It was simply eight words, but after the little girl listened, her body, which was already close to transparent, trembled fiercely.

The mouth involuntarily continued, "The wasteland is born star, bright as ... Li Yang..."

Zhong Li let out a long sigh, this time, there were too many emotions in it.

Kun Jun continued, "Before I disappear, I will share these with you.

"When the snow falls in the spring wilderness, the whiskers melt. Even if it is fleeting, it will not leave any trace in your heart... Even if it's the last time.

Ruoda raised his head and looked at Zhongli with very complicated eyes, "Mora... X..."

With that, her body dissipated between heaven and earth.

But the clarity that dissipates before it dissipates is the most rare in the fight against wear.

After Ruotuo's evil thoughts disappeared, Zhongli asked Kunjun, "Ruotuo, are you satisfied?"

"Everything started because of me, and I am not satisfied with the aftermath for myself."

Kun Jun shook his head slightly, and then asked, "Morax, your current name is Zhongli, isn't it?"

"Well, as you can see, I'm no longer a rock god."

Kun Jun looked a little emotional, "I didn't expect that you actually took this step... But the ugly thing is ahead, I can't promise that next time there won't be a new vibration to wake me up, and then ..."

"It doesn't matter, even if there is a real day, the people of Liyue should be ready to face you."

"Without the Liyue of the Rock King Emperor, is it feasible?"

"If there is no god in the world, this is the kingdom of man, and I was the god of man, and I should bear witness to the rise and fall of man. If our mission is over, we should embark on the road of departure.

Kun Jun looked at Zhong Li, "Morax, I was voluntarily sealed by you a thousand years ago, and as a dear friend of the God of Contract, I have never regretted this decision.

"Thank you, Joda."

Seeing that Kun Jun's body was almost transparent, Zhong Li let out a long sigh, "Are you leaving?"

Kun Jun nodded, "Morax, if there is a chance, he will meet again one day..."

Then the picture was pulled away, and the light curtain gradually darkened.

Inside the live broadcast room.

The first time everyone watched this kind of long video, they were all immersed in a melancholy mood, and they all felt panicked.

[Yoomiya : The video of the listener allowed me to see the power of the rock god, but the video of the bandit stone made me know that even if it is a powerful god, there are things that cannot be done, and there will be regrets. ] [

Yelan: I have to say that after watching these two serious videos, I also have some new views on the original strata abyss. 【

Yan Qi: Having a god like the emperor is a blessing for our Liyue. 【

Xiangling: I feel a little blocked in my heart, and I don't know what to say. [

Goro: Lord Wakata Dragon King finally said that he chose to seal himself for Liyue, and his behavior is respectable, then I...]

[Lisa: At best, the Wakata Dragon King has regained his sanity, and the effects of wear and tear have disappeared, and he has indeed said goodbye to the rock god! 】

【Kazuto Arataki: In the video, it is always said that it is worn and worn, what is this wear? [

Albedo: I guess it should be a long-term erosion similar to "dripping stone", but Mond's wind demon dragon Twalin seems to be unaffected by wear, why is that? [

Elheisen: It seems that I haven't read enough books, my vision is not broad enough, and I don't understand a lot of things. [

Kavi: @艾尔海森, don't you have enough books at home? Do you know how long it took me to tidy up last time? [

Wanderer: Wear...]

[Kazuto Arataki: Who is this brother above? Why do you always like to come out of nowhere? 【

Ray Movie: Why do I suddenly care a little about the name Wanderer? 【

Ding! Wanderers exit the live broadcast room and cannot enter today. 【

Ding! The video finishes playing. 【

Please answer the following questions within five minutes.】

【Excuse me, in the parallel world, who is called the "little cotton jacket of the emperor"? (14a411K7Zd)

] [A: Walnut

] [B: Devil Descent Great Sage - Ray

] [C: Little Auspicious Grass King]

[D: Ruoda Dragon King

] [E: Barbatos

] [F: Cutting Moon Tsukiyang Shinjun]

After the problem came out, the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room all turned to it.

[Collet: I didn't expect that the last question had six options. 】

【Rishan Stacking Water Shin-kun: This and this... It's hard to imagine the appearance of a moon-shaved moon and a small padded jacket with Ruto. 】

【Cutting the Moon Tsukiyang Shin-kun: What a dare! Outrageous! [

Grandma Ping: Fortunately, the Ruoda Dragon King was banned, otherwise he would definitely make a big fuss now. [

Ray: Hmph, boring.] 【

Walnut: Why is my name on it?】 [

Barbara: There is also the choice of Lord Kazeshin. 【

Wendy: Little padded jacket... If it was Lord Fengshin, I think the emperor would fiercely refuse. [

Nasida: This... It turned out to be knowledge that I didn't know. 】


It's different from the lively discussion in the live broadcast room.

Coral Palace Xinhai couldn't answer this question, and was enjoying the various delicacies provided in the live broadcast room.

Dadalia didn't know if the wine came up, and he patted his head twice from time to time, and the rock god was also a little confused, and it didn't seem that the situation was very optimistic.

Tinari was still smiling and unhurriedly thinking about the problem.

Diluc has the Destiny Coin in hand and is not too flustered.

Only Zhongli was troubled by this question.

According to normal inference, small padded jackets mostly refer to girls.

He is now incarnated as Zhongli, employed and reborn, so option A should be the right answer.

But this is a parallel world's second creation video, so it is not surprising how outrageous the answer will be in the end.

In order to seek stability, Zhongli had a judgment after thinking about it for a while.

"Pay the price in exchange for item cards!"

[In exchange for success! ] Item cards with random effects have been issued! Hearing

the voice in the live broadcast room, Dadalya's originally somewhat confused brain instantly sobered up.

The opening item card called Tinari was never useful.

Coral Palace and Diluc have also exchanged item cards.

Then the one who exchanges the prop card now must be Zhongli.

Zhong Lidu is not sure about this question, so why should I guess blindly.

"Pay the price in exchange for item cards!"

[In exchange for success! ] Item cards with random effects have been issued! 【

The price will be collected uniformly after all the answers are completed.】

The two prop cards fell into the hands of Zhongli and Dadalia respectively.

The two of them took a look at the effect and used both.

Dadalia's item card effect is simple and crude, randomly removing 1-3 wrong answers.

And his luck was very good, and he directly removed the three options A, B, and D.

Dadalia stared at the remaining three options, a little stunned.

He was originally inclined to the Dragon King of Radha, after all, he had just finished playing a video about him.

But I didn't expect that this option was directly removed.

Inside the rest, the Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun is a deer, which can basically be ruled out.

Barbatos, based on information from the lady's lifetime, transformed into a young boy, so it is basically unlikely.

But the little auspicious grass king this option....

No matter!

Anyway, it's a video of a parallel world, how outrageous and how to choose!

The prop card that Zhongli gets is also an old face - the clue card, to get an important clue.

"The world has forgotten her."

Faced with this clue that many people looked at inexplicably, Zhongli sighed.

Apparently, he has locked in the correct answer.

Diluc, another answer section, ditched the coin.

"Option D is wrong, and the destruction rate reaches 75%."

Diluc shares Dadalia's thinking and believes that the Dragon King would be the right answer.

But the results told him, no!

If you toss a coin, there is a high probability that the coin will be damaged directly.

At that time, not only will the answer not be verified, but the body will also be severely punished.

But if there is no damage, then answering the question correctly is undoubtedly a huge help.

Without thinking too much, Diluc directly tossed the coin again.

The physical pain, he has already eaten too much, but the pain in his heart can not be filled.

Now that God has given him a chance, he can't give up no matter what.

The eyes of countless people in the live broadcast room stared at the coins that kept spinning in the air.

Captain Qin clasped his hands tightly, already suppressing the uncalm in his heart.

Kaia nervously forgot to breathe, her eyes fixed on the coin.

"A chose wrong, the destruction rate of Destiny Coin has reached 100%, it cannot be used, it has been recycled in advance."

The coin was not directly destroyed, and countless people breathed a sigh of relief.

For Diluc, the two options that are most likely to be the correct answer are removed one after the other, so the correct answer, then of the remaining options, only C is the most likely.

【Ding! It's time for answering! 【

The correct answer is C!】 [

Congratulations to Diluc, Zhongli, and Dadalia for answering correctly, each adding one point.] 】

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