From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 37: Sudden Fainting! [Please read on! Please vote!]

Without a wide and smooth enough road, the Soul Moving Truck may be sold, but it will definitely not be easy to sell.

And now, the initial goal set by Chen Hong for the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce is to build roads and sell cars at the same time.

Where does the money for road construction come from? The income from selling cars alone is definitely not enough.

However, Chen Hong is not worried, because he only needs to build a few main roads within the Kingdom of Barak, and then the nobles in other places will automatically provide help, and the infrastructure department of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce will not spend much.


Because once the road is opened, the economic exchanges between the two places will become more frequent, there will be more profitable areas, and there will be more jobs.

For example, the next task of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce is to build a cement road from Soto City to Barak City, which is expected to shorten the round-trip time between the two places from half a month to one or two days. This is a real transformation of the world and change of life.

Moreover, after the production capacity of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce is increased, cement can also be sold for money. At that time, it can be sold to those who want to benefit their hometowns, so that they can work instead of relief and build a small road from the mountain village to the main road by themselves, which is also a good thing.

On the tall wall of Soto City, Chen Hong and Ning Lu, standing with Bishop Soto and others, watched the Lord of Soto City and a group of guards holding a ceremony for the opening of the motorcade led by Chen Lin.

Under the attention of the crowd, Chen Lin, who dressed himself very handsomely and wore a clean and tidy platinum uniform of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce, stood in front of ten tall steel creations with a group of subordinates, accepting the medal of honor handed over by the Lord of Soto City with a complicated expression, and he straightened his back.

"Mom, are we looking forward to our father's success?"

The small Chen Hong stood on the wall, leaning against the parapet, looking at the high-spirited Chen Lin below, and a smile appeared on his face.

Ning Lu, standing next to Chen Hong, quietly looked at Chen Lin, who was the center of attention below. Her eyes were a little dull for a moment. After hearing what her son said, she slowly came back to her senses and scolded with a smile: "The stinky boy is being disrespectful here again!"

"But you are right. Your useless father can finally be taken out to meet people now, so as not to embarrass your mother."

Ning Lu sighed faintly. How could she not understand what her precious son meant? Although she had never told Chen Hong about the above, the other party still analyzed her and Chen Lin's situation from many aspects.

Ning Lu, who had just broken through level 50 not long ago, was also a very good soul master, but now Chen Lin, who was only level 38 after the soul power level was increased by one level, was still not worthy of her.

This is something that makes Ning Lu feel very distressed. The child's father is too useless. She has never dared to bring Chen Lin to her mother's house, worried that her father would kill Chen Lin with a sword in anger.

Chen Lin may only be angry for a while, but Chen Hong's grandfather, the Seven-Star Sword Master Ning Ji, a 79-level weapon soul saint, has a chance to instantly kill all enemies below the Title Douluo in anger!

If it is not that he has been unable to break the shackles of the Ning family bloodline and break through the Soul Douluo realm, and his own powerful self-amplification overlaps with the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, and is immune to the amplification of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, otherwise the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect may really rely on the martial soul mutation of this lineage to become a real top three sect.

(Based on universal logic, Jiujiu never doubts the mid-level combat power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and its exploration of the future)

Chen Lin wants to get the recognition of his father-in-law, so as to open the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect copy for the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce. Of course, Chen Hong hopes to be able to become a dragon.

After all, I heard that all the spirit masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower have the attribute of "treasure hunting rats". Wouldn't it be a good idea to trick a few of them into becoming geological prospectors for his own science and technology chamber of commerce?

"President Chen Lin, you did a good job!" Lord Soto patted Chen Lin's shoulder heavily, took a look at the steel creation behind him, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and then handed the rest of the time to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin stood in front of the new generation of soul-moving trucks. In the eyes of all spirit masters and civilians, he waved his hand and suddenly unveiled the red cloth on the tall stone tablet beside the snow-white road. The big words on it appeared in everyone's eyes!

"This is the first step of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce! But it is definitely not the last step!"

"Starting from the first waterway built, until every city and village is connected to a wide road!"

"The Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce is determined to do practical things for the world! Facilitate everyone's travel! Revitalize the local economy! Create jobs! Create industries! Create a better way of life!"

Chen Lin stood at the intersection of the road and said excitedly to the soul masters, the people, his subordinates, and the villagers who came from other places in front of him: "When the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce makes a profit in the future, it will give back to society and the world!"

As Chen Lin's voice fell, everyone present was subconsciously stunned, and then a huge noise sounded instantly!

"President Chen is a great man!"

"This Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce is too awesome, right?! Losing money to build roads? How is it possible?"

"Hurry up and find someone to place an order! We want to order that soul guide truck! No! Ask if it can be customized privately!"

Everyone present was boiling, and excitedly expressed their most sincere gratitude to Chen Lin and other science and technology chambers present.

Amid the enthusiastic gazes of the people, Chen Lin personally selected some lucky audiences and let them sit on the new generation of Soul Motion trucks to experience the speed and comfort of the Soul Motion trucks.

"That guy stole the show today." On the city wall, Bishop Soto next to Chen Hong looked at the ten soul moving trucks loaded with people outside the city, happily circling on the wide road outside, with a look in his eyes. There was a flash of curiosity.

"By the way, Chen Hong." When Bishop Soto wanted to ask Chen Hong whether this kind of soul-driven car could be ordered through the back door, he suddenly saw Chen Hong climbing on the edge of the parapet. Get down!

"Chen Hong!" Bishop Soto and Ning Lu were startled at the same time and quickly reached out to grab it!

Before Chen Hong fell completely, Bishop Soto, who had a terrifying cultivation level, reached out and grabbed Chen Hong's feet, and then lifted him back up!

"Is he too tired recently?" Bishop Soto put the suddenly unconscious Chen Hong into Ning Lu's arms, and then looked at the crowd around him with alert eyes.

"Hong'er!" Ning Lu nervously held Chen Hong in her arms, then reached out to remove Chen Hong's eyelids, mouth and tongue. After checking and finding no problems, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said in surprise: "He I’ve been busy with things during this period, maybe I didn’t get enough rest, and then suddenly got excited, which caused cerebral ischemia, and I fainted?”

Ning Lu was a little unsure, and she had no intention of continuing to look at Chen Lin Dese outside the city. She said goodbye to Bishop Soto, and then rushed towards the medical center with Chen Hong in her arms.

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