From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 401 Angel High Priest, former Angel Douluo, Qian Daoliu greets you!

Chapter 401 Angel High Priest, former Angel Douluo, Qian Daoliu. Salute you!

However, what the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion faced was the so-called 99.6-level Super Extreme Douluo!

Moreover, all attributes of the god-level Martial Spirit Seraphim are extremely abnormal! In addition to giving the Seraphim the top combat speed, the Holy Six Wings are also like six-sided super swords and shields. They can not only assist the Seraphim in defense, but also give them the appearance of a heavy warrior. They can also turn into heavy swords and heavy swords. Kill the enemy!

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion has never encountered such terrifying control over the spirit's true form!

Of course, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion didn't understand that Qian Daoliu had currently advanced to six soul rings, one of which was the seventh soul ring martial soul's true form! At the same time, this is also the soul ring that Qiandaoliu should theoretically achieve the most artistic conception!

The true form of the Seraphim that has reached the artistic conception allows Qian Daoliu to control the Seraphim like an arm and a finger, but it is also to the extent of trying to find every opportunity! Moreover, the true body of Wuhun is an energy body! As for the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's true form as a ferocious beast, it is essentially an enlargement of its soul beast body. It is still in a semi-flesh and blood state. Broken limbs will harm the main body!

In the traditional sense, the martial soul's true body was originally in this half-flesh and half-energy state, but to a lesser degree. The martial soul's true body was damaged, and a small part of the injury was reflected on the body, while most of the damage was reflected on the mental body.

However, since the soul ring of his martial soul's true body reached the artistic conception, Qiandaoliu realized the shortcomings of this 'incomplete evolution', so he instinctively completed the pure martial soul's true body according to his own 'intention'. Energy! Just like other soul rings, after mastering the soul ring divine pattern, all the same soul skills become soul techniques!

And his current martial soul avatar. The martial soul avatar is the name of soul skill. If it is replaced by the name of soul method.

Dharma appears in heaven and earth! (illegal universe)

This is why Qian Daoliu is confident that he can defeat the super ferocious beast Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Moreover, if Qiandaoliu can go one step further and cultivate the martial soul's true body and soul ring to the 'realm level', then his Dharma, Heaven and Earth may be able to transform into a real great supernatural power - Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth!

"Thousands of years have passed, and the growth rate of your strength has been surpassed by the growth rate of the soul master system! The Ice Emperor from ancient times!" The Seraph Angel split open the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion with a sword, spread out the six wings behind him, and directed the four wings toward Finally, both wings moved forward in an attacking posture, suppressing the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion again!

"The Clan of Destiny! The Scorpion Clan that once oppressed mankind has no emperor! Open your arrogant eyes and look at the world! Times have changed! A soul master's life is only ten thousand years, and a soul master's limit is The combat power is surpassing yours!"

The Seraphim's whole body was burning with strong angelic flames, holding a flaming giant sword, and kept slashing towards the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion. In the roar of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, it chopped into pieces the Arctic for tens of thousands of years. The tranquility also wiped out the hundreds of thousands of years of unruliness in the Far North!

The ten thousand-year-old ice layer that was comparable to steel was constantly shattering, and the terrifying shock wave shattered the psychological defenses of all the ice field soul beasts within a thousand miles, as well as the passing soul masters, and they all fled further away.

"Thousands of years have passed! The Angels of Wuhun Palace have witnessed with their own eyes the rise of soul masters from weak to strong! From the time when our ancient ancestors were reduced to meat eaters, they have grown to the point where they have been given titles and are snatching food from the mouths of beasts!"

The fighting spirit in the seraphs became stronger and stronger, and Qian Daoliu's voice became more sacred and sad!

The bloodline of Seraphim did not come out of thin air! This bloodline was inherited with difficulty from ancient times hundreds of thousands of years ago! It wasn't until the ancestors of the Angel Gods were passed down to gather the divine throne and put an end to the turmoil in the world, the dark ages when humans and beasts fought each other, and weak humans became blood eaters, that the angel bloodline ushered in a god-level evolution! Since then, the Seraphim family of Wuhun Palace has officially appeared!

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion is a super ferocious beast that surpasses ordinary soul beasts that are 100,000 years old. This is an absolute secret recorded in the Seraphim family! Every generation of extremely talented Angel Douluo has had the idea of ​​challenging the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion at his peak state, and many of them have actually tried to do it!

But now, the even more powerful Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, which had defeated countless extreme levels of Angel Douluo in the past, is now like a toddler, and is struck by the contemporary Angel Douluo's heavy sword like a fallen leaf blown by the autumn wind. , let the strong wind tear you apart!

The Seraphim family of Wuhun Palace shoulders a historical responsibility that has never been revealed to outsiders, to maintain the continued existence of human soul masters!

So they will awaken their martial souls to all humans on the continent for free!

So they will always pay attention to the combat power of the Emperor in the Far North!

So when Qian Daoliu found out that he could actually defeat the nightmare that had enveloped the Seraphim family head-on, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart for some unknown reason.

He seemed to have defeated the nightmare that hung over the entire human soul master civilization. He seemed to have cut through the sky that was shrouded by super ferocious beasts, revealing the bright stars in the sky. He seemed to have completed the historical mission of the ancestors of all generations, and the Seraphim family The dream that has lasted for thousands of years can finally be realized in his hands!

At this moment, Qian Daoliu seemed to be in a perfect mood, his fighting skills became more and more proficient, and his whole aura seemed to have changed!

The reaction in reality is that in the hands of the Seraphim, who is as powerful as the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion and is exuding bright fireworks, she is like a child facing a mature man. Her fists and her resistance are all in front of the Seraphim. It's all in vain! The only thing she can rely on is this world and environment that are extremely beneficial to her!

Hoo ho ho!

The violent wind and snow roared again, and the temperature was even lower than before! The ice jade emperor scorpion's permanent frozen domain has been strengthened, but the attacks of the seraphs have become more and more fierce. The giant sword burning with the angel's holy flame is ineffective against the ultimate ice. Just like a lion on the grassland facing a hunter in heavy armor and holding a spear, he will feel a deep sense of powerlessness!

Boom boom boom!

On the earth-shaking ice field, two super giant beasts fought together wildly. The ice armor of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion shattered and solidified, solidified and shattered again. The body of the Seraphim rarely suffered any injuries, but in an instant It’s back to what it was before!

Soul beast body vs martial soul energy body!

[Analysis completed]

During the fierce battle, an emotionless system voice suddenly sounded from Qiandaoliu's sea of ​​consciousness. He slashed away the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion with one sword, holding the giant sword in both hands, looking deeply at the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, whose ice armor was shattered, and was in a miserable state and was furious.

"The once godless emperor!"

"The current Angel High Priest, former Angel Douluo of Wuhun Palace, Qian Daoliu."

"On behalf of the elders of the Seraphim family in Wuhun Palace, I would like to express my sincere wishes to you"



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