From the Perfect World

Five hundred and forty-nine teachings

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On the second day of the discussion with Hong, various forces sent representatives to contact Lin Yang and Luo Feng, brought them their respective 'consciousness sensors' and led them into the God of War Palace. crystal thing.

Lin Yang, who had no need for Earth Star's items, directly stated that the Muya crystals had been used up, while Luo Feng took out two Muya crystals and exchanged them for a large number of supplies that the Luo family could use.

On the same day, the War God Palace held a celebration ceremony to celebrate the birth of the two congressmen.

In the next period of time, Lin Yang has been honing Luo Feng's fighting skills. Whether it is a warrior or a spiritual teacher's fighting methods, with Lin Yang's special "feeding moves", Luo Feng's progress is also rapid.

The two people who are not short of Mu Yajing, after half a month after Hong left, one stepped into the fourth level of the planetary level, and the other stepped into the second level of the planetary level, and their strengths have improved a lot.

May 1, 2057, at 16:40 pm.

The global live broadcast of the Inspectorate Inauguration Ceremony ended, and billions of human beings also knew that two young congressmen were born on the planet.

Xtreme Martial Arts World Headquarters.

"Inspector Lu, Inspector Luo."

When the headquarters staff saw Lu Yuan walking side by side, they all pulled over to say hello and left the road for them.

"Where's Director Chen?"

Lin Yang looked around and asked.

He was looking for Chen Minghua.

"Director Chen has already gone back first."

A person from the audit department replied.


Lin Yang nodded and walked directly to the supervisor's office of the audit department.

Luo Feng, who came to the global headquarters of Xtreme Martial Arts for the first time, began to visit the headquarters under the guidance of a headquarter staff.

"This is a fallen interstellar transport ship."

When Luo Feng wondered why the headquarters had the shape of a spaceship, Babata gave him the answer.

On the other side, Lin Yang also came to Chen Minghua's office.

"Inspector Lu."

Chen Minghua, who was working, saw him coming in and immediately stood up.

Although Lin Yang, the inspector, was not considered his superior, his respect for strength still made Chen Minghua do this.

However, his heart was very complicated. More than three months ago, that is, at the end of January this year, the opponent still tried his best to hurt his little guy. To the point where he can shoot himself to death.

Chen Minghua knew that the mysterious person who beheaded the Black Dragon King was Lin Yang who had just entered the elite training camp for a few days.

Countless people and high-level officials of major forces also knew this at the Inspector Ceremony. After all, when the God of War Palace was in the council, several members of the Xtreme Martial Arts Hall said they would be the sixth Inspector in the future. , the beheaded Black Dragon King.

"It's good to get acquainted for a while, don't be so cautious."

As Lin Yang spoke, he took out an item from the interspatial ring and threw it to Chen Minghua casually.

"This is……"

Smelling the rice fragrance emanating from this white crystal, Chen Minghua showed a trace of doubt.

Although he is a senior member of the global headquarters, but he is not at the planetary level, so he is destined to be unable to know some things.

For example, the name 'planetary grade', for example 'Mu Yajing'.

Lin Yang closed the door with his backhand, and then said: "It's Mu Yajing, it only takes one month for you to step into the planetary rank."

He had carefully speculated over the past month that if he had cultivated to the peak of the ninth-level planetary level, there would still be 20 Muya crystals left in the space ring.

When he reached the ninth level of the planetary level, although Mu Yajing still helped him, the importance to Lin Yang was reduced countless times.

After all, his goal is to reach the star rank before the war of human geniuses in the universe.

Twenty wood child crystals, in the first few stages of the star rating, can satisfy a small level of promotion.

Therefore, Lin Yang thought of Chen Minghua based on the good virtue of blessing all living beings.

After all, entering the elite training camp,

Obtaining a set of dragon slaying equipment is inseparable from the supervisor of the audit department.

"Why, you will give me Mu Yajing, which is too precious."

Chen Minghua held Mu Yajing tightly, and swallowed hard.

This is a fetish that can make a person become a congressman, so he couldn't help being nervous.

"You deserve it, refine it well."

After Lin Yang finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Mu Yajing, surpass the God of War."

A trace of excitement flashed in Chen Minghua's eyes.


September 25, 2057, 9 am.

On this day, Lin Yang was still training Luo Feng's combat skills.

"Timing! Timing! You hesitated for a moment just now."

Lin Yang looked at Luo Feng who fell into the ground, and reprimanded him.

Several months passed, and his cultivation base had already reached the ninth level of the planetary level. As long as he continued to practice for half a month, he would reach the peak of the ninth level of the planetary level naturally.

"Babata, do you still have 'Black God'?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yang looked at Babata.

"Of course there is. In the universe, the Black God combat uniform is only equipment used by planetary warriors. It is very cheap. Although the owner fell in a hurry, there are still a lot of Black God combat uniforms left."

Babata's projection looked at Lin Yang suspiciously.

"Give me a set. I got this 'Black God' back then and signed a contract with others, so I need to get another one..."

Lin Yang told the contract he signed in the elite training camp.

"With your current strength, you can completely ignore that contract."

Babata muttered, then threw Lin Yang a black turban from the storage equipment.

"What I abide by is not the contract, but the bottom line."

Lin Yang waved his hand to put away the black scarf.

"Ah Fu, tell Yaoluo to send someone to fetch the 'Black God'."


The smart watch's built-in smart system 'Ah Fu' responded.

Compared with Babata, an intelligent life, intelligent systems that can be mass-produced are things that can be seen everywhere in the universe. There is no real "wisdom", but a huge database, which allows intelligent systems to face different problems and make appropriate decisions. s Choice.

After the 'Black God' was taken away, Luo Feng, who had rested for a while, charged up again.

"Compared to when you first became a planetary star, your combat skills have improved several times, and you can rank among the top five on the earth star."

Lin Yang easily dodged the 'arc cutter' controlled by Luo Feng, and made a judgment at the same time.

In the past few months, Luo Feng's cultivation level has also improved amazingly. He has already reached the seventh level of the planetary level, catching up with Thor, the second strongest player in the world.

It is foreseeable that within three or four months at most, Luo Feng's cultivation will also be raised to the ninth planetary level.

"Top five is not enough, I want to be number two... no, number one."

Luo Feng's eyes flashed determination.

He could feel his skills improving rapidly. According to this trend, after three or four years, he would be able to fight Lin Yang with thousands of moves.

Of course, Luo Feng also understood that it was just a battle of skills, not overall strength.

"come on."

Lin Yang gave a word of encouragement.

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