
A sharp pain came from behind him, and Wan Tu Yangtian roared, extremely miserable.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to... Ah~"



On the ground, the skeleton warriors ejected one after another.


" "Nima... Ah~

""Skills... Ah~"

For a while, Wan Tu's screams resounded throughout the secret realm.


, watching Wan Tu being lifted up into the sky by one skeleton warriors, the villains were all stunned.

The eight guards gasped and quietly urged the defensive magic weapon to superimpose behind them.

It hurts,

it hurts so much.

It all hurts.

Chen Junqi's eyes widened, and he subconsciously retreated several kilometers.

Wan Tu's screams made him terrified.

I don't dare to imagine what the consequences will be if I am sent such a shot.


Chen Junqi stepped back vigorously.

For fear of being accidentally injured.


In just a few seconds, Wan Tu has been by the skeleton warrior with more than a dozen skills.

Above the sky, the giant skeleton Fa Xiang looked at Wan Tu, who was rising little by little, and suddenly slapped down.

In an instant, Wan Tu was photographed at the origin of takeoff.


repeat pattern.

"Guard, redhead, grass mud horse... Ah

~""Help, ah~Lying groove~"

Wan Tu screamed and spoke, not speaking very sharply, always interrupted.

He is now angry, his skills cannot be activated, and he is so upright that he has been made by a few skeletons that he has no room to resist.

I can only open my mouth for help.

He needs .... Slow down~

"Quick, help the city lord, he can't hold on!"

The redhead woke up suddenly and hurriedly shouted.

"Kill, everyone with me, kill!"

The redhead took the lead in killing towards Lin Ye.

Although more than 10,000 villains were afraid, they could not resist the order, so they had to grit their teeth and rush forward.


The nine bone dragon wings waved, and suddenly blocked the path of the eight protectors.

At the same time, below everyone, skeleton warriors with their hands clapping exploded.


A skeleton warrior catapulted, and

then the bone dragon suddenly made up for it with a breath of thunder.

They, everything works well together.

The screams spread again.

"Shoot me, how dare you shoot me!"

On the ground, Lin Ye's eyes were bloodshot.

With a movement of his mind, the shattered bone dragon was withdrawn into the summoning space.

At the same time, he pointed to the ground with one foot and caused a thunder to appear above the void.

"Blackie, quack him."

With anger, Lin Ye spoke fiercely.

Twitter, twitter.

The little ant holds the scythe and makes a crunching sound.

The foot moved, just wanted to disappear.

At this point, Lin Ye suddenly added, "Section by section!" "


The little ant disappeared on Lin Ye's shoulder.

"I'm going to kill.. Ah~"

Wan Tu's eyes seemed to be on fire, and the back of his head was so angry that he began to smoke.

Suddenly closing his eyes, Wan Tu gritted his teeth.

Carrying the impact of one shot after another behind him.



Skeleton Fa Xiang slapped him on the head.




Wan Tu carried the damage of the skeleton warrior and successfully launched a skill.

However, this skill is not lethal, but only acts as a shock and retreat.

The skill was launched, and a terrifying storm erupted on Wan Tu's body, and the skeleton warrior was instantly shocked out of the kilometer resource.

"Damn boy, you give me death!"


step out.

Laugh at!

Suddenly, a cold light flashed under him.


Wan Tu stopped in the void with half a foot and lowered his head in panic.

A small hole appeared in the crotch, and blood was flowing down.


This scream

, with a sharp, broken sound.

Extremely penetrating.

The little monster in the secret territory was so frightened that he hid in the cave.

"Lord City Lord, Lord City Lord, he... Ah~" The

red-haired guard forcibly endured the sharp pain behind him and looked at Wan Tu with a panicked expression.


, the back is okay,

he can barely carry it.

Because that pain, it has nothing to do with strength, everyone is the same.

Completely by perseverance.

Whoever has better toughness has less pain.

If it is practiced, the damage can be reduced again.


Nima can't do it in front!

So a little bit of meat

, "Despicable, aaaa

The red-haired guard, with a crying voice, covered the back with one hand and the front with the other, and cried loudly.

The seven-turn high-level professional was frightened and cried by Lin Ye's skills.

Thousands of meters away

, Chen Junqi's face turned blue,

the devil!

This is a devil!

How dare this kind of person provoke?

Caught between the front and back, I'm afraid the generals can't stand it!


Chen Junqi is now very flustered.

When I think of the forced words he said in the rookie group, I can't wait to slap myself twice.

If you get a little cut off because of this, Nima.


Chen Junqi slapped his face with a slap,


"The top stream can't stand it, how can you carry it."


Another slap,

"Lao Tzu let you pretend."

Chen Junqi took out his mobile phone and looked at the chat records in the group, and his intestines were almost repentant.

He wants to withdraw

, as an administrator, he can withdraw the message within 24 hours.

However, there is no signal in the secret realm!

"Admit defeat, aaaaa

Above the void, Wan Tu had tears in his eyes and opened his mouth miserably.

Laugh at!

The rest was another flash of cold light.

The meat, which was not long, was shortened.


"Do you think this will stop me?"

"Despicable and vulgar brat, I'll kill you!"

Wan Tu roared loudly.

With a flip of the wrist, a dagger appeared in the hand.

Laugh at!

His dagger slashed under him, and the rest of the section was directly cut off by him.

Better a finger off than always aching!

"You give me death,"

throwing away the dagger, the aura on Wan Tu's body skyrocketed, and the power of the nine revolutions was all released.


The terrifying power appeared, and the space around him exploded layer by layer.


However, even the power against the sky cannot stop the skills of the skeleton warrior.

With a muffled sound, Wan Tu was lifted up.


, with a numb face, he didn't seem to care about the pain.

"Hahaha, despicable skill, see what you can do with me this time?"

"Come on, is there anything more despicable? I slaughtered today, carried it! "

Hahaha, hahahaha!"

Wan Tu laughed loudly, and the laughter was close to madness.

"Long live, long live adults."

"Kill, the last time to fight back has come, kill these damn skeletons."

"The skill is not terrible, defeat the heart demon, as long as we pretend not to hurt, the skeleton can't take us."

The cheers suddenly rang out.

Those villains who were almost killed by the skeleton warriors had hope in their eyes.


they will watch the city lord kill this warrior with his own hands.

The eight guards, at this time, their whole bodies were bursting with blood and smoke, and they were struggling to support.

They also... Saw hope.

"How can I fall under these despicable and vulgar skills of yours."

"This time it's my turn, one move to destroy you."

Wan Tu raised his hands

, click, click,


The earthquake shook, and in a short time, magma emitting a hot aura broke out from the depths of the ground.

The magma is intertwined and intertwined, forming the shape of a giant snake.

"Yagi Rock Dragon, it's the Yagi Rock Dragon skill of the City Lord!"

"Hahaha, this is a natural disaster skill, that kid is dead!"

Looking at the magma shooting out from the ground, the villains all cheered up.

Even Lin Ye showed a trace of solemnity.


it is only a trace of solemnity.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Ye withdrew all the summoning objects into the summoning space.

"It seems that catching alive will not work."


Lin Ye clapped his hands

, and suddenly, black clouds appeared in the sky, and purple thunder and lightning swam among the black clouds.

"Catastrophe Skill?"

Lin Ye sneered,

"I'll let you see what is a real natural disaster!"


Purple Thunder Skyburst! "

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