From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 459 Sea of ​​Consciousness Planet, Sea of ​​Souls! [Please subscribe! Please vote! ]

Chen Hong's evaluation of the seventh soul ring of the whole world is the true body of the martial soul can be summarized in one sentence: survivor bias.

The true body of the martial soul has been a manifestation of the power of the soul beast bloodline since the beginning.

Do you remember the three elements of the martial soul given by Chen Hong?

Bloodline (matter), spirit (will), and soul (mystery). Bloodline can be inherited, and the spirit will can be changed after birth, and it can also reversely affect bloodline (psychological effect). As for what the soul is, Chen Hong can only say that it is a more advanced thing, relying on the spirit, but it is a mysterious thing with a higher level than the spirit's 'dimension'. Just like that sentence, does the brain know what it is? At present, humans cannot explain it. They can use this power, but they cannot understand it for the time being.

It stands to reason that bloodline and spirit can form a martial soul, but just like in order to prove the sentence 'the triangle has stability', the soul is in a complex position in the martial soul, just like the selection backdoor deliberately left by some power structures, and the martial soul can be changed through this backdoor contrary to common sense.

For example, Chen Hong's martial soul, [telekinesis], has a soul-side influence in the three elements.

Or, if a god is reincarnated, his soul power will cover the blood and spirit of the second life, thus awakening the god-level martial soul. The more I think about this mechanism, the more I feel a sense of déjà vu, as if I have seen it somewhere.

The dual selection mechanism of schools, companies, and units is very common.

It's just that in Douluo Continent, people here have a better name--talent.

The galaxy flickers and is silent, brilliant and cold. In his own soul star sea, Chen Hong's consciousness body keeps rising, until time and space are blurred in the soul star river, and he has to stop, suspended in the dreamy brilliant star river, lonely looking at the dark starry sky and gorgeous nebula.

Chen Hong looked down at the sea of ​​consciousness that turned into a golden star under his feet, and then looked up at the seemingly infinite soul star river, and a trace of silent silence appeared in his heart.

The soul starry sky of a normal person cannot be so boundless and vast, even for him.

"Can we chat?" Chen Hong floated quietly in his soul starry sea, and suddenly spoke to the silent starry sky.

"I think that kind of conceptual treasure must have its own consciousness."

The galaxy was cold and silent, but Chen Hong still spoke softly.

The spiritual sea of ​​consciousness and the soul starry sky, the former is something that Chen Hong can sense since he became a soul master. But the latter is an ability that he unlocked after his spiritual power level reached level 90.

The spiritual sea of ​​consciousness of a normal person is a lake, and the soul starry sky is a certain range of starry sky-colored atmosphere.

But Chen Hong's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness is an ocean star, and his soul starry sky is a real starry sky. He can still understand the former, but the latter is obviously abnormal.

In the past, Chen Hong always suspected that the super 'relic' [Dimension Star Map] that caused him to travel through rebirth should be deep in his soul, or establish an anchor relationship with his soul.

It was not until Chen Hong's spiritual power level reached level 90 that he truly unlocked his soul starry sky, and then discovered the abnormality of his soul starry sky.

Qian Daoliu told him that everyone's soul starry sky has a "self" in the state of martial soul true body. When he was cleaning up evil soul masters before, he found that many evil soul masters' soul attack methods were all based on the self in the soul starry sky.

Chen Hong understood that the thing Qian Daoliu said should be the soul origin of everyone. Because it is the origin, there will be no illusion, and it will appear in the purest true form.

The seventh soul ring of a soul master needs to comprehend the martial soul origin, and the martial soul origin is inextricably linked to the soul origin.

Therefore, Chen Hong thought about finding his own soul origin and seeing what his soul true form is like.

But now, he found that he could not find his soul true form in this soul starry sky that is comparable to a real galaxy.

Because, it is really too big. Moreover, Chen Hong has a hunch that he cannot leave his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness too far, or forget the anchor point of his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise he will get lost in the soul starry sky, his consciousness will be trapped, and he will never wake up.

Sure enough, anything that is linked to the soul is very troublesome. Chen Hong muttered silently in his heart.

After waiting in the soul galaxy for a while, seeing that there was no response, Chen Hong's eyes flashed, and then he turned and flew to the sea of ​​consciousness planet under his feet.

After his consciousness returned to his sea of ​​consciousness planet, Chen Hong looked up at the spotless starry sky, and then began to sit cross-legged and meditate.

As he entered the meditative state, the sea of ​​consciousness planet under him was emitting golden and brilliant light little by little, like a star that was waking up, emitting light and heat in the cold and lonely starry sky.

The only thing Chen Hong could absolutely control was his own Sea of ​​Consciousness planet. Since he could not get a response from the dimensional star map, he gave up asking the boss to take back his magical powers. Instead, he chose to try to use the power of his own Sea of ​​Consciousness planet to comprehend the origin of his soul hidden in the starry sky from bottom to top, from spirit to soul.

And this is destined to be a time-consuming process.

When Chen Hong entered meditation and the Sea of ​​Consciousness planet emitted golden light in the sea of ​​stars, the originally brilliant galaxy was dimming little by little, and the light points of the stars were also changing. Some stars were dying, but new stars were being born.

And in the high-dimensional nothingness that the Soul Star Sea cannot reach, there is an extremely perfect, absolutely round transparent sphere from any angle. The absolutely smooth surface of the sphere gradually emerges with a touch of gold, and Chen Hong's consciousness planet appears on the curved surface of the perfect sphere.

"Every life has its own path, and you are no exception."

"Before your concept is perfect, contacting the long-stage system of ascending to the gods is just to let you repeat the sacrifice."

"You have embarked on a brand new path, but I never doubt that when you see the dimensional ball, you will deduce the path to ascending to the gods. Because that is the Taoism you will perfect in the end."

"And under the concept of locking, the path to ascending to the gods is your road of no return."

"Are there two identical Bodhi leaves in the world?"

"The Great Dao is fifty, the Heaven is forty-nine, and you are the first to escape."

An unobservable hand stretched out from the void and held up the dimensional ball.

"After the Wuheng Ji passed, I understood this sentence."

"I saw a different future and a different past."

"We will meet, and it won't be far away."


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