"Therefore understanding all things in the world is only a cover for deception."

"My anger will never subside."

At the beginning of the video playback, everyone in the live broadcast room cheered up.

They had previously guessed similar to what Kamisato Ayaka and others had guessed, and they all thought that the wanderers had joined the fools after the Tarashi incident.

But now it seems that there must be something else going on in between.

And the video shows the past in the low background music and under the monologue of the wanderer.

The first thing that catches your eye is the beautiful 'doll' that has just been born under the huge figure of Lei Movie, "pulled" by the silk thread on her fingers.

"One is God, my Creator, my 'Mother.'"

"It is swayed by power, abandoning the useless me."

With Lei Movie tearing off the silk thread in his hand, the 'doll' was abandoned in the sleeping court like waste.

"Bell! Clang! "

In the sound of forging weapons one after another, the picture comes to the scene of the 'doll' being brought out, learning forging techniques with Niwa and the others.

At this time, the 'lurching' was ignorant and his eyes were clear.

You can see that at this time, his life is still very happy.

But the voice of the 'stranger' is sad and self-deprecating....

"The second is people, my family, my friends."

"He is trapped by fear and sees me as an abomination."

The hollow in the chest of the 'Wonderer' has been filled with something called 'Friendship'.

But 'reality' is shattered, like the shattered images in the video.

The heart that was originally filled....

It has also become empty again.

"Thirdly... For the same kind. After

two 'betrayals', by now, it was already obvious that his tone had a tired sigh.

"My expectation, birds whose wings are not yet full."

"It is controlled by the life limit and violates the agreement with me."

In front of a log cabin.

He and a young boy make a pact to accompany each other.

But one day, when he returned with a pansy melon full of joy, he saw the boy curled up in his young body and collapsed in a cluster of flowers stained red with blood.

Only the "doll" with a bow around his waist and a funny teardrop in the corner of his eye remained.

"People... It is unbelievable, and God hates me. After

nightfall, he set the cabin on fire.

In the raging karmic fire, his tone became maniac, but there was a hint of crying in his crazy voice.

"I give up everything, deny and laugh at everything on earth."

"My chest will no longer be touched by the world, and the inferior emotions of human beings will be abandoned."

"My hollow part will be like a pure white scroll at the moment of birth."

"Fill with the heart of the Most High God full of divinity."

"Huh... Hahahaha!

With a sad laugh, he once again embarked on a long journey.

The 'doll' at this moment, after experiencing these changes one after another, is no longer the ignorant boy who first came to Tatarasa.

But the sixth seat of the executive officers of the fools - skirmishers!

The skirmishers floated in mid-air with their eyes closed, and countless pipes were inserted behind them.

"No need to be afraid, the pain is only a moment."

This sentence seemed to be addressed to himself.

Even the skirmishers used to carry the Heart of God would cause great damage to his body when connected to the unknown device behind his body.

But in the next second, the skirmish suddenly opened his eyes, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Your time... It's coming to an end!

After the skirmishers said this, the picture slowly turned black, announcing the end of the video.


After watching the video, many viewers couldn't help but exhale softly.

And as the videos of the wanderers were released one after another, most people also cleared up the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Originally a container carrying the heart of God, Inazuma served as Inazuma's 'eternal guardian'. But because of a tear, the creator thought that he had an undeserved emotion, and was abandoned in the sleeping court.

The incident of stepping on the sand, and the death of the little boy, made him a high-ranking executive officer of the Solstice Kingdom.

Later, he even wanted to use Thor's divine heart to become a new god!

But now, for unknown reasons, he has become a "wanderer".

This road of growth with several ups and downs, anyone who looks at it, can not help but sigh.

[Xingqiu: The wanderer experienced these things, which made his temperament change greatly. I can't help but think of several characters with the same experience written by those martial arts masters.

[Albedo: I think that the betrayal in his mouth may still be to blame for his lack of ability. Because I've been through pretty much the same thing, but I'm lucky.

[Tinaly: I also thought of Kakata, any life born in the world has a meaning, and since it exists, it should not be abandoned or destroyed at will.

[Sora: Nasida once said to me, 'I hid him like a feather.'] Now that I've watched the video again, I kind of understand why I compare him to a feather. 【

Zhongli: The feathers are fragile and easily manipulated by others, but they are light and comfortable, and a wisp of breeze can float away to unknown distances. This is very similar to his experience. [

Chongyun: Suddenly there is a feeling of "fate", Lord Thor gave a golden feather when the wanderer was just born, as if to hint at his future fate. 【

Coral Palace Heart Sea: Where a feather falls, there will be a master. At the end of this video, the wanderer says to 'abandon the inferior emotions of human beings', isn't this exactly the doll that Lord General originally pursued?

[Hu Tao: So after hundreds of years in circles, he still returned to the 'square one'. 【

Wanderer: Gee! It's really unpleasant to see you judge you in the past. The

thunder movie in the castle tower let out a long sigh at this time.

Lei Dian Zhen also sighed a little, "I originally thought that this kid joined the fools after the Trampana incident, but I didn't expect that he wanted to try to integrate into the life of ordinary people and have family and friends again."

Lei Movie said to his sister: "The live broadcast is not over yet, let's continue watching it first." "

I hope this kid listened to what he said a week ago and can come to her, otherwise..."

Shadow gripped the teleportation charm he had just obtained not long ago.

【Ding! The video is complete! 【

Please answer the following two questions within ten minutes.】 [

Sixth question, may I ask, which of the following is the crime committed by the executive officer of the fools? [

This title is a multiple-choice question, and no points will be awarded for missing or wrong selection.] 【

A: Destroying the town on Yayu Island and releasing evil, resulting in the death of all the people in Scarlet Wood Village except for the eldest mother and son. [

B: Intensified the conflict between the shogunate army and the rebel army, resulting in countless casualties. [

C: Meru's 'human brain mining (god-making)' incident caused countless people to be slightly injured or mad. (Now all healed)]

[D: Revenge against Raiden Five Den. 【

E: Set up the Evil Eye Factory in Inazuma and distribute it on a large scale. 】

【Seventh question, there is a very famous video in the other world, in the video "wanderer" once said, 'When the dragon meets the tiger, society is not up to you!'] Excuse me, what's the next sentence? 】


[A: The beautiful boy's affairs are less in charge]

[B: Boss, you are my dog, lick all the leather shoes! 【


【D:Tiny insects, how dare you kill God! [

E: The bee stepped on the wire, numbed a bee! ] 【

Ding! Yugsaron's Flame Explosion Technique was successfully launched! [

Except for the group of Ellheisen and Fischer, the seventh question of the other four groups has become a fill-in-the-blank question! ] 】

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