From the Perfect World

Six hundred thirty-three final eight hundred and ten times? (Two/Five)

Inside the big light sphere of the Lord God Continent.

"That's... a realm beast."

The original ancestor's voice was turbulent, containing turbulent waves.

His state is extremely high, he has comprehended the ultimate principle of destruction for several epochs, and has realized the "source of birth and death", and has walked a long distance on this road. It can be said that as long as he is determined to break through, he can become eternal in one fell swoop. God.

Moreover, the original ancestor's will was at the level of the eternal true god, so he felt the power of the realm beast more deeply.

That is invincible.

Of course, this refers to the huge mass of vitality at the beginning, not the split into billions.

"Yes, if the winning realm beast really devours the rest of the realm beasts, enters a mature stage, and becomes the king of realm beasts, then sooner or later the strength of life will reach the level we sensed at first. That's still strong."

Lin Yang nodded.

After he stepped into the continent of origin, he immediately went to Tianmu Kingdom to spy on the guardian beast, a world beast king at the peak of maturity.

So Lin Yang also has some understanding of the world beast at the peak of maturity, but he didn't start to study the king of the world beast because he wanted to find materials.

"If we kill some realm beasts in advance so that the final realm beast king cannot swallow all the realm beasts, not only will the strength be weaker after entering the mature stage, but the growth rate will also be greatly affected."

"If you can reach the peak of maturity in one era, but if there are not enough devoured beasts, it may take three eras, five eras, ten eras, or even longer time."

Listening to Lin Yang's words, the original ancestor and the founder of the giant ax pondered.

They thought that if they seized the original universe, they would understand these things naturally, just like a strong man could obtain the natural inheritance of that race after seizing another body, so the two had no doubts.

"From then on, part of our energy will be devoted to the world of Jin, and part of our energy will be devoted to the lair of beasts?"

The founder of the giant ax suggested.

Because the realm beast has been bred successfully, he no longer calls it a dark place.

"True gods who don't have soul-like Xeons and treasures will be sent to death, so don't pay attention to the beast lair for the time being. Normally, when the original universe is close to destruction, the last king of realm beasts will appear among the billion realm beasts."

"So just put all your energy in the world of Jin."

Lin Yang is not in a hurry to exterminate the beasts.

Now, seven epochs later, the master chapter of "The Secret Law of Romon", which was originally restricted to the 10081-fold gene level by the original universe, has truly exerted its due anti-sky effect.

His life genes have reached one hundred thousand times.

This is the estimated value on the continent of origin. As for whether anyone has reached the genetic level of 100,000 times, this is a mystery.

However, Lin Yang guessed that the seven top god kings and the purple wood god king should all be 100,000 times.

After all, you can reincarnate again and again, even if you didn’t have a hundred thousand times the genes when you first became a true god, but after countless reincarnations, with the experience of the god king, one day you can reach the level of one hundred thousand times the life genes, and the small universe will be perfect To the extreme, there will be no flaws in the basics.

And the Zimu God King's ability to enslave world beasts is the proof that his life gene level has reached 100,000 times.

At the moment when the genetic level of life reached 100,000 times, some strange abilities were naturally mastered by Lin Yang.

Just like reaching the perfect genetic level in the primordial universe, you will get the innate secret method bestowed by the original will. After the life genetic level reaches 100,000 times, the ability to acquire the ability of the god body needs to be tried a little bit by yourself, but the specific process is similar.

Reaching a limit is rewarded.

But the former is in the primordial universe,

Given by the original will, and the latter may be given by the supreme law.

"But this is a world of '10081'. The real limit value, shouldn't it be 100810 times? After all, Luo Feng in the original time and space has not been able to study the life structure of the Eternal True God, and he doesn't know the life structure of the mature world beast. It has already reached 100,000 times the life gene."

Lin Yang's thoughts were fleeting.

He felt that his guess should be a little possible. The life structure from the Eternal True God to the God King should not have any effect on the life structure of the beast from the beginning of maturity to the peak of maturity.

And this effect may be the final 810 times.

"If this is the case, then the time for the breakthrough will be postponed, until the ontology has studied the life structure of the god king and the peak realm beast in the mature stage."

"Then we can't let the world beast king really conceive when the original universe is shattered, otherwise I don't have enough time to study the life structure of the newly matured world beast, then let Luo Feng enslave a world beast like the original time and space." Beasts, stimulate the beasts of the realm to fight, or let me take a beast or enslave it."

After the three top powerhouses of the human race continued to chat for a while, the original ancestor and the founder of the giant ax returned to their respective small universes.

God Kings would long for this opportunity to comprehend the ultimate truth of destruction. Although each of the three has different understandings, the final results of the three people are not the same, but there is no doubt that all three of them have gained a lot.

The original ancestor and the founder of the giant axe have been able to create stronger secrets based on their own perception of the source of life and death.

The two left this time to create a brand new secret method and enhance their own strength. When the time comes in the future, they will return to the dark place to do what they really want to do.

Exterminate the world beasts!

Lin Yang did not return to the kingdom of origin, but was still sitting in the big ball of light, thinking about something.

"At this stage, if I don't make a breakthrough, I have basically reached the limit. Although I have a very high understanding of the source of birth and death and have completed a qualitative change, the secret method created by this may not be much stronger than the "Secret of Destiny" .”

"Then the only way is to practice "Lieyuanshu". Compared with other world's exercises, after the main body directly learns this exercise, I can fully display it."

"Lieyuanshu" is a secret technique of will, let alone the level of "Lieyuanshu", only this type of secret technique can only be realized after mastering the law of chaos, and finally created.

Except for Sitting Mountain Guest, there is no secret art of will in the primordial universe. Lin Yangkong has a whole body of knowledge and has no goals to refer to. In a world with different rules, he can't do anything until he truly integrates the ten basic laws into the laws of chaos. Create a secret technique of will.

So in the past, Lin Yang didn't consider this aspect. After all, he still had a lot of room for improvement at that time, and there was no need to waste time thinking about the secret art of will.

Now, because he wants to study the life structure of the beasts that have just entered the mature stage, Lin Yang has shifted his attention to the top-level "Lieyuanshu" among the secret arts of will.

"Looking for "Lieyuanshu" from Zuoshanke, the condition is to avenge him and kill the three founding kings of Shiguo."

"It kills two birds with one stone."

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