From the Perfect World

Nine hundred and six return

A certain universe.

Unlike those very 'young' universes, this universe is already very 'old', and life has reached the countdown.

For countless years, the group of stars that were once relatively close continued to move towards the distance under inertia, and finally opened up an exaggerated space scale that is difficult to accurately describe with astronomical figures. For billions of light years, it is impossible to reach another galaxy, and it is impossible to even see the light of distant stars. It makes people wonder whether there are no other galaxies in the vast universe other than the galaxy where they are, and only eternal darkness is the vastness. The theme of the universe.

On this day, when countless extraordinary beings and advanced civilizations acquiesced to this matter, quietly waiting for the stars nearby to be completely extinguished, and when even the last bit of matter was converted into energy, suddenly something different happened.

It was a voice, it came from nowhere, and it seemed to ring in the heart of every creature.

Although no one has heard this language before, no matter what race of creatures they are at this time, they can understand the meaning of this voice.

"This is... the breath of God Haotian? Even if all the heavens and myriad worlds are completely shattered, even if He has already fallen through the ages, this breath gives people the feeling..."

The astonishment in the words can be felt by every creature in the boundless universe.

They can't imagine, can't believe it.

The unknown existence with such means, the supreme being who seems to be the infinite universe, would reveal such a tone.

Haotian God... Who is it?

Countless souls are confused, and there are also countless souls who have a strong thirst for knowledge and want to explore everything.

I thought I had reached the end, and I could only count how long the stars near me could last, but I didn't expect that it would be like this today.

"Could it be Xuanyang... God who fought against Haotian God?"

While countless creatures were meditating, a voice that seemed to originate from the bottom of their hearts sounded again, like the rules of the universe, which could only be followed by people.

In a dark place where no one can see, a majestic figure slowly opened its eyes. The tangible body contained boundless universes. It's just one of them, and it won't cause the slightest pressure on this figure.

"The flow of time in this universe is almost billions of times that of the real world,

Although this place has been a long time ago, the real world is at most hundreds of thousands of years. "

"How long has it been since He proved the legend by himself and came here to leave a mark? In a blink of an eye, he has grown to the point where I can only be afraid and awed."

"It seems that the last calamity is about to reach its most intense moment."

The majestic figure's mind was spinning, and the layers of universes in his body, from decay and death, gradually glowed with vitality, approaching the time when they were just born.

"I was lucky enough to survive the catastrophe of the last era of the ancient times. I don't know what my fate will be this time..."

"The end of the catastrophe!"


real world.

The terrifying breath rushed into the depths of the starry sky, without destroying anything along the way, but left behind an indescribable change, as if the place where the horrible breath rushed was taken away something inexplicable .

When the countless creatures in the depths of the starry sky rejoiced secretly, they didn't know that they had no 'future'.

All kinds of future changes that normal things should have have disappeared in them. If a monk who knows a little bit about the secrets deduces this, he will definitely find that these beings living in the place where the horrible breath is rushed, no matter how hard they try. , no matter how slack, there will be no more changes in the future, and it will be fixed as one.

Jiuxian Mountain.

This fairy mountain suspended in the depths of the starry sky in the real world suddenly disappeared and appeared in a certain universe just before the terrifying breath came.

The two Taoists who had witnessed the vision of Lin Yang's legend in the Middle Ages turned around together at the moment, and they said in surprise, "Heavenly Lord!"

There is only one person who has the ability to move Jiuxian Mountain, and that is the lord of this place, Guangcheng Tianzun, the teacher of the Human Emperor and the Holy Emperor. Even if the latter is not the other side, he is also a great supernatural being. .

Being able to teach these two people shows the ability of Guangcheng Tianzun.

Sure enough, as soon as the two Taoists turned around, they saw Guang Chengzi walking out of the mountainside with the Zhuxian Sword on his back and the Heavenly Seal on his waist.

"It's still a step too late, let him grow to this point, the general trend has come."

Guang Chengzi sighed softly, as if he felt a bit regretful.

At the beginning when he sensed the fluctuation of the sea of ​​bitterness, he guessed that Lin Yang was not far from the realm of good fortune. Even if he had already started preparing to fully wake up at that time, it seemed that it was too late.

The only thing that comforts him is that the other forces are probably in the same situation and have not been able to seize more opportunities.

"Heavenly Court reappears, God Xuanyang is so tyrannical, he already has a bit of the peerless demeanor of a lifetime before reincarnation."

Guang Chengzi said: "You guys get ready, I'm going to Yuxu Palace to ring the ancient Kunlun bell and call my colleagues."

The two Taoists know that the Yuxu Palace mentioned by Tianzun is not the new one in the real world, but the real Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun Daochang.

When Guang Chengzi left Jiuxian Mountain, the two Taoists also began to release the power of the secret law, and opened the inexplicable shackles that bound their true spirits.


When Guang Chengzi returned completely, one side spanned hundreds of millions of kalpas in the pure land of colored glaze.

A young and handsome ancient Buddha has a relaxed smile, his eyes are full of a sense of purity, and the word "Buddha" made up of countless swastikas between his brows is emitting a faint light, turning all time and space into a pure land of glass a part of.

"God Xuanyang, so strong."

Wang Fo, who is at ease in the world, seems to be emotional.

Only he understands that even if nothing else is involved, there is still a great dispute between him and the Xuanyang God who is said to be the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor.

Because what he majored in is also the way of time.

Although no matter who uses time as the foundation to condense the illusory Dao fruit, it will not prevent the latecomers from being unable to condense the illusory Dao fruit with the same foundation, but it is undeniable that if one or several people used time as the foundation to condense the illusory Dao fruit. Dao fruit holders, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for latecomers to use time as the foundation to condense illusory Dao fruits. In addition to overcoming innate factors, they must also overcome the influence of the previous one or several on the way of time.

The world's free king Buddha doesn't want one more person to hinder him when he is perfecting the foundation and laying the foundation for condensing the illusory Taoism.

Thinking of the countless years before, when he was comprehending the way of time, he often saw the figure of the emperor who had become a symbol of time, so he could not see the most primitive way of time, so he made a decision. The emperor of heaven, before he perfected his foundation, condensed the illusory dao fruit, thus breaking free from the sea of ​​suffering.


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