From the Perfect World

Six hundred and fifty-sixth, the light that illuminates the cosmic sea

Lin Yang frowned slightly, carefully feeling the nature of the 'storm' that descended on the Kingdom of Origin.

He hesitated uncommonly.

"Is it a soul? Or something else?"

Lin Yang whispered to himself.

The world rules of each world are not exactly the same. To put it more intuitively, there are differences between 'settings' and 'worldviews', so even with his knowledge, he can truly see the essence of a kind of Tao in this world revealed in front of his eyes. Can only guess based on past experience.

After all, it is not as good as 'life' and 'destruction', which can be seen at a glance. The nature of the 'storm' transforming the gray liquid at this moment is very strange, peculiar, and difficult to see through.

When Lin Yang was thinking, the storm that originated from the Kingdom of God had disappeared, just as suddenly as it came.

He could feel that the gray liquid began to condense towards the human form under the supreme rule.


[UU Reading 00kxs] Originated from the Kingdom of God.

"As a result, what is the difference?"

Lin Yang looked at the newborn divine body, unconsciously feeling a little confused.

He has not yet broken through to the true god, so he can feel that after reaching 100810 times the level of life, there is no difference except that the power of the gods, the strength of the gods, and the purity of the gods have been raised to the corresponding level.

half an hour.

Lin Yang no longer entangled with this matter, he guessed that it should be the same as the divine body with 100,000 times the life gene needs to find out the abilities one by one, his new divine body may also be the same.

Sensing that someone in the virtual universe is calling him, Lin Yang has a sliver of willpower.


The top of Thunder Island.

"You're finally here, the 100,810 cracking sounds just now, did you find anything?"

asked the founder of Greataxe on the Throne.

Lin Yang is the original will of the original universe. If there is any abnormality in the original universe, he can definitely find it immediately, so he asked this question.

The true gods, the lords of the universe, and the overlords of the universe on the throne all looked at Lin Yang who had come late.

At this time, three days have passed since the first cracking sound.

They also waited here for three days.

"That's the sound caused by the breakthrough of my life level. It belongs to the resonance of the supreme rule and has no effect on the original universe."

Lin Yang gave the answer while everyone was looking forward to it.

"Life level breakthrough?"

A voice of astonishment sounded, and it was not someone else who spoke, but the original ancestor who had left this dimensional universe for a long time.

The original ancestor knew that Lin Yang's life level had reached 100,000 times, so he was so shocked at this moment.

You must know that the life level of 100,000 times is just a legend on the continent of origin, and life beyond 100,000 times has never been heard of.

Joining the original ancestor of a sect founded by a god king, I am a little suspicious of the classics in the sect at this moment.

"Exceeded 100,000 times the life gene?"

Luo Feng suddenly froze.

In Duan Donghe's inheritance, the limit is also 100,000 times the level of life. I didn't expect that when I was about to break through the true god, I would know that the level beyond life could exceed 100,000 times!

A series of exclamations rang out. For many powerhouses present, not to mention surpassing the life level of 100,000 times, even the level of 70,000 times of life is worth pursuing for a lifetime.

Even if there is the inheritance of the World of Jin and the World of Otter, and the bodies of some beasts brought back by the high-level can be studied, it is still extremely difficult to improve the level of life.

"100810 times the level of life."

When Lin Yang was shocked by everyone,

State the exact value.

"When we have a deep understanding of all kinds of life of various races, and transform ourselves in an unprecedented way, the life level of the divine body will exceed 100,000 times, but it is still very difficult to reach 100,810 times, and we need to come out step by step."

"I have thoroughly researched the nature of sea life in the universe and beasts, as well as other special life forms (natural beasts born in the continent of origin), and finally got to this point, and this also means that just like the road to becoming a true god, it has been completely eliminated. It is sealed. But the former is limited by the rules of the original universe, and the latter is limited by the supreme rules."

When he said this, Lin Yang looked at Luo Feng and continued:

"If you want to surpass the life level of 100,000 times, you can't take this path anymore, otherwise you will only waste time."

He knew that Luo Feng would definitely set his goal at a life level beyond 100,000 times, so he warned him like this, so as not to walk on a wrong path.

Then, Lin Yang vaguely pointed out the method used by the Immortal Emperor, telling everyone not to waste time on this road.

"Have these two methods been blocked?"

Luo Feng muttered to himself.

He didn't despair, in fact, he had two different ways to surpass the life level of 100,000 times, but Luo Feng had a vague guess after comparing with each other.

Compared to Luo Feng, the original ancestor unconsciously thought of the resonance of the supreme rule aroused by the breakthrough of the Immortal Emperor hundreds of epochs ago in the Origin Continent.

In fact, the resonance of the supreme rule caused by Lin Yang not only occurred in the original universe, but also in the cosmic sea, in the entire three-thousand-dimensional space, and in the continent of origin, there are visions of resonance.

However, this is so faint that it is almost impossible to detect it. Only beings with a certain strength can discover this weak resonance.

There is only one and a half lives on the continent of origin today that have reached this standard.

That one is the immortal emperor who has long been a god king, and half is Lin Yang who is in the state of being one.

"I'm going to break through."

At this time, Lin Yang's words came out.

All the figures on the throne stood up, expressing their congratulations.

When the level of life reaches a certain level, as long as one's own will moves, the Lord of the universe can become a true god, so no one would think that Lin Yang cannot become a true god, so he said it in advance.

"Oh, I hope you're doing well for yourself."

The original ancestor sighed slightly.

After he came to the continent of origin, he was deeply shocked.

The strongest person in the universe, commonly known in his hometown, is placed on the continent of origin, that is, a village head, and he has to be a good true god to be qualified to be a village head. Those who are weaker, there is no ethnic group willing to live in that small universe middle.

If he hadn't broken into reincarnation in the state of an eternal true god, he might have struggled in the Origin Continent.


When a trace of will communicated with everyone in the virtual universe, Lin Yang made a breakthrough with a thought.

"Crack clack clack clack!"

The miniature lin yang in the life structure began to change qualitatively, like ink dripping into clear water, the miniature lin yang after qualitative change began to assimilate the miniature lin yang that had not yet undergone qualitative change.

With his head as the core, the extremely dazzling gray light spreads to the whole body, spreads to the original universe, spreads to the entire dimensional space.

Almost in an instant, Lin Yang's divine body turned into a light man emitting endless dazzling gray light, with no appearance, only a gray human silhouette.

It looks like a chaotic airflow in the shape of a restrained ChengRén.

With the power of the supreme rule of operation, the gray light man appears in the depths of the hearts of all life in this dimension.

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