A few minutes ago, Ellheisen was in the group with Fischer.

[Item card - 'Yugsaron's Wheel of Fortune' successfully launched! ] 【

Yugsaron's Wheel of Fortune: Turn the wheel of fortune, which can be stopped at any time. When the dial stops, the effect of the area where the pointer is located is activated.

A turntable with various strange symbols immediately appeared in front of the two of them and quickly turned.

One of the most conspicuous is the exemption sheet, which occupies a small area.

But there was a smaller area, but because the turntable was spinning too fast, Fischer didn't see what was written in it.

"The treasure to which this royal daughter belongs will take you out of your confusion. After all... This is its destiny, what is revealed in the journey of fate!

Al Haisen said, "Since you are so confident, and this is also your prop card, then it's up to you to stop."

Fischer did not hesitate, and immediately stepped forward, "Hmph~ When the puzzle is solved... It's already here! [

Oz: Miss means, stop! The

turntable seemed to understand, and the speed of rotation gradually slowed down.

Eventually, the pointer stops in that smallest area.

[Congratulations on moving to the Grand Prize! ] Randomly cast the Flame Burst Technique on all contestants soon! 】

【When the Yan Bang Technique hits itself, a wrong answer will be removed!】 】

【When the Yan Explosive Technique hits other contestants, it will increase the difficulty for them in the subsequent answers of this live broadcast!】 【It

will only stop if the Flame Burst Technique hits all the remaining contestants, or if there is only one option left in the options!】

Fischer: "Eh!!! Countless

huge fireballs immediately appeared in the answering space, smashing in all directions.

I don't know if it's their luck or bad.

When there are only two options left in the second question, the effect finally stops starting, which means that the other four groups have all suffered!

Fischer was stunned for a moment, she never thought it would be like this!

Seeing Fischer's guilty look, Al Heisen filled in the answer and said to her: "You are just within the rules and make reasonable use of resources, no need to mind."

"But... Yura, and Kusanagami-sama... "The

gods are just another creature of higher form, they are just a link in the biological chain, there is no need to be too awe-inspiring, and of course, not to be too underestimated."

Fischer heard such astonishing remarks for the first time, and for a moment did not know how to react.

Ellheisen pointed to the turntable and continued: "Whether it is luck or behind-the-scenes control in the live broadcast room, from the current situation, it is beneficial to us." "

Each group is inherently competitive, all in pursuit of high rewards, and the same is true for the role of item cards."

Fischer understood what Al Heisen meant, and also thought of the 'time acceleration' of the last live broadcast of Miss Ganyu.

"Since today is the day of destiny and strife, the royal daughter has no choice but to give it a go in order to take off the supreme crown."


[Tianmu 15: These two questions, the amount of information contained in them is really huge. 】

【Maple Yuanye: If everyone chose the correct answer, then the things behind the five transmissions of Raiden back then would not be so simple. [

Xeno: The little auspicious grass king is right, Dorore will one day eat his own consequences. 【

Toma: The hot pot made by the head of the family, shouldn't it be ready to play that game?】

[Candice: Al Heisen is still as rational as ever, which is a bit worrying.

[Paimon: But how do I think he only said those things to Fischer to keep the team stable. [

Tinari: But the follow-up questions are more difficult, which is not good news, and it is likely to pull each other's scores. [

Diluc: Seeing Miss Kamisato, I suddenly thought that in the first answer, one of the questions had the option of Freezing Ice Crossing Sea True Lord, @凯亚, right? [

Kaia: The memory of the righteous brother is really good, I suddenly remembered that it was also in that live broadcast that Yura drew the portrait of the righteous brother in the revenge notebook.

[Klips: Your brothers' relationship is still as good as before, and they all remember each other. [

Wendy: That's right, that's right! I prove that Captain Kaia even knows that Master Diluc bought two limited edition Northland Drops Berry Spirits! [

Adeline: In the past, Young Master Kaia often wrote letters to Master Diluc, and every letter Master Diluc would read carefully. [

Kaia/Diluc: ...]

[Jean: Let's watch the live broadcast first, Miss Yelan's prop card is divided into which category with great side effects, which makes people a little worried. Yelan

and Gongzi didn't have much reaction to the increase in the difficulty of the follow-up questions, anyway, they were going for full scores.

All hardships and hardships on the road will be turned into fertilizer for the fruits of victory!

[Item card - Thriller game used successfully! ] (Prop card with great side effects)】【

Thriller game: After use, get a free answer sheet! But after answering the questions, users will participate in an extremely dangerous live game!

This prop card is right in Yelan's arms, "Extremely dangerous live game, just what I want." "

[Ding! It's time for answering! 【

The answers are A and F!】 】

【Congratulations again to all the members for the correct answer! 】 Add two points each! 】

【Please watch the next three videos - (1) Cannon, don't do this to your empty uncle! ] (2) "Winter Night Foolishness" (3) Those who have no heart are difficult to be! At

the beginning of the video, there is a picture of a wanderer who is dressed very differently from what he is wearing now, falling from a height.

And that mecha also flashed in the picture!

Then the camera turns, in a cozy cabin.

With a distressed tone, Ying said to the wanderer on the bed: "Cannon, do you see what you are living now?"

The wanderer looked at the traveler and said with a crying voice: "Traveler, thank you, bring my mother to see me."

After speaking, the wanderer really cried, "Mom, my son is not filial, and he can't give you the end!" Find another one while you're young.

Kage wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then brushed his hair, "Damn, you don't have to worry, the traveler is a person worth entrusting!" Hearing

this, the wanderer looked surprised.

And the traveler also said at this time: "I have thought about it, from now on, we will have our own discussions, I call you Brother Cannon, I call me Dad!"

After the traveler said this, the wanderer could no longer bear it and directly moved his hand.

Nasida 'eats melons' outside the door.

In the end, in the shadow of the phrase "Cannon! Don't do this to your empty uncle! ", and the wanderer was hit hard and ended.

[Wanderer: Video of Another World!!] Very good~~hahahahaha~~~]

[Empty: I knew it would be like this! [

Ray Movie: Alas~]

Although the video is over, everyone in the live broadcast room, except for the three parties, rarely joked with them, but all fell into thought.

Although this is a 'root red seedling' video of another world, it is worth digging deep into the content when it is played at this time.

The Wanderer calls Ray Movie "Mom", and that alone is intriguing.

And that huge mech that has appeared several times.

Combined with Yae Miko's previous mention of the Heart of the Thunder God, and so many names that appear in the third question.

Everyone has a hunch that today's live broadcast will definitely have many shocking secrets!

【Ding! Since this is a video from another world, Sorrow, Wanderer, and Ray Movie are the protagonists of the video, all of which won a consolation prize! 【

Congratulations to travelers for obtaining a concentrated resin limit breaker, which can store up to 99 concentrated resins! 】 【

Congratulations to Lei Movie for obtaining a Quick Teleportation Charm (can only be used once), after use, you can quickly teleport to the designated person's side! 】 】

【Congratulations to the wanderer for obtaining a copy of the Wind Breath experience, but whether it can be mastered or not, this live broadcast room is not guaranteed! 】 【

Next, please watch the second video - Winter Night Fool's Show!】

"I don't know how long has passed since the last time all the Fools Executive summoned them.

"Mask-clad people sing and make noise on this winter night, and then meditate and mourn."

"At this point, the temple and the sky of extreme winter have returned to almost infinite silence!"

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