In the video frame.

Ula held the sword in one hand, her eyes firmly looking ahead, even standing in the choppy waves, she did not waver.

The voice of the narrator sounded at this time.

"Perhaps what really dealt a fatal blow to the Lawrence family was the fact that the most talented Laureus family's last descendant Yura, known as the Splash Knight, joined the Knights."

As the narration is explained, I see that in the video picture, the sunlight in the sky pierces the dark clouds and illuminates the entire sea.

This may also imply that Eura will be a rare dawn for the Lawrence family, an existence that can illuminate the dark and sinking Lawrence family.

"Although I always put the word revenge on my lips."

"But time has shown that she is a kind and upright colleague."

The voice of the narrator faded, and the picture turned around, returning to Eura in the tavern again.

It can be seen from Yura's slightly drunken face that she is already a little drunk at this time.

"Hey, when the lady is speaking, put down the wine glass and look her in the eye!"

"You should also go and learn more about aristocratic etiquette..." As

soon as Yura finished speaking, the video screen was split in two.

One side was aimed at Youra's back, and the other side was aimed at Youra's reddish little face.

The next second -


Eura actually sneezed at this time!

The light blue bangs swayed slightly with this sneeze, and with a red fluttering little face, it looked very cute, and it can be said that it killed a large number of people in an instant.


Yura coughed lightly, her arms folded to her chest, her expression was very serious, trying to hide the embarrassment that had just startled the person who shared the table with her.

"It is estimated that it is the daughter of the Gunnhilde family who chews the root of her tongue behind her back."

"Hmph... I also wrote down this hatred! "

The picture gradually darkens and the video officially ends.

But the audience's enthusiasm for Eura in the live broadcast room did not end with the end of the video.

Especially the last sneeze, the power is too great.

The video cleverly divides the picture into two parts, showing this little accident to the fullest.

Compared to the last video, which is the sparkling candlelight, the encounter in the late-night pub better reflects the two sides of Yura's personality.

In a word! It's just very cute and charming!

[Amber: Hehe, I believe that after watching these two videos, everyone in Mondstadt will have a great improvement in Eura. 【

Kamisato Linghua: As a descendant of sinners, it is really admirable that Miss Yura can break free from this heavy shackle. If Miss Yura is after Inazuma, please be sure to let me entertain me well. [

Toma: Miss, you are...]

[Kamisato Lingren: Ling Hua, she thought of her former self in Miss Youra.

[Candice: If she didn't have that layer of sinner identity, she would definitely save a lot of trouble. [

Jean: @优菈, although the background commentary of the video is very similar to mine, I didn't expect that in your eyes, I would be the one who chews the root of the tongue.

[Barbara: The daughter of the Gunnhilde family, uh...]

[Yura: It's not such a piano leader, I was drunk and said drunk things!

[Diona: Look, look, what's good about drinking, everyone don't drink anymore. 【

Xingqiu: Miss Youra's story gave me a lot of inspiration, and I think I will be in retreat for a few days after the live broadcast. 】

【Hu Tao: If Miss Youra customizes the business in the future, the hall owner can give you half the price~~】

【Zhongli: I hope that Miss Youra will not be useful to the day of the past life hall business. [

Hu Tao: @钟离, where did you run again? How did I get a bill from Stone Boss? What did you buy again? 【

Ding! After the video is played, ask the four contestants to answer the following questions within five minutes. 【

Excuse me, after the end of the video, what did Oura do in the tavern?】 (1xK4y197fQ)]

[A: There was a verbal conflict with the guest who refused to share the table with her before, and then used force. [

B: "Knock down" the person who shares the table with it! ] [

C: Because of drunken and non-talking, he exposed the secrets of the Knights and was taken away by someone sent by the head of the piano. [

D: Nothing happened, just went home and slept a lot. ]

in the answer space.

When Collet saw the problem, he immediately picked up his spirits and recalled all the details about the video and Eula.

Due to the heavy losses on the previous question, it also aroused Collet's competitive spirit.

"A fight with a guest is impossible, I remember hearing Amber say that when Eura first joined the Order, restaurants and other shops in the city would not sell Eura things."

"Even in that case, Eura did not make a move, but instead carried out the tasks of the Knights at will."

"So option A is impossible."

Kaiya thought of this as well, while also excluding option C.

"Eura is a public figure in Mondstadt, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at her. If the C option had happened, Mondstadt would have been in a rage.

"As for option B, push the traveler to, this is too..." Condensing

Light: "Use props to remove a wrong answer."

On the light curtain, the D option is eliminated.

Ning Guang shouted in his heart, 'It's dangerous!

She was similar to Kaia's analysis, hesitating between B and D, and even leaning towards option D.

But the double quotes in option B, with her businessman's keen instincts, felt that things were not simple.

"If you use an item card at this time, if you remove one of the A and C options, you will waste an opportunity."

"But if you remove the one between B and D, the question is a sure winner."

"There is a 50% probability, do you want to bet on this hand? Or leave it for the last question? After

thinking about it again, Ning Guang decided to use props.

After all, no one knows what to ask in the last question.

Instead of betting on unknown topics, it's better to fight right now.

As it turned out, Condensation bet was right.

"I really didn't expect that Miss Eura would do something like "pushing" a traveler. Condensing Light opened the fan to block the upturned corners of his mouth.

And Arataki once again showed his magical brain circuit.

"It must be option D, who doesn't go home to sleep at night, this question is not difficult at all."

"As for pushing a best friend down, it's simply impossible."

"I still know the strength of my best friend. Don't see that he doesn't have many muscles in his body, but trying to push him down is not an easy task. "

[Ding! The answer time is over, and the correct answer is now announced! 】

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