From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 74: Improper beliefs, a frog in a well looking at the sky! [Please subscribe! Please vote! ]

When Chen Hong heard Oscar's description, he felt as if thousands of horses were galloping through his heart.

At the beginning, Flanders made a solemn promise to the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce, saying that he had a way to solve the side effects of a student with a top beast spirit, and needed the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce to provide him with an educational fund to facilitate his work.

What happened?

You are so good, Flanders!

The way you promised is to spend money to open a Yihongyuan outside the academy?

No wonder I didn't see your so-called "way" inside Shrek Academy.

It's a pity that you still have some face and didn't open that thing inside the school!


Chen Hong exhaled heavily. He had to admit that even in the state of the Sage Ring, he was almost speechless by Flanders's operation.

"No! Oscar, don't talk nonsense! The dean clearly built a simulated training environment for me!"

Ma Hongjun, who was next to the statue of Shrek Dean, blushed and was still trying to quibble.

"Well, the name is good."

Chen Hong's face was a little dark, and he walked towards the college office building without looking back. The appearance was grand and luxurious, but the interior was extremely empty.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar saw this and hurriedly followed him, trying to persuade Chen Hong, hoping that he would not conflict with Dean Flanders.


The kicking in of Oscar and others did not happen as expected. Chen Hong stood quietly outside the dean's office and knocked on the door gently.

"Come in." A lazy voice came from inside.


Chen Hong pushed the door open directly. As soon as he entered the office, he saw Flanders, who was wearing glasses and a fine suit and dressed meticulously, sitting on the solid wood red armchair behind the desk, with his hands supporting his chin, and the appearance of a self-proclaimed handsome and deep dean came to mind.

"Director Chen Hong? What can I do for you?"

When Flanders spoke, he subconsciously pushed his glasses frame with his fingers. The sunlight outside the window reflected a dim white light on the mirror of his glasses, making it difficult to see his eyes.

"." Seeing Flanders's showy appearance, Chen Hong didn't know what to say.

He was fine in Soto City a few days ago, why did he become so showy when he returned to his Shrek Academy?

"On behalf of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce, I am dissatisfied with the current situation of Shrek Academy. Your school has a strong faculty, but it cannot be put into practice. This makes me sincerely worried about the future of your school."

Chen Hong and the other two walked into the magnificent dean's office from the door, and sat down on the mahogany sofa in the center of the room. Chen Hong took out a manual from the space ring and put it on the coffee table in front of him.

Ma Hongjun saw that the words "Shrek Academy Investigation Report" were written on the outside of the manual. He suddenly became smart. Seeing that Flanders and Chen Hong did not stand up, he immediately ran to Flanders with the "Investigation Report" in his hands and put the manual on the desk in front of Flanders.

Flanders cast an admiring look at Ma Hongjun, then picked up Chen Hong's investigation report and began to read it carefully.

Oscar, who was standing not far from Chen Hong, suddenly found that Ma Hongjun next to Flanders was winking at him crazily. He glanced at Chen Hong, who was sitting on the sofa with a normal expression, and suddenly had an idea. He immediately took out the teacup and tea from the table next to him and filled a bowl of steaming hot tea for Chen Hong.

Chen Hong nodded slightly to Oscar, picked up the tea bowl to blow away the heat, and said calmly to Dean Flanders, who was frowning slowly behind the desk, while drinking water: "Dean Flanders, do you think that with the current situation of your school, can you realize the great ambitions of you and other teachers and students?"

The summary of the "Shrek Academy Investigation Report" is eight words, "Improper beliefs, a frog in a well looking at the sky".

Improper beliefs refer to the controversy over the founding philosophy of Shrek Academy and the confusion of academic beliefs among the teachers of the academy.

The frog in the well looks at the sky, which refers to the grass-roots team of Shrek Academy. They don't know what it takes for an academy to grow and develop. Therefore, when facing many problems, this grass-roots team chooses to escape instead of facing the problems and solving them.

These two reasons ultimately lead to the fact that Shrek Academy spent more than 500,000 gold soul coins after obtaining the investment of the Science and Technology Chamber of Commerce for more than a year, but the final effect is only superficial.

As for the strange aesthetic style and nouveau riche architectural style of Shrek Academy, Chen Hong doesn't want to say more. There is no point in saying more. Biological diversity makes the world colorful. Chen Hong respects the diversity of biological diversity.

Flanders used educational funds to move the "mimetic environment training room", and Chen Hong didn't say much. Although this matter seems absurd and is not true at all, Chen Hong has to admit that it does make sense after applying it to Ma Hongjun.

Although it is not much, it does exist. Chen Hong does not deny Flanders's "method that is not a method".

"One year should be enough for your school to understand that what has troubled the development of your school is never money, but your own beliefs."

"Shrek Academy only recruits monsters. In other words, your school wants the best students, but why would these good students come to your school? With your average Soul Emperor and Soul Saint faculty?"

"I wonder if Dean Flanders has ever heard a saying that a good teacher is not necessarily a strong soul master, but a strong soul master"

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up and he immediately answered: "He must be a good teacher!"

Chen Hong's eyes stayed on Ma Hongjun's face for a while, then he shook his head slowly and said: "A good teacher is not necessarily a powerful soul master, but a powerful soul master must be a powerful soul master."

"Ah?" Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Flanders were suddenly stunned by Chen Hong's words.

Chen Hong blew away the hot air in the tea bowl again without much explanation.

But Oscar beside him turned his eyes and whispered: ".Soul masters and good teachers are not necessarily related?"

Chen Hong smiled slightly when he heard this, put down the tea bowl, and whispered to Flanders: "You see, there are many talented students in your school, but as teachers, you can't let go of your airs?"

"Powerful soul masters will pay more attention to themselves, so they can't teach students in accordance with their aptitude and pay attention to the differences of students."

"Although this sentence is a bit offensive, it must be said that the strong faculty of Shrek Academy has become a stumbling block for your development and growth."

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