From the Perfect World

Nine hundred and tenth Qingdi talent, mother of all worlds

After realizing what happened at the beginning, Lin Yang felt mixed feelings and sighs.

He lifted his feet, left the leaves covered with white petals, and walked in the eternal time, as if no matter how long the time passed, the time in the outside world would not pass by.

After crossing the universe, Lin Yang also walked out of the Fusang ancient tree boundary and came to the East China Sea.


His form disappeared and he returned to the Empyrean.

Although it is not so good for him to have Emperor Qing go to the other side too early, but it is basically doomed for Emperor Qing to go to the other side.

At least Lin Yang will not prevent Qingdi from landing on the other side, at most it will delay Qingdi for a period of time, allowing him to accumulate more advantages. At that time, even if Qingdi is going to pretend to be stupid, there is not much room left.

In the end, Qingdi owed Lin Yang the karma that he owed to Lin Yang. Lin Yang was only thinking about it in his heart, and the plan before he had time to put it into action was destroyed by Qingdi. , but if Lin Yang had already made corresponding arrangements, and Emperor Qing still wanted to intervene, then the burden of that cause and effect on him must be even heavier.

Unless Emperor Qing didn't have any thoughts about Dao and fruit, and he was not going to do subtraction and seeking emptiness, it would be impossible to make this paragraph of cause and effect that would inevitably affect his future reduction and seeking emptiness heavier.

Since Qingdi became a person from the other side with a high probability, and the Fusang Ancient Tree Boundary was the birthplace of Qingdi and the future dojo of Qingdi, Lin Yang naturally didn't want to stay here for a long time.

A person from the other side is in the same space with a certain period of time in his own life. Even just thinking about it can make people feel awkward.

Back at Lingxiao Palace, Lin Yang sat on the throne, his thoughts turned.

Qingdi's unique road to the other side moved him very much. After all, this kind of road to the other side can minimize the interference before starting to go back in time, which is smoother than the road to the other side in his current plan.


Although I used to joke with my friends that Qing Di was the weakest normal other side in this era when I was reading a book, but only after experiencing it personally can I realize how terrifying Qing Di's talent is.

When Emperor Qing landed on the other shore, the illusory Dao Fruit condensed fully contained the four aspects of 'Tao', which are the four ultimate ways of the heavens and the world in the popular sense.

Wood row, vitality.

Emperor Qing was born at the beginning of the era. One of the two fruits of the ancient Fusang tree, he was born with great supernatural powers. He is the innate tree of the heavens and the world. Illusory Dao Fruit is not surprising.

And the remaining two of the four ultimate paths are time and void.

From this, it is not difficult to see how profound the Qing Emperor's background was before reaching the other shore, so he was able to go against the cognition of many great supernatural beings and descend into the illusory future in order to seek the way to the other shore.

"Everything in the world, there is always something that can't be perfect."

Lin Yang finally stopped his thoughts.


East China Sea.

Sha Wujing and the Envoy of the Lantern walked out of the illusory and hazy realm of the ancient hibiscus tree, their expressions were very heavy.

"He actually came."

Sha Wujing said in a low voice.

There are a lot of weird things in the Fusang Ancient Tree Realm, even if he found a fast way to the top, it was a step too late in the end, far behind Meng Qi who had a 'mission' to arrive in time, when he was about to approach At the top of the ancient tree, Lin Yang had already fought with Haotian Brand, and the battle spread to the Fusang ancient tree realm, and Sha Wujing was also implicated, and was almost drawn into an irresistible energy vortex, and was forced by the power of the two emperors. With the contact, the true spirit will be wiped out.

If it weren't for the fact that Monkey King and himself were probably in the same camp, Lin Yang had defended him at the time, Sha Wujing would have fallen long ago, how could he have been lucky enough to withdraw from the fierce battle circle between the two emperors.

"If Gu Xiaosang really left something behind, it seems that it has also fallen into Su Meng's hands. I am not in good condition now, and it is not the time to hit Kunlun Mountain."

The Envoy of the Lantern said.

As a well-known immortal in ancient times, he had seen Yuanshi Tianzun from afar, and he dared not be unscrupulous, so he could only use Kunlun Mountain to refer to the Yuxu Palace founded by Meng Qi.

The real Yuxu Palace is located in Qingweitian, in the place of Daluo thirty-three days away.

"Go to Kunlun Mountain?"

Sha Wujing was silent when he heard the words.

Seeing this, the envoy who held the lamp also felt that something was wrong.

The one who looked down at the heavens, overlooked the world, and set a new rule of heaven, would really sit back and watch this kind of thing happen?

Before the acting envoy fully returns, violating the new rules of heaven is undoubtedly a reason for the other party to attack. After all, the strength Lin Yang showed before is too terrifying. As long as he really wants to, it will not be difficult to uproot the vacuum hometown at this time. Disaster.

"Look at my mother's will."

The last two envoys looked at each other, and they were everywhere, returning to the vacuum home.


Demon Emperor Palace.

The faces of all the great saints were equally heavy. They thought that they were about to return to their peak and could begin to occupy the core of the real world. But after feeling the fluctuations from the Fusang ancient tree realm, several great saints hesitated.

"Three years."

The Peng Demon King sighed.

It was only three years since he escaped from trouble, and Xuan Yang, who was already so terrifying at that time, unexpectedly had a brand new breakthrough in strength.

"Xuanyang is the embodiment of order at this time. As long as he exists for a day, it is impossible to allow the heavens and the world to be in chaos. was greatly devastated.”

"Since it is related to his own path and has an inseparable relationship with his interests, it is impossible for him to let us succeed and turn the earth into a land of monster races."

The Bull Demon King spoke at this moment.

At this time, he has already re-entered the good fortune, and he will reach his heyday in at most three to five years.

"It's not just us, the vacuum hometown, the Buddhist kingdom on the ground, who wants to rule the core of the real world and practice our own ways, we don't need to worry, as long as the time comes, someone will naturally cause trouble, and observe Xuanyang's reaction. "

"It is also feasible for us to take advantage of the chaos and occupy part of the core of the real world."

A great saint spoke up.

The practice of the series of good fortune has a deep relationship with the real world. If you want to perfect your foundation and reach the level of condensing the illusory Taoism, it is foolish to go to countless universes and slowly realize it.

Only in the mother of all worlds, the center of the heavens and all worlds, can there be hope for a complete foundation.

All changes remain true, no matter how many changes there are in a certain avenue, as long as you grasp the fundamental mystery, it will be half done, and the real world of the mother of all worlds is the place where the fundamental mysteries of all avenues in countless universes lie.

Therefore, since ancient times, many struggles have occurred in the real world, not in countless universes.

Unless it is because they don't want to move on, any great supernatural being who wishes to progress will never leave the real world. Even if there are more and more endless universes outside the real world, it is only in some people's mouths that they can reach the other shore. It is the center of the heavens of the 'only real world'.

At this time, a person walked in outside the Demon Emperor's Palace and said:

"In addition to this method, there may be other methods. At the beginning, Xuannv said that Xuanyang treats all sentient beings equally, and the Yaozu is no exception..."


To reiterate, the illusory Tao fruit of the normal other side contains some aspects of the 'Tao', from one or two aspects to nearly all aspects. The illusory Tao fruit of the ancients contains all aspects of the 'Tao', which can be said to be the prototype of the Tao fruit. Well, there seems to be no difference between the oldest person and the ancient person in terms of Dao and fruit, except that the former can go back to the root of time, while the latter is a bit inferior. It can go back to the birth of the first era, and there is still a 'time' from the root of time.

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