From the Perfect World

Eight hundred and eighty-five human beings think, God laughs

dark place.

Lin Yang heard Monkey King's violent drinking, and saw the sudden appearance of new tributaries in the long river of time, and finally knew why the time knife ran away by itself.

"Lamp burning..."

Sensing the wave of the two good fortunes' successful confrontation, Lin Yang felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

Before consummation, although the universe in the body of the great supernatural being is truly infinite, there is still a gap that cannot be ignored from the structure of the heavens and worlds in this era, that is, there is no real world, and there is no place for shortcuts.

As for the perfect creation, the countless universes in the body have undergone another transformation, forming the embryonic form of the real world.

If mixed with some water, the countless universes in the body of Perfect Creation can barely be said to be the heavens and worlds, but the "heaven" is still a budding, but the "ten thousand worlds" has matured.

Although this cannot intuitively show how big the gap between the Perfect Creation and the normal Creation is, but throughout the ages, no normal Creator has ever dared to provoke a Consummate Creation without a powerful foreign object.

It's as if the well-rounded powerhouses have entered another level. Unlike the normal creations that are still sinking in the sea of ​​suffering, they can choose whether to break free from the sea of ​​suffering, face the most terrifying and desperate catastrophe, and accept the torture of "God's will".

"No wonder the Great Sage Equaling Heaven didn't jump out when the Supreme True Buddha appeared. It turned out that the one from Tushita Palace intended to light the lamp."

While Lin Yang was thinking, he continued to refine the Supreme True Buddha, using the method of "One Qi Transforming Three Purities" to integrate with himself.

He didn't wonder why the burning lamp in this time and space didn't sleep like the original time and space, waiting for the time to come back.

Daode Tianzun and Tiandi don't know how many times they tampered with the past, making the 'information' he knew almost outdated. Even if the other big figures on the other side don't return completely at this time and re-enter the long river of time, it is impossible to really be unable to affect time. Within the long river.

It may not be much more difficult for a man of good fortune to escape the scouring of time and survive alive and kicking than a great supernatural being crushing an ant. The only problem is that there may be another great supernatural being intervening to prevent the 'crushing an ant' 'Act of.

"I don't know how many people from the other side have played games in the real chaos, and finally compromised with each other, and it became the result in front of us."

Lin Yang already had a vague guess in his mind.

As the current node approaches the 'end point' a little bit, a certain big shot on the other side who has 'closed' to the long river of time in this process has also become stronger in his grasp of the long river of time.

He is not ignorant of the actions of the Heavenly Emperor and the Daode Tianzun. He did not know when he modified the past and let the lamp escape from the world until now.

Therefore, Ran Deng did not go to Yuxu Palace decades ago when there was no strong man in the heavens and myriad worlds in a complete state, and took the seal of Dao, which became the cause of all fruits.

This may be the result of the game between you and the other side.

Let Ran Deng not leave his own pure land of Buddhism and appear in the outside world, otherwise, it may not be Ran Deng who came to Lingshan today, but another great supernatural being.

It is even possible that the original candidate was not Ran Deng, but someone else, but he had a different idea, and finally disappeared in the long river of time, or lost the original memory, and continued to sleep in a certain corner.

Countless thoughts collided, and Lin Yang gradually saw a game between great figures that the creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness could never have noticed at the time.

Although I really want to see the confrontation between Ran Deng and the Monkey King, the first consummation of good fortune in the heavens and myriad worlds after countless years, but the Supreme True Buddha is not really without a little resistance, even if He pays too much attention to the battle on Lingshan, and it is possible that the opponent will escape.

Even Lin Yang is praying,

The two of them should not enter this dark place, otherwise, under the impact of 'close range', the Supreme True Buddha may also take the opportunity to escape.

But as soon as this thought arose, Lin Yang was relieved.

Not to mention here, even if he brought the Supreme True Buddha back to Jiuchongtian, as long as Ran Deng and Monkey King have a heart, they can transfer the battlefield from Lingshan to Jiuchongtian, from the lowest level of Jiuchongtian all the way to Lingxiao The palace, causing boundless slaughter, let the corpses of the heavenly court that had begun to take shape litter the field.

"I just don't know what attitude that person from Tushita Palace has towards me, and whether he will change his mind and reflect the unpredictability of 'God's will'."

"After all, through this move, He must be able to 'see' all kinds of futures, and know the thoughts that are still lingering in my heart at this moment."

"What I know, he probably knows everything, but what he knows, I don't know..."

After circling countless thoughts, Lin Yang finally closed his eyes and handed over everything to 'God's Will'.

Mere good fortune, even if it is a perfect creation, is not worthy of too much attention from the big figures on the other side before breaking free from the sea of ​​suffering, let alone calculating these "dream bubbles" who have not broken free from the sea of ​​suffering. What they have done from beginning to end is just The arrangement makes people unable to resist, and even enjoys it, thinking that it is a choice made from one's own heart after growing up after going through various tests.

Even a confrontation with a certain big shot on the other side, which makes the opponent feel deflated, there is a high probability that it is something that big shot wants to see, for a certain purpose.

It is precisely because he can understand the suffering in the realm of good fortune more deeply than ordinary people, and knows the coldness of the sea of ​​suffering, that Lin Yang can be so resigned.

After all, I, who is refining the Supreme True Buddha at this moment, has no ability to resist sudden changes, and it is useless to think about it. What an accident, I can only bear the pain and watch the Supreme True Buddha escape, since the Supreme True Buddha was suppressed in Lingshan for countless years. It can be seen that ordinary means should not be able to kill him completely, otherwise this disaster of Buddhism would have been strangled in the cradle long ago.

The golden cicada's carapace may or may not work, and Lin Yang doesn't want to try it either.

When he was trying his best to refine the Supreme True Buddha and integrate him into one of his past, present, and future, Lin Yang felt a sudden movement in his heart, and realized that the Time Saber had returned.

Except for stabbing Ran Deng at the beginning to buy time for Monkey King's arrival and save Meng Qi's life, the Time Knife didn't move any more. The knife was not left outside either.

Lin Yang's thoughts diverged slightly.

Compared with other big figures who incarnate for the general trend and make people have to follow suit, the Emperor of Heaven actually personally attacked Ran Deng himself!

Isn't this too degrading (bi) identity (ge)?

Or is it that the Emperor of Heaven is dutifully playing the Time Saber, in order to maintain his identity as the God of Xuanyang, the "Reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven"?

If Ran Deng knew that he was stabbed by the Emperor of Heaven and did not die suddenly on the spot, would he feel honored? Create a record!

"Meng Qi, who will become an ancient man in the future and will not take the initiative to fight for the Dao Fruit in many eras, is indeed a perfect helper for the Heavenly Emperor who wants to fight for the Dao Fruit..."

Lin Yang secretly thought.


Post it first and then think about the chapter name... Race against time...

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