Seeing this title, the

Kamisato brothers and sisters remembered that this person had said in the live broadcast room that they knew the truth of the past Raiden Five Transmission incident, and immediately concentrated their spirits.

Not only their brothers and sisters, but also Ray's movie and many people watched carefully.

This wanderer is too mysterious in the live broadcast room, but many things can be related to him.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the video slowly kicked off!

In the lush rainforest of Meru, a small ball of finches flapping its wings and flying by in a cloudy day.

In an Inazuma-like ditty, the camera quickly shifts to a pedestrian on the road.

And the little group of finches, after flying for a while, also stopped on this person's cloak.

The weight of the small group of finches pressed the person's hat crookedly, but a strong wind blew through, and the small group finches fell on the person's shoulders again.

Looking at the small ball on the shoulder, this person's eyes did not feel uncomfortable.

It was at this time that the audience finally saw the face of this person!

He is the mysterious boy of Meru who fought with Ray Movie in the last live broadcast - Ahat!

Although it was determined that Ah Hat was a wanderer, more doubts followed.

At this time, everyone found that this time the video was a little different.

Compared with the previous video, the picture is not very clear, as if you are looking at old photos from the past.

But this is clearly not the time to think about this.

A thunderclap in the video pulled everyone's thoughts back.

Just as the wanderer was about to continue on his way, he happened to meet two members of the fools' team.

The Fire Clamp guerrilla asked the wanderer with a high spirit: "Hey! Boy over there!

"I heard that there is an inn nearby, please lead the way!"

The brim of the wanderer's hat covered his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

But as if he hadn't heard the other party's question, he continued to walk forward, indicating his attitude.

Seeing this kid's attitude, the Fire Hammer guerrilla gave the thunder hammer behind him a look!

Thunder Hammer even took the sledgehammer in his hand and stepped forward to block the wanderer's steps.

"Talk to you!"

The sledgehammer dancing by the thunder hammer brought up a strong wind and blew away the small group of finches on the shoulders of the wanderers!

The wanderer also stopped, and said to Thunder Hammer in a flat tone: "The famous fools, but they can't even find the hotel, and they still want to ask me for directions?" "

Hah! The tone is so big, you will regret it! The musket in the back had obviously lost patience with this attitude towards the wanderer.


As the musket guerrilla pulled the trigger, an enchanted elemental bullet quickly galloped towards the wanderer.

In the face of the sudden attack, the wanderer did not dodge.

Instead, he pulled the hammer of the thunder hammer and used it to block the bullet!

"Okay! ~"

In the wanderer's somewhat playful laughter, the video picture suddenly became high-definition!

And the background music, at this time, also came to a great flip from the previous style.

Many Inazuma people immediately heard that it was played in shakuhachi.

The unique sound quality and performance make the music sound sad.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that there are also human voices in the foreshadowing, as if the demon of the abyss whispering in the ear.

For this style change, everyone in the live broadcast room is used to it.

Except for Nasida who has not shown it, everyone else who has been in the live broadcast room has this scene!

According to the process, it is time for the Wanderer battle screen below!

Sure enough!

In the next second, the wind blade with cyan light condensed in the wanderer's hand quickly slashed towards the musketeer.

With just a few strokes, he knocked the weapon in the musketeer's hand to the ground.

However, what the audience did not expect was that the wanderer actually mischievously pulled his eyelids and stuck out his tongue lightly towards the camera!

Correspondingly, there is a distorted, unreadable text.

In the unbridled laughter of the wanderer, the picture quickly alternates between black and white and color.

But there was one image that caught everyone's attention.

An irregular mass of lines covered the upper half of the wanderer's face, as if it was about to erase him.

With the wanderer's cry of "The wind rises!" ", his whole person flew out of thin air!

At the moment of takeoff, the lines on his shoulders, arms, neck, etc. lit up.

In this state, the two foolish soldiers were powerless to fight back.

The musketeer's series of shots were all easily dodged by him in the air.

The thunder hammer wrapped in the thunder element's sledgehammer smashed heavily towards him the moment the wanderer landed.

The wanderer quickly turned around, and the palm carrying the wind elemental power touched the sledgehammer with just a slight flick, and the extremely heavy sledgehammer flew and fell violently into the distance.

Then the wanderer gathered the wind element with one hand, pinched the neck of the thunder hammer, and directly brought the other party to the sky.

The thunder hammer slammed into the wanderer's delicate arm in an attempt to break it.

But after a few attempts, Thunder Hammer knew that he was just doing useless work.

To this, he could only curse, "You will... There is no place to die..."

"Oh, it's really exciting. It's just a pity that you don't have that ability! With

that, he waved his hand and threw the thunder hammer to the ground, and the next second! His eyes instantly turned blue, and the bracelet on his wrist glowed brightly.

The pure wind elemental power condensed under his feet, forming a crazy and restless wheal!

This move has been seen by everyone in the challenge of Wanderer with Ray's movie before.

I thought he would step on it directly.

Video images can quickly switch between black and white and color again!

"Bell ~~~"

As a bell rang, the wanderer in the black and white picture slowly raised his eyes.

The seven-colored white light behind him attracted everyone's attention!

At this moment, it was as if in the body of the wanderer, the power belonging to the 'gods' was seen!

And that furious wind ball also drew a perfect end to the battle!

Facing the two downed foolish soldiers, the wanderer slowly fell back to the ground and said lightly: "A group of waste, it makes no difference whether it is dead or alive!" With

that, the wanderer turned and left.

"You... You..." The musketeer seemed to want to say something more, desperately trying to grab the wanderer's leg, but everything was in vain.

"I love to find trouble, and I really can't blame others." The wanderer hugged his arms.

The previous small group of finches also flew back at this time.

But this time the wanderer did not let it approach, and waved it away with some impatience.

"Goodbye, if we meet again next time, you will ask for blessings."

The wanderer lowered the brim of his hat, and the picture gradually turned black again.


【Ding! The video is complete! 【

Please answer the following two questions within ten minutes! 】 【

The second question, in the other world, there is a very well-known video called "Cannon! Don't do this to you XXX", excuse me, the three words that are covered up are...

] [A: Uncle Sora ]

[B: Wanderer

] [C: Shadow Mother] [D: Sister] [E: Aunt Miko



Third question, excuse me, which of the following is the name or code name that the wanderer once had? [

A: skirmishers

] [B: Scaramsey

] [C: The Wondermaker] [D: National Collapse] [E: The Secret Lord of the Seven Leaves of Silence] [F

: All of the above are true


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