From the Soul Engine to the Ji Mechanized Douluo

Chapter 84 Soul Saint, perhaps it has reached the end! [Please subscribe! Please vote! ]

Tang San's question is destined to have no answer, because the question itself is defined by a wrong logic, that is, a state of 'black and white' paranoia.

Just like the wave-particle duality of light, it can be either a wave or a particle, or it can exist at the same time.

In the process of biological evolution, 'chickens' and 'eggs' may have different answers in different environments.

Of course, there is a simple answer, eggs. The chicken is in front of the egg, so the chicken comes first and then the egg.

Therefore, there are many answers, because thinking is dialectical. Once you are led to think repetitively under fixed conditions, you will easily fall into a logical trap, constantly denying yourself, wasting your energy, and never being able to escape.

There are a lot of paranoia in this world. It can be seen from the almost stagnant development of social science knowledge in this world. This is a stagnant world. Few people have dialectical thinking, so it is easy to be used by Chen Hong [Sage] Time] Cooperate with various logical traps to fool people at the right time.

Chen Hong has many more questions that can make people's brains spin quickly. For example, to give a simple example, give the derivation formula of pi, and then ask people what the final result of pi is. This is a bit brain-burning. Under normal circumstances, you can Those who were led astray by Chen Hong's thinking were all his acquaintances, and they could only be used as a countermeasure against a truly powerful enemy.

Ma Hongjun has finished talking about the benefits of Chen Hong’s [Sage’s Time], but how should Ma Hongjun contend with the side effects of [Sage’s Time]?

As night slowly fell, covering the sky and the earth, the interior of Shrek Academy began to light up with sporadic fluorescent lights of fireflies.

Boom boom

There seemed to be some noise in the forest at the back of Shrek Academy, startling the birds that were inhabiting the dense forest and flying into the distance in the night.

Moreover, in Oscar's room in the Shrek Academy boys' dormitory, Oscar, who had just shaved his beard, was meditating on his bed under the bright moonlight.

As the first food-type soul master in history with innate soul power, Oscar not only uses his super talent, but also possesses perseverance and diligence that ordinary people cannot match. Most of the time, Oscar would use meditation to cultivate his soul power instead of sleeping.

However, when Oscar was sitting cross-legged on his mattress meditating as usual, the corners of his tightly closed eyes were slightly raised, and he felt that there seemed to be a pair of increasingly fiery eyes staring at Ma Hongjun's bed next to him.

Although Oscar didn't open his eyes to look, the man's intuition made him feel a chill on his back. This inexplicable feeling made him feel a little restless for a while, and he could no longer meditate with peace of mind, so he couldn't help but open his eyes. , looking out the window at the white full moon, a line of frightened birds flew past in the night.

The night was already dark, but there were countless people awake. Some were doing anti-beating training, some were practicing silently, and some were observing the sky at night, suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

In the teachers' building on the other side of Shrek Academy, Chen Hong, who was meditating on his mattress, suddenly frowned. He couldn't help opening his eyes and looked out the window, standing on the branch of a giant tree holding a wooden sword wrapped with cloth. , Ning Quan, who looked into the distance under the full moon, asked in surprise: "Uncle, are there any high-level soul masters fighting?"

Under the moonlight, Ning Quan, who was standing on a tree branch and leaning against the trunk, looked at a line of jackdaws that started in the dense forest in the distance, and asked curiously: "Fighting? There are high-level soul masters fighting, and there are also low-level soul masters fighting."

"???" Three big question marks suddenly flashed across Chen Hong's forehead.

"Well, King Fudo Ming was beaten unilaterally. The opponent used a blunt weapon, and his moves were wide open and closed, which seemed to be like defeating all kinds of magic with one force. Well, when I think of it, there is a genius boy named Tang today, Lan Silver Grass. Calculating the time, I am afraid it is the child of the Blue Silver Crown and the Haotian Crown. In this way, the Fudo Ming King who is undergoing anti-stress training may be facing the so-called child. Haotian Sect, the most powerful attacking weapon in the world, must be crowned Haotian."

Ning Quan stood on the branch of a tree, his eyes sparkling like stars. He could clearly analyze the opponent's identity just by relying on the soul power fluctuations and the momentum of his moves when they fought in the distance, which showed that his understanding was extraordinary.

Maybe others don't know about Haotian Douluo and Blue Silver Emperor, but almost everyone in the Shangsan Sect doesn't know about it. Of course, there are also score levels. Ning Quan is qualified to know, or he heard it when he was studying with Teacher Jian Chenxin.

Speaking of Jian Chen Xin, the seniority between Ning Quan’s family and Jian Chen Xin has always been very confusing. The mother of the first generation clan leader of the Seven-Star Ning Clan has some blood relationship with Jian Chen. Later it was the turn of Ning Quan's generation, which was the fourth generation. Logically, they should be called Jian Chen's Heart Sword Ancestor, or something else. But Ning Quan and Ning Fengzhi were of the same generation, which eventually led to everyone starting to talk about their own affairs.

Ning Ji called senior, Ning Lu called elder, and Ning Quan just called teacher.

"Tiled Douluo"

After hearing Ning Quan's explanation, Chen Hong looked at the full moon in the night outside the window, his eyes flickering.

"Have the Seven-Star Ning Sect ever tried to break through the Titled Douluo? Or maybe the Soul Douluo."

"Do you think it's really that easy?" Ning Quan smiled freely, looked up at the silent stars twinkling in the sky, and said in a relieved tone: "Teacher Chen Xin said that the Seven Star Sword is a very perfect mutation, even in the realm of the Soul Saint. Even Master Chen Xin’s Seven Killing Sword may not be able to defeat my father’s Seven Star Sword head-on.”

Seven Treasure Glazed Tower + Seven Killing Sword (incomplete) = Seven Star Sword.

Inheriting the powerful assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the solidification of the Seven Killing Sword on the "seven", the martial soul eventually mutated into an extremely stable Seven Star Sword martial soul.

If the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda still has hope of evolving upward, the Seven Star Sword is really doomed from the underlying code rules of the martial soul. This martial soul can only be like this. Coupled with the shackles of the Ning family's bloodline, all kinds of negative buffs add up to create the strange existence of the Seven Star Ning family, which is invincible in the realm of soul saints.

"Well, uncle, I actually have a doubt."

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Chen Hong looked at Ning Quan's thin back in the moonlight outside the window, pondered in his heart, and then continued:

"Although I am only a 17th-level little soul master now, I still wonder what soul rings are on the road from zero to ninety-nine levels of soul masters? What is the realm? Or, what is their function? What is the definition?"

When Ning Quan was slightly stunned, Chen Hong threw out his explosive theory:

"Is there a possibility that the soul saint has reached the end?"

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