The copy opened, and Lin Ye chose the ordinary passage and walked in.

"Enter the normal passage? I thought you were so good!

"It seems that the National S-Class Secret Realm, you have no chance!" Gee, I'm even looking forward to treating you as an opponent.

Lu Yong muttered, directly chose the nightmare-level passage, and slowly walked in on the back of the horse.

The two brothers, one tall and one short, looked at each other and showed a trace of unyielding expression, and they also entered the nightmare level.

"What is the point of A-grade copies not going to purgatory?"

Bai Qi shook his head, looked at the record left by the once purgatory passage, sneered, and walked directly in.

"Except for Engong, no one chooses ordinary copies?"

"There are only three places for S-class copies, fight for it, and hope to be selected at the same time as Engong."

The butterfly knife in Zhao Kai's hand flicked slightly, and he stepped out of the difficulty-level passage.

In just a few moments, all the people who got the A-level copy places entered the quest.


At this time, the space fluctuated slightly, and a middle-aged man in a combat uniform appeared at the door of the copy.

The man is two meters tall, emaciated, malnourished, and has thin yellow muscles.

He was wearing a battle robe, and at the neckline of the battle robe, there was a small 'special' embroidered character, which invisibly released a strong breath.

"Ouch, was it a minute late?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, even the best friends of this session haven't been able to see a glance."

Just arrived at the scene, the man showed a regretful expression.

"See Lord Lu!"

Seeing the man's arrival, Li San and Yang Fei got up at the same time and saluted respectfully.

"Call me Lu Xiaofeng, don't be so polite, be easygoing, be easygoing!"

Lu Xiaofeng touched his trouser pocket and took out a huazi and lit it.

"Would you like one?" Special, can't be bought outside.

"No, no, my lord, you feel free."

The two hurriedly shook their heads and stood aside cautiously.

Lu Xiaofeng, the top general of the Special Warfare Bureau of the Xia Kingdom, he does not need to obey anyone's orders except for the General of the Special Warfare Bureau and the Dragon Emperor.

Even several old star warriors of the Xia Kingdom could not arrange for him to do things.

Although he has no real power in his hands, his status in the Xia Kingdom is only a few people above him.

"Ah, then I'll be casual!"

Lu Xiaofeng picked up his battle robe, squatted down under a tree at random, and smoked a cigarette.

That look, if not wearing a battle robe, casually thrown into the crowd, is definitely an ordinary passerby.

At most, it's a little taller than someone else's, ordinary.


At this time

, within the ordinary passage of the copy, Lin Ye stood on a hill, overlooking the entire secret environment.

[Dark Forest], there is no other second color in the secret realm except black.

Black leaves, black flowing water.

Even the mist that drifted in the air was black.

The whole copy is like a natural black hole.

However, although everything is black, it does not affect the view.

"It's really a magical copy, I don't know if the monsters inside are also particularly dark."

Lin Ye muttered and directly released all the minions.

At the same time, six giant skeletons also appeared in the sky.


The bone dragon opened its huge mouth, and a thunder breath fell, taking the lead in making a middle line in the copy.

Gaba Gaba!

Not to be outdone, the soldiers screamed and rushed out.

"Don't waste time, the quota of the S-class secret realm must be obtained, the little skeleton and small bone, it will be handed over to you."

Seeing that the small soldier and the bone dragon had already started killing in the replica, Lin Ye sat down on the hill.

With a flip of the wrist, a blank scroll appeared in the hand.

"It's hard to use new skills in school, just now it's time to write skills and try the power of skills."

Urging spiritual power, the blank scroll in Lin Ye's hand slowly appeared words.

In a moment, a purple light condensed on the blank scroll, and the new skill was written.

On the scroll, four large characters slowly appeared.

[Purple Thunder Skyburst]

Buzz~ The

skill book turned into a ray of light, and instantly disappeared into Lin Ye's eyebrows.

"I... Groove! Looking

at the detailed introduction of the skill, Lin Ye's pupils shrank and his mouth became dry.

"It actually fused the thunder and lightning of the bone dragon and strengthened it. Are my skill books written based on summons?

"Good fellow, introduce such a powerful, another Annihilation Tribulation Skill!"

"Try it first, hahaha, I can't wait!"

Laughing loudly, Lin Ye did not force him to drink.

"Ray: Come to the grandfather! "



The voice fell, black clouds rolled in the sky, and purple lightning swam in the sky like snakes.

Above Lin Ye's right hand, a purple ball of light quietly appeared.


The sky thundered, and a purple lightning bolt fell with a bang, striking on the ball of light on Lin Ye's hand.

Buzz~ Purple

electricity landed, and the ball of light in Lin Ye's hand turned into a purple thunder ball, which actually increased at a rapid speed.

In a moment, the fist-sized purple thunder ball had grown tenfold.

A high-energy current appeared, and Lin Ye's body floated gently under the high-speed flowing purple current, gradually flying towards the void.

Boom ~ Boom!


purple electricity shuttled through the sky, and electric light kept entering the thunder ball in Lin Ye's hand.

In a matter of moments, the thunderball had become the size of a basketball court.

Lin Ye stood above the void, as if crossing a calamity, and purple electricity was wrapped around his body.



The thunder and lightning rolled, seemingly without warning of stopping at all.

"Lying groove, outrageous, off-the-beaten."

"Did this skill take so long?"

Lin Ye's heart shook furiously.

Raising his head slightly, a thunderball towards a giant with a diameter of more than three thousand meters appeared in the void.

The thunderball was wrapped in purple electricity, and the sky made a crackling explosion.

"Nima, no, continue to continue, Lao Tzu can't bear it!"

Lin Ye's expression was distorted, and there was a panic in his heart.

With a move in his mind, Lin Ye withdrew all the summoning items released into the summoning space.

Stepping and

holding the super giant thunder ball, Lin Ye stepped out in one step.

"Skill, Purple Thunder Skyburst!"


With a force in his hand, Lin Ye threw the thunder ball out fiercely.


, moisture

, crackle ~

Where the thunderball passes, the space explodes directly.


Suddenly, a deafening sound sounded in the replica.

The power of the explosion of the thunderball

dispersed, and almost instantly, half of the replica of the earth was flattened.

Countless mountains were razed to the ground.

At the place of the explosion, a huge crater like an abyss was blasted out.

"I... Groove! "


, looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ye froze!

"A-grade copy, a [Purple Thunder Skyburst], Nima is half wasted?"

"Heaven killing, this is still a situation where my comprehensive attributes are not enough to support the continued expansion of the thunderball."

"If the level reaches three turns: Four turns?

"By the special... My profession seems to be... Not bad! "


Lin Ye swallowed his saliva, and his brain made up a picture of a purple thunder ball landing over the Liu family.

"Master, after the third turn, I will go and him, if the nine-turn big guy moves, you can protect me!"

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