From the Perfect World

Five hundred and seventy-seven nine robbery secrets

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [February Tian Novels Network] The fastest update! No ads!

A few days later, Lin Yang waited for the F-class spacecraft sent by the Moqi branch of the virtual universe company.


"Start verifying your identity."

There was a ripple on the surface of the crimson spaceship.

After a second.

"Verification passed, respected Origin King, welcome."

"The spaceship M722 is at your service. I am 'Yardi', the intelligent steward of the spaceship. Please don't resist. The traction bridge will bring you into the spaceship."

A projection of a young man in a suit appeared in front of Lin Yang, and he bowed to Lin Yang.

Because Lin Yang's identity is important, Nader did not select any staff when arranging the spaceship. Everything was handled by the spaceship's smart steward.

This can minimize the risk of information leakage.

According to the instructions, Lin Yang did not resist the transparent beam of light cast by the crimson spaceship 'traction bridge', and entered the interior of the spaceship smoothly.

main control room.

"As an adult, you can use this spaceship for free for 10,000 years. If it exceeds the time limit, 100 Hunyuan units can last for 10,000 years."

The smart housekeeper Yadi showed a perfect professional smile, and he continued: "Yardi is the top F9 class F-class spaceship. Maintaining 50 times the speed of light in the middle, in terms of flexibility..."

"Adults are the core layer of the company. If you want to buy it all at once, you only need 2 million mixed yuan units."

"Of course, my lord is a king-level immortal, and you can also get an F3-level spaceship from the company for free, but in terms of performance..."

At this point, Yadi said with embarrassment as if belatedly: "Where are you going, my lord?"

Of course, it is impossible for an intelligent life to think of this now, and it is only intentional to say so.

Every time he met a core member of the virtual universe company on a spaceship, he would sell it like this.

"Ganwu Universe, Black Dragon Mountain Star Field, Milky Way, Earth Star."

After Lin Yang gave the coordinates, he continued: "10,000 years is enough time. If it exceeds the time limit, I will renew the fee."

As for the purchase of the spaceship, Lin Yang has no such plan. For him, the free F3 spaceship is enough.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will plan the route."

Yadi saluted, and after a few seconds, he said:

"The Bayrock galaxy is 1 billion light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy, and it needs to travel at the highest speed in the dark universe for two years."


Lin Yang nodded slightly.

It's a little faster than he expected.


The crimson spaceship suspended in the starry sky began to turn around, and golden spots of light spewed out from its tail.


Almost instantly, Yadi sailed away from the star system where Lin Yang was originally located.

"Five seconds later, the spacecraft will accelerate to the speed of light and officially enter the dark universe."





"My lord, the spaceship has entered the dark universe and will reach the Milky Way in two years."

After any object reaches the speed of light, it can enter the dark universe from the original universe, and advancing 1 light-year in the dark universe is equivalent to advancing 10.081 million light-years in the original universe.

Therefore, the Yardi maintains 50 times the speed of light, and only needs to travel in the dark universe for two years to reach the Milky Way, a billion light-years away.

"It's time to wake me up."

After Lin Yang ordered, he entered the virtual universe.

"As ordered."

The smart housekeeper Yadi immediately canceled the projection.


Solar system, planet Earth.

It has been nine years since the end of the Cosmic Genius War. Human beings, who once competed with countless monsters for the living land, have now become the overlords on the planet again.

With the consciousness sensor brought back by Luo Feng, all the major forces on Earth Star know the vastness of the universe, and the Milky Way where Earth Star is located is only one-eighth of the territory of the "Silver Blue Empire", an elementary civilization country in the universe.

Similar to Earth Star,

Search the entire planet for low-level planets with few planetary levels, and there are billions more in the starry sky of the Yinlan Empire.

And in this extremely huge silver-blue empire, the emperor is a powerful world master.


In such a small planet, three super geniuses were born.

Lu Yuan (Lin Yang), Luo Feng, Hong!

In the Cosmic Genius Competition, all three of them successfully ranked among the top 1,000 in the Ganwu Cosmic Country. Even in the 1008 Cosmic Country final battle, two of them won first and third place brilliantly.

It was rumored that even the emperor of the Yinlan Empire would keep his attitude to the lowest level when he saw those two people.

"It's been more than two years in the initial universe, and it's almost unrecognizable when I return to the earth and stars again."

Lin Yang was walking on the streets of the former No. 003 city, looking at couples of youthful men and women by the side of the road.

In the Monster Paradise in the past, after he and Luo Feng became star-level, during the "global cleansing", king-level monsters and monster lords had been slaughtered.

This place reproduces the prosperity before the Great Nirvana era, and is today's "Shangjiang Base City".

"It's been close to 6800 years and hasn't come back."

Lin Yang walked to the lair of the armored dragon in the past, which is now a park.

A black metal plate flew out from the ground in the park and was held by Lin Yang.

"It was so close to the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" back then..."

What he took was the metal plate that recorded the "Secret Code of the Nine Tribulations". The main purpose of returning to Earth this time is this treasure.

"There are also some ordinary resources left, it depends on how far they can go in the future."

Looking at the Jiangnan base city hundreds of kilometers away, Lin Yang soared into the sky, flew out of the atmosphere, and returned to the Yadi stationed on the moon.

"Ah, it's Lu Tianjiao!"

"You can fly into the sky, definitely beyond the apprentice level, that's right, it's Lu Tianjiao."

Someone in the park exclaimed.

At first they thought it was just similar looks, but when they saw that Lin Yang could fly, they all exclaimed.

Even in this era, planetary ranks are extremely rare.

"Oh my god, I actually saw Lu Tianjiao with my own eyes!"

A person took out his mobile phone and started posting to Moments.


Yardi number.

"Go back to the company headquarters."

Lin Yang looked at the smart housekeeper.

"As ordered."

"Going back to the company's headquarters from Earth and Star, you need..."


Lin Yang lay on the chair in the main control room and began to plan the next step.

"When I stay away from the territory ruled by the four major ethnic groups and find an empty and dead area to house the universe of the martial arts master, the main body can start to withdraw from the long river of time."

"However, it must be an extremely long distance. I don't know how many years it will take to go this time. On the way, I will definitely pass through a territory ruled by foreign races."

"But I'm not afraid of anyone now. In the original universe, the true god will be suppressed by the original universe, and no one can break the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda."

"At that time, establish the kingdom of God over there and become the master of the universe."

After the divine body reaches the limit of immortality, Lin Yang can speculate that the strength of the master of the universe and the true god in the original universe will never reach 21 levels beyond the peak true immortal.

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