From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 33 The Sage's Aspirational World! [Thanks for your support! One more chapter! ]

Ning Lu's martial spirit is not inferior to the top martial spirits of other sects in some aspects. Even if it can go one step further and transform into a nine-color wine gourd, the upper limit of Ning Lu's combat power will be very terrifying.

However, due to the 'drunkenness' restriction, Ning Lu always regarded herself as an auxiliary soul master unless necessary, so as not to have an explosive outburst without beating the enemy to death, and would have to be picked up by others. It would be very embarrassing to tell it, but it would be easy. Lose your life.

Chen Hong's first soul skill, Sage's Time (mental concentration), was originally intended to be used as a support for his mother, but in the end, who knew that the skill would turn out like this? You can only be a sage to transform yourself, but you cannot be a sage to transform others.

How is this possible? Just let others be the sages! He is responsible for Se Se!

However, one thing is worth acknowledging, that is, Chen Hong is indeed Ning Lu's biological son, and he has inherited the excellent bloodline of their family's martial arts and soul skills that are all self-amplifying.

If Chen Hong doesn't want to change, then his distant second soul skill will most likely still be a self-amplifying soul skill.

In the attic on the second floor of Xuanhu Medical Center, Chen Hong originally wanted to continue to inquire about the love story between his mother-in-law and his good-for-nothing father. In the end, except for adding a few big bumps to his head, there was no progress.

"Brother Hong, doesn't he know how to observe words and emotions?"

In Chen Hong's bedroom, Ye Lingling looked helpless and gently stroked the majestic dragon horns that Chen Hong had just grown with both hands, and then slowly healed them with soul power.

"What do you know? This is asking Mother to open the skylight of my wisdom!"

Chen Hong lay on the pillow and handed his head to Ye Lingling with confidence, and began to observe the flow diagram of the soul ring and soul power in his mind.

Chen Hong: Now I am more energetic and in better health!

He discovered a strange phenomenon very early on. Didn't he often have strange thoughts in his mind? If he takes the initiative to release his distracting thoughts, or if he is beaten and injured, the distracting thoughts can be cleared away, leaving Chen Hong with peace of mind.

Chen Hong believes that this phenomenon may be caused by his too sensitive mental energy. He either releases himself or is beaten to temporarily shut down his sensitive mental activity.

If you release yourself, you will easily go crazy and act like a fool. Only by being angry with your mother and increasing the parent-child interaction with your mother can you barely maintain your life.

After all, no matter how angry Chen Hong was with his mother-in-law, his mother-in-law couldn't just get more angry and beat him to death, right?

Every time he was beaten, his brain automatically activated its protective instinct, blocking out some strange messages received by his sensitive mental power, allowing Chen Hong to regain the calmness and rationality he should have had.

Father Chen Lin calls Chen Hong's state: possessed by the craftsman god.

Chen Hong, who was lying on the bed, felt the warm feeling coming from his head. The cold and soft hands gently caressed his head, making him feel like he was going to a serious hair salon to find an underage girl to wash his hair. déjà vu.

"I don't know why, but I feel that after being nourished by your soul power, my soul power cultivation speed has accelerated a lot in recent days." Chen Hong buried his head in the pillow and said subconsciously.

"Huh? Really? That should be the additional effect of Aunt Ning's life jelly being diluted by Jiuxin Begonia's soul power, allowing Brother Hong's body to better absorb the energy, right?" Ye Lingling was a little unhappy. confirmed.

"However, if Brother Hong really feels that his soul power cultivation speed has accelerated, Lingling can continue to try to use soul power to regulate the meridians for Brother Hong in the past few days before school starts, so that Brother Hong can practice faster." For Chen Honghun Ye Lingling was really happy for him with the good news that his power cultivation speed had accelerated.

"Ah, you said you don't mind me being a useless soul master." Chen Hong complained helplessly.

Ye Lingling hurriedly said in a panic: "No, no, no! Brother Hong is so smart! How can he be a waste! Brother Hong is the smartest person Lingling has ever seen!"

"That's because you have seen too few people." Chen Hong, who was almost recovering, turned over, summoned his yellow soul ring, put it on his hands, and sighed slightly in his heart.

".LingLingLingLing, in the aristocratic soul master school, I have never seen anyone more powerful than Brother Hong!" Ye Lingling opened her cute big lavender eyes and looked at Chen Hong after Xianyu turned over with a serious look on his face.

"Hey" looking at the stupid purple-eyed girl above his head, Chen Hong said nothing more, but moved a position for Ye Lingling and said softly: "Forget it, I will continue to lead you to understand the soul ring. , I have a hunch that this behavior seems to be able to slightly increase mental strength, or it is a way of thinking that I accidentally discovered. "

Chen Hong felt a small group of black dots in the three-dimensional space in his mind, and roughly understood his progress in understanding the inscriptions in this soul ring: 12%!

Chen Hong had a hunch that there might be some connection between comprehending soul rings and self-created soul skills. He only needed to wait until Chen Hong successfully comprehended his [Sage] inscription pattern, then he would be able to understand the meaning of self-created soul skills. Energy logic.

When the time comes, Chen Hong feels that with his clear brain that has not been contaminated by Wuhun School, he should be able to find out the rules of self-created soul skills, and then make a research report and organize it into a theory. Isn't this better than that theory master?

He, Chen Hong, is a man with the power of Six Strengths. A master of three fart curses, so Chen Hong must be at least a master of eighteen curses that is more powerful than the master, right?

Moreover, the reason why Chen Hong worked so hard to study his [Sage] inscription is because Chen Hong is a person who hates double standards.

Now the effect of [Sage] can only be applied to oneself, which is equivalent to being lenient to others and strict to oneself. How can this work? Isn't this a double standard behavior?

If you do this, you will be called a double standard dog by future generations! The world needs fairness! It needs equality!

Therefore, first set a small goal for yourself. Chen Hong wants to spread the light of [Sage] to the earth and build a "Sage World" corresponding to the "Paradise World".

Let the sudden rationality overwhelm people's sober minds.

(Don't let rationality overwhelm your mind!)

In a sense, Chen Hong, who has such a great ambition, is not another brand-new "Eighteen Forbidden" master?

In this way, Chen Hong continued to use his mental power to guide Ye Lingling to comprehend the soul ring until he was mentally exhausted and fell asleep.

The next day, Ye Lingling told Ning Lu that the Nine Heart Begonia soul power + Life Nectar could speed up Chen Hong's soul power cultivation. Then Ning Lu made a small gourd for Chen Hong and set him a daily task of drinking.

Chen Hong, whose bottleneck was already loosening, faced the combined punches of the two super nurses and successfully broke through in a few days, becoming an extremely noble and powerful 12th-level soul master!

10-year-old 12th-level soul master! This kid is so terrifying!

And Ye Lingling, the vacation is over and she is ready to return to school.

Thanks to [Ruchu Buyu] [55322] [lronfoot] [Huishou Yiwangyan] [Fu Qin] [Zhengjing Tianzun] [Shuyou 6666] for their monthly tickets!

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