inspector with a combat power amplitude of 32.94?"

Liu He opened his mouth to ask, his expression looked very dignified.

He is one of the five inspectors. Yaoluo also told several people about this when she was taking the 'Black God' suit.

Although Lin Yang didn't really meet the five inspectors and the two personal guards of 'Beast' and 'Bingshan', the seven of them had already read Lin Yang's resume countless times.

You can recite the life of 'Lu Yuan' backwards.

"It has been confirmed that in Lu Yuan's authorization information, there are records of authorization to those gods of war, and the time is completely consistent."

The 'Beast', one of the personal guards, made a sound.

He also wears a mask. He is 2.2 meters tall, with muscles all over his body, as strong as a giant bear.

"Enchanting, when you saw Lu Yuan that day, how was his strength?"

An inspector looked at the black-haired woman on the edge.


Enchanting and concise.

She continued: "After using 'Dragon Blood', Lu Yuan's physical fitness should be close to that of a primary God of War, but even if he is a high-level God of War, his combat power amplitude of 32.94 cannot be strong enough to quickly kill the Black Dragon King like in the video. "

"You can see,

The Black Dragon King had no power to resist from the beginning to the end. According to the descriptions of many war gods, Lu Yuan should not have suffered many injuries. "

After her words fell, the conference hall was silent for a while.

They knew that this meant that the amplitude of Lin Yang's combat power far exceeded the value of 32.94 that they looked up to.

It's so high that they can't even think about it. Even the owner of the world's number one pavilion may not necessarily have a higher combat power than Lin Yang.

It's just that Lin Yang couldn't be Hong's opponent because of the natural gap between the two in terms of physical fitness.

"In the test of the trial tower and the level of punching power, he didn't try his best."

Liu He took a deep breath, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

"How long will the owner be able to leave the customs?"

Inspector Wang looked at the three guards.

Compared with the inspectors, the three personal guards have absolute loyalty to Hong, and they naturally know the world's number one person better.

"It can be as fast as half a month, and as slow as a month.

The owner's retreat this time is very important and cannot be disturbed. "

It was the iceberg that spoke.

The three personal guards have different responsibilities, and only he can grasp Hong's approximate exit time.

"Every major force in the world knows that the creator of "Takong" is from our Xtreme Martial Arts Academy. What should we do in the next meeting? Just confess Lu Yuan's identity?"

A inspector spoke.

"No, Lu Yuan said that he would only take up the post of inspector and officially appear in front of the world after he was truly promoted to the 'planetary level'. Now his communication watch is unanswered, and his location has disappeared. Say this without wanting to.”

Enchanting objected.

Because they are the core pillars of the martial arts school, they know what a "planetary level" is, and Yao Yao didn't say "senator level".

Then she added: "This is written in black and white in the contract. Once we violate the contract, Lu Yuan has the right to refuse to serve as the inspector."

"Then continue to keep it secret until the end. When Lu Yuan really steps into the 'planetary level', have you given orders to those who know Lu Yuan's identity?"

"It's been said."

Several strong men left the conference hall one after another.


Chen Minghua sat in front of his work, staring blankly at the scenery outside the window.

After a long time, he touched the freshly healed wound on his cheek.

"I didn't even get hacked to death."

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he put on the 'Consciousness Sensor'. The War God Palace is about to have a meeting. As a God of War, of course he can't be absent if there is nothing important to do.


Jiangnan Base City, Extreme Clubhouse.

Inspector Liu and Zhou Yongzheng also put on the 'consciousness sensor' in their respective rooms, and entered the War God Palace to wait for the meeting.


Underground cave.

Lin Yang, who was not aware of the external situation, immediately resonated with his spirit after arranging the grand and cumbersome "Secret Ritual of the Dragon King's Fetal Blood", and activated the secret ritual that he had been looking forward to for more than a month.

The scarlet red light escaped from the body of the Black Dragon King in the center of the secret ceremony circle, and then, bound by the power of the circle, rushed towards Lin Yang, and finally formed a blood-red cocoon outside his body.

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