From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 23 Nuclear Fission

"However, it's not a form of fusion, but fission. As expected, if it's infinite and almost permanently moving, we have to find the real Godzilla."

Normally, it is strengthened hundreds of times. When using other abilities, the power will naturally become stronger. Not to mention, Chang Wei now finds that his body can maneuver at supersonic speeds.

Each punch and kick is supersonic, capable of exerting invincible destructive power.


Chang Wei felt hungry immediately. There was something to eat in the center of Manhattan Island, which was completely destroyed by the nuclear bomb explosion and turned into a sea of ​​fire and ruins...

"The taste of uranium-235 and plutonium-239... It seems that my future recipes will change."

Chang Wei thought, the energy of biomass and life forms is too weak compared to the nearly infinite atomic energy and nuclear energy. If it is not necessary, Chang Wei will no longer need to prey on other life forms, unless that life form has special genes or abilities.

But this is also a good thing. Sufficient nuclear energy and atomic energy means thermal energy and electrical energy, and evolution does not need to worry about insufficient energy, nor does it need to worry about being depleted of energy like Alex, unable to continue to regenerate the black light virus and die. .

"With 475,000 tons of ballistic missiles, there should be a lot of nuclear fuel left that has not been completely burned to release energy..."

Chang Wei found the core uranium 235 and the central lithium deuteride that had not been completely burned. The deadly strong radiation that is enough to break the bonds of molecules in living organisms is similar to the breeze blowing on the face for Chang Wei. Wherever it passes, the radiation concentration Falling fast.

So Chang Wei suddenly looked a lot stronger, because the external performance of these electrical storage cells is similar to that of muscles, and they can play a very good protective role.

The hot and sweet taste went down his throat, making Chang Wei's throat itchy. Steam began to rise all over his body, and thick smoke was visible to the naked eye.

There is a red light produced by the operation of black light virus cells in his body that overflows from the body surface.

And when the time comes, we may discover energy that is even more exaggerated and powerful than nuclear energy.

The black light virus cells that have evolved again opened the uranium absorption valves that can absorb uranium elements one by one, and instantly digested the swallowed uranium elements. The other part of the electricity storage cells converted nuclear energy into electrical energy for storage, similar to humans. of fat cells.

Evolve this state of the nuclear black light virus cell into its own transformation, and use its usual state at ordinary times.

He found a small part of the highly enriched uranium layer of the fusion secondary. He originally wanted to study it and decide whether to eat it, but his body's instinct was much faster than his thinking, and he swallowed it with a grunt.

This kind of thing just requires the system to take action. Chang Wei quickly completed a small evolution and temporarily put "Black Light·Nuclear Fission" into hibernation.

Breathing the radiation dust in the air, death level passes through the lungs every time. After absorbing the radiation, the dust spurts out from the mouth and nose again.

Otherwise, regardless of consumption or anything, it is too powerful. Even if Chang Wei's size is not as exaggerated as Godzilla, in theory, he does not need so much nuclear fuel and rich earth core, but his digestion ability is stronger than Godzilla, and his whole body The cells are all energy-devouring black light virus cells, and Chang Wei cannot withstand this consumption.

This was the result of him absorbing a large amount of nuclear energy, and Chang Wei came up with a way, which was to undergo "metamorphosis".

The third part is the discharge cells. Chang Wei's black light virus abandons the discharge organs and other mechanisms that have evolved from electric eels. The evolved discharge cells can gather the electrical energy in the storage cells. According to Chang Wei's will, Releases energy similar to Godzilla's atomic breath, which is the release of nuclear energy!

"It's hot."

Chang Wei opened his mouth, and a fire snake spit out from his mouth and flew hundreds of meters away, forming a pillar of fire!

The terrifying high temperature distorted the air. Chang Wei was quickly releasing the heat in his body, otherwise he might die from overheating.

After all, it is a nuclear warhead with an equivalent of more than 400,000 tons, and the little bit of "residue" left can make Chang Wei feel full.

"This state is too scary, I have to find a way..."

Chang Wei has never been so hungry for mouth-watering delicacies and deadly emanations.

As long as he absorbs nuclear energy, he will continue to transform and strengthen his body, but he may die of exhaustion. Chang Wei doesn't want to do this. There are still a lot of worlds, a lot of viruses and genes waiting for him.

At this time, the black light virus had spread throughout the world. Although Chang Wei's nuclear fission was dormant, the strengthening effect before the nuclear fission was still retained.

As soon as he soared into the sky, he reached the high-altitude stratosphere in less than a moment. The influence of the stratosphere can amplify the entire climate process and turn local processes into global climate processes.

There is not much rising and falling air movement here. The air mainly flows horizontally. The reason why he came here is to use the wind speed of the stratosphere to release the black light virus at once, pollute the entire stratosphere, and infect the whole world. !

"Black light is coming here!"

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