After Nasita finished drawing lots, the rest of the people also began to draw lots.

[The draw is complete, the team formation is complete! ] The grouping is as follows! 】

【Yura and Kamisato Ayaka, Fischer and Elheisen, Hakujutsu and Kamisato Ayato, Yeran and Dadalia, Nasida and Dortore! 【

The answer question will officially open in ten minutes, please be prepared! 】

After being teleported to their respective divisions, everyone also began to connect with their teammates.

Kamisato Ayaka put away the golden fan in her hand and greeted Yura, "In Shimogami Ayaka, as early as the first live broadcast, I wanted to know Miss Yura, so... Please also ask Miss Youra to give more advice~~" Seeing

Ling Hua's generous manners, and seeing the fan in her hand, she immediately thought that among the gifts that everyone gave her at that time, there was a white egret golden fan!

"My name is Eura Lawrence, since I have watched the first live broadcast, I don't need to go into detail later. And also...... Uh-huh, thank you for sending me the golden fan.

Looking at Youra, whose face was slightly red, Ling Hua smiled and said, "Well, in fact, I admire Miss Youra, who can break through the cold 'rules' imposed on herself alone.

Yura was stunned, a little confused what Ayaka meant.

Ling Hua continued, "If Miss Youra is free, we can set up a group to exchange swordsmanship and other issues.

"Just call me Yura, it's okay to add a group, but I can't guarantee to reply to your message immediately."

"Then Yura also directly called me Ayaka, this time the answer question, cheer together."

Yura looked at the Egret Princess in front of her, and always felt that behind her smile, maybe there would be something similar to her former self.

Another group.

"Kamisato family head Kamisato Ayato, please advise more in the future!"

"I'm a doctor of the Bu Lu Baijutsu, and it's a pleasure to meet the head of the Kamisato family."

Bai Shu glanced at the time, it was almost eleven.

His routine was very regular, so he said to Ayami next to him: "It's almost time for lunch, I'm used to drinking a cup of tea before dinner, do I want to pour you a cup?"

"Thank you Dr. Bai, but I prefer to drink milk tea, Inazuma Hanamizaka has a new flavor of milk tea, should Dr. Bai try it?"

After Kamisato Ayato finished speaking, he asked for milk tea from the answer space.

In the next second, several flavors of milk tea appeared in Ayato's arms.

Hakujutsu saw Ayato gulp down, and he had a heart attack, and said to Ayato: "Thank you, but I am very measured about the intake of sweetness, and I don't eat spicy food often."

"Moreover, excessive drinking of milk tea for a long time can raise blood sugar, leading to symptoms such as dizziness." I don't mean anything else, just hope that everyone in the world can put health first and take care of their bodies.

"Dr. Bai is really a healer." Kamisato Ayato put the milk tea aside, "Let's eat hot pot at noon, while eating hot pot, while answering questions, it is also a beautiful thing." "

And on the side of Aylheisen and Fischer.

"I am the queen daughter of conviction, my real name Fischer, and I have come here at the call of fate! Call on my honorable name! Let this royal daughter bring you the supreme glory of this place! "


Elheisen leaned on the back of the soft chair prepared in the answer space, and gently flipped through the Book of Twenty-Four History, as if he hadn't heard Fischer's speech.

Fischer met a person like Elheisen for the first time, and came to Elheisen with a huff.

As if he had just realized that his teammate was around, Ellheisen said with a faint expression: "Sorry, if you greet me and I don't respond, don't be surprised, I just happened to turn on the headphones to sound insulate."

Fischer believed Elheisen's words, but when he was about to introduce himself again, he heard Alheisen continue:

"I have never been interested in socializing, and most people will not take the initiative to contact me."

"But now that we'll be teammates for a while, I'll be rational about the next collaboration."

Fischer: "......"

After living in free Mond for so many years, Fischer met someone like Elheisen for the first time, which made him a little overwhelmed for a while.

And in the barrage area, there is a person who empathizes with Fischer!

[Kavi: Aaaaaa It's because of Ellheisen's self-righteous and unassuming face that I hate talking to him about anything! [

Tinari: Although there will always be unacceptable things about Elheisen, it is undeniable that his abilities are indeed trustworthy. [

Xino: He hides a lot of hole cards and can effectively control the situation most of the time.

[Bennett: Mr. Elheisen is a man of terrible reason, but what does Miss Fischer mean by that? [

Oz: Miss means - I am very happy to be selected in the live broadcast room, you can call me Fischer, let us work hard to answer the questions together! ] [

Fischer's father: Mr. Elheisen turned out to be so reliable, little Amy is with him, I am relieved.

Nasida and the Doctor's group have nothing to say.

After the two made the deal, they got the information they wanted most.

The only doubt that Narcida had now was that Dortorie was watching the World Tree burn.

But Nasida also knew that if there were not enough attractive chips, Dotoré would not have spoken, so he simply did not ask.

As for the final group of Dadalia and Yelan.

Dadalia asked the answer space for the combustible oolong tea she had drunk before.

This pungency in his throat made his heart beat violently.

"Miss Yelan, we all use bows and arrows, and we are all water attribute god eyes, so why not wait for the live broadcast to end and find a place to talk?"

"Forgive me for refusing! But for the sake of what you inadvertently brought me some benefits, at least in the next answers, let's be friendly and help each other for the time being. "

[Ding! The time is up! This live broadcast has officially begun! 】

【Before officially watching the video, let's have a warm-up question! 】 】

【First question, excuse me: Among the men who currently have the Eye of the Wind God in Teyvat, they have a common characteristic, so this common feature is...】

【PS: This title is a multiple-choice question, and you can't score if you miss or choose wrong! And answer in five minutes! [

A: Can fly

] [B: Not tall

] [C: Very good at drinking

] [D: There have been friends who have died

] [E: The mind is very simple] [

F: All polite and sensible, the little mouth is very sweet].

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