Outside the copy,

Lu Xiaofeng yawned for a long time.

"No, no, can't stay up, sleepy."

"Go back to sleep for a few days first, even if someone comes out of the copy, it is estimated that it will be several days later."

"Hard two mentors, you continue to squat, I'll make up for it."

Lu Xiaofeng got up lazily and was about to leave.

At this time, a light lit up at the replica passage.


Half of his foot paused in the void, and Lu Xiaofeng glanced back.

"Isn't it, isn't it, did it actually come out?"

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Lin Ye, and the sleepiness on his face dissipated slightly.

Lin Ye walked out of the copy and glanced at Lu Xiaofeng, who was 45 degrees and had one foot in the air.

Looking up and down, the whole person is thin and tall, and the yellow muscles are thin.

It's like a telephone pole that has been crooked for years and no one has corrected.

"What a strange person!"

With a mutter, Lin Ye chose the purgatory passage and prepared to enter.

"Little brother, cleared the customs?"

Lu Xiaofeng asked curiously.

Lin Ye turned around and glanced at Lu Xiaofeng lightly, but did not speak.

Turn around and prepare to continue into the quest.


Just turned around, Lin Ye couldn't help but burst into a national essence.

In front of his eyes, Lu Xiaofeng appeared silently, looking at him like a monster.

"What for?"

Lin Ye took a step back, glared at Lu Xiaofeng and asked.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, seeing that your Heavenly Spirit Cover is glowing, exuding the aura of a king, a hidden luck suddenly rushed to the sky... Sorry, I can't make it up.

"My fault, my fault."

Lu Xiaofeng chuckled, revealing a mouth full of yellow teeth, and a pair of small hands with nowhere to place kept clasping his thighs.

"Little brother, can I ask you a question?"

"Don't worry, you will definitely not be allowed to answer in vain, you will be paid."


"Come to Hanako?"

Lu Xiaofeng reached out and took out a huazi from his arms and handed it over.

Lin Ye glanced at this strange person and took it smoothly.

"You asked."

Reaching out not to hit the smiling person, Lin Ye nodded and said.

"Brother, can you tell me... What did you eat and grow up?

"I'll buy some for those dolls to make up."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at the new record that appeared on the record stone tablet, and asked Lin Ye with slanted eyes.

Asking this question

, Lin Ye handed Huazi back, bypassing Lu Xiaofeng and stepping into the copy.

"Little brother, oh oh, don't panic, don't panic!"

"Don't panic first,"

Lu Xiaofeng spoke unhurriedly.

"Too lazy to deal with."

Lin Ye muttered in his heart, completely ignoring Lu Xiaofeng.

Go you!

He was ready to continue entering,

"I... Alas, what have you done to me?

Lin Ye was suddenly startled and spoke incredulously.

He couldn't even move.


urging spiritual power, Lin Ye suddenly activated the 'Soul Attraction' skill.

Under the skill, Lu Xiaofeng was slightly stunned, and an extremely lewd smile appeared on his face.

"It's the way, good fellow, I almost caught your way."

After laughing lewdly for two seconds, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes returned to clarity. "Your skill is not scientific."

Lu Xiaofeng commented

, and added, "But..."

Lu Xiaofeng spoke with a hesitant look.


He slapped his head, "Careless, can't be like this at this time, wait for the next time." With

a flip of his wrist, two [Mini Blood Spirit Fruits] appeared in his hand.

"Little brother, are you ready to continue to the Purgatory Passage?"

"To add, play well, you might... It may be fancyed by some super super super big guy.

"Well, let's go inside, that's it!"

Two [Mini Blood Spirit Fruits] flew into Lin Ye's mouth, and Lu Xiaofeng gently patted Lin Ye's back and swallowed it directly.

At the same time, the restrictions on his body were touched, and a former pounced into the purgatory passage.


," "I'm Nima," gag



Entering the copy, Lin Ye was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly reached out and clasped his throat, wanting to spit out the [Mini Blood Spirit Fruit].

Where to spit it out?

"Dog day, who is the pole just now?"

"Did Lao Tzu almost die?"

"Is it the head of the Liu family?"

"Lying groove, the spiritual attraction skill is invalid, and it can still fix me."

There was a panic in his heart, and Lin Ye's cold sweat came out.


, if you think about it, the pole man seems to have no malice towards him.

The effect of the [Mini Blood Spirit Fruit] came up, and Lin Ye's attributes were also all full.

"Could it be... He took a fancy to my Lin someone's talent and wanted to hold his thighs? Lin Ye muttered.

"Little brother, don't be stupid. I'm joking, your Celestial Spirit Cover doesn't shine.

Lin Ye had just finished muttering, when a lewd voice sounded very abruptly behind him.


Lin Ye froze and turned to look at Lu Xiaofeng incredulously.

"You... How can you enter the same copy with me?

Frightened, Lin Ye's back felt cold.


"A broken copy, want to come in not on: Did you come in? It's hard to rub outside!

Lu Xiaofeng didn't care to speak, and stretched out his hand.


Purgatory-level bosses, as well as all the monsters of the replica, were all triggered, and suddenly appeared thousands of meters away from him.

"Little brother, look at those monsters and do your best to kill them."

"Well, to add, if you don't do your best, I may scrap you and sell you to the kiln."

"Your skin bag is worth more than me."

"Don't doubt what I say, I can really do it."


Xiaofeng lit a cigarette and sat down on the side.

Lin Ye squinted, glanced at the monster in the distance, and then glanced at Lu Xiaofeng.

"Dry monster is sure, dry this pole man is not sure."

"First of all, go back and contact the master to do another vote, maybe you can make a few big bucks."

"The ceiling of the combat power of the Xia Kingdom of Master Venerable should be done."

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Ye's heart moved, and five thousand small soldiers were released, and they rushed towards the monster group with a scream.

"Skeleton summons?"

"Hiss~ such outrageous attributes, no wonder you can clear the level so quickly."

"The number of summons is also extremely amazing, it won't be a double stealth class, right?"

"Necromancer Summoning + Double Stealth Class?"

A look of shock appeared in Lu Xiaofeng's eyes, and he slowly said to Lin Ye.

"Little brother, I have a showdown, I am Lu Xiaofeng, the most secret special operations general of the Xia Kingdom."

"I came here this time to see if you are qualified to enter the S-Class Secret Realm."

"But to be honest, your ability is still a little worse."

"Be secretly hidden, do your best!"

Special operations bureau?

Lin Ye glanced at Lu Xiaofeng, obviously not quite convinced.

However, Ning believed it, and Lin Ye still released all the small soldiers.

A total of more than 10,000 skeletons joined the battle.

"Ouch, did you really not do your best?"

Lu Xiaofeng put away his obscenity, revealing a trace of seriousness.

"Little brother, your summoning is little... Soldiers, fighting with their bare hands, their strength is greatly reduced.

"I know you still have reservations."

"Look at this cold knife, it can be big or small, and it can also exceed the amount of doppelganger. I think it's quite suitable for your skeleton soldier.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Ye glanced at the attributes of the cold knife.


This glance, Lin Ye couldn't move away.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye's eyes lit up

, "Okay, then I'll be serious."

Lin Ye's heart moved, and all the minions were withdrawn to the summoning space.


A light lit up on his body, and

the next moment, Lin Ye had already appeared outside the copy.

Take out the free teleportation scroll in one hand and prepare to escape, and pull out your mobile phone with the other.

"Master, where are you?"

"Mom, if you want to get rich, do you dare to do a big job?"

"Super... Super artifact, yes, yes, Master, you come and save your life first..."

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