
Gao Tianxiao glanced at the excited Lin Ye and said lightly.

"At your stage, it is indeed invincible."


Gao Tianxiao blinked, pretending to speak with a serious face.

"Xiao Lin Ye, you are very good."

"Very good, within the same level, no one in Xia Guo may be your opponent."

"Kill a full-level professional in a low-level class, although the dog dragon just now is basically the weakest existence in the full level, but you did kill him in seconds."

"But ah, do you know how many people in the whole world can do this?"

"People can't be complacent, your potential is much more than that. Look a little further.

"When you reach the high-level professional, the whole attribute will change drastically, and then it will be when the profession really shines."

"As you said, there are still many anti-heavenly existences above the three hidden."

"It's just that you haven't touched it yet."

"In short, calm down and raise the level."


Gao Tianxiao's words, Lin Ye also felt very reasonable.

Being able to do a full level of ten turns is really not enough to be proud of.

He had read some novels in his previous life, and those protagonists started invincible, basically all of them were the same existence as Long Aotian.

The world is big, and there are many people who go against the sky.

Although he had the strength to kill a full-level professional in seconds, Lin Ye knew that he was still 108,000 miles away from God.

Recalling the strength of the God of Life, he couldn't even think of resisting.

"Master, I understand!"

Lin Ye nodded, and had a new goal in his heart.

He felt that at least he had to have the strength to slash the gods in order to float a little.

"Well, just so you know."

"Go back first, you strive to complete the transfer task and advance to the level of a high-level profession as soon as possible."

"You can only rely on yourself for the transfer task, don't stay at level 90 for too long."


With a punch that blasted open the secret space, Gao Tianxiao pulled Lin Ye back to Tianhai Manor.

"By the way, the world is very deep, don't believe too much in what you see."

"Master has some things to deal with, maybe he will surprise you when he comes back."


Just returned to the manor, Gao Tianxiao threw a punch and hurriedly left.

"Good boy, only lv90 level can slaughter saints, almost caught up with the old man. Hehe, this time the old man wants to illuminate the eyes of the Dragon Emperor.

Gao Tianxiao muttered in his heart, and disappeared into the mouth of space.

The next moment,

a secret realm at the core of the Xia Kingdom was suddenly torn open.

Gao Tianxiao cursed and walked out.

"Mad, I really choose a place, stay in this pink world, and I'm not afraid of making myself a woman."

Gao Tianxiao glanced at the area as far as his line of sight could see, and it was all peach blossoms that were in full bloom to the most vigorous.

To say that the scenery is picturesque, it is not excessive.

Even a rough person like Gao Tianxiao had a feeling that his heart was like water.

However, it is only a split second.

"Suddenly ran here, what's wrong?"

Not far away, in the courtyard of a thatched house, a man in a white robe holding an ancient book in his hands spoke softly.

The man was spotless, and a golden dragon loomed over his white robe.

The whole person looks like a very calm feeling.

"You look like you did two hundred years ago."

"Isn't natural aging great?"

"Look at me, old-fashioned, handsome to the point of slag, whether it is an old aunt, a middle-aged woman or a young girl, the old husband and I will kill!"

Gao Tianxiao walked to the stone table in the courtyard and took a cup of tea to dry it.

"Say, you want to take advantage of me again."

The man put away the ancient book and looked at Gao Tianxiao with a chuckle.

"Oh, you man."

"Am I Gao Tianxiao the kind of person who loves to take advantage?"

"I haven't seen it in decades, come and play tricks!"

Gao Tianxiao put down the teacup and scanned the courtyard with his gaze around.

It seemed that he didn't see anything he was satisfied with, and asked casually.

"When are you going to go out?"

When to go out?

The man muttered, glanced up at the void, and then closed his eyes slightly.

"Soon, when the will of the Heavenly Dao manifests again, it is necessary to earn it."

"Otherwise, I would be worthy of the title of Dragon Emperor!"


Gao Tianxiao complained, "You still want to get the country."

"The old man is so old that he is simply heartbroken. And you have to pretend to be weak, and you have to take care of the feelings of those dolls, you don't know how the old man has lived all these years.

"What do you want?"

The man interrupted Gao Tianxiao and spoke directly.

"The Career Evolution Scroll, the highest level, can perfectly write the optimal route before the class limit."

Gao Tianxiao didn't bend anymore, and spoke with a serious face.


Hearing that Gao Tianxiao actually wanted the highest level professional evolution scroll, a hint of curiosity appeared on the man's face.

"Why, or do you plan to raise your granddaughter that you picked up?"

"You didn't take that step for so many years, wasn't it for her to deliberately suppress it?"

"As you said, she has a personality like you, but she can't walk your way or reach your height."

"Forcibly raising her is not necessarily a good thing."

"Now that you want to evolve the scroll, do you still want to try it?"

The man sat down at the stone table and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Not for her."

Gao Tianxiao smiled indifferently and did not mention anything about Gao Ting.

"Not for her?"

"I'm curious, who else in this world is worth your personal trip to me besides her."

"You know, the professional evolution scrolls, even I only have a few."

"And I am carrying the heavy responsibility of the rise of the entire Xia Kingdom, and using one at will is a huge consumption for me. Wrong.. It should be said that it is a huge consumption of this country. "

You... Willing to take this cause and effect?

"And it is still at an important juncture when this Heavenly Dao Will is about to manifest again."

"Old slippery, do you know what I mean? The future of a country is at stake. The

man spoke softly, with an unshirkable responsibility in his tone.

"Don't worry, old man, I didn't have a sudden whim."

"As long as there is this scroll, in the Heavenly Dao Resource Competition Competition, his return will be far greater than this scroll."

"You may not believe it."

"I think..." Gao

Tianxiao paused, as if thinking about how to describe Lin Ye's combat power.

Taking a sip of tea, he slowly spoke.

"Low-level scramble, he is invincible!"

"High-level competition, he is still invincible!"

"If he had progressed faster and could catch the top race, he would still be invincible.

"Well, with better luck, if the transfer task is smoother, I think the Gods Race may also be able to win the top three."

Listening to Gao Tianxiao's words, the man shook his head and smiled.

"You are still you, talk minus moisture."

"However, even if you exaggerate twice, it is worth the investment."

"Don't insult your title as the second elder of Xia Country, right?"

"Don't worry, only you know this title, hahaha. Bring another second elder out, and the emperor will open the treasury for you to relieve your hunger. With

a flip of his wrist, a scroll exuding the aura of Heavenly Dao slowly flew towards Gao Tianxiao.

"Take the second old? I'll take an old six to kill you!"

Gao Tianxiao put away the scroll and turned to leave.

The man put away his smile and looked at Gao Tianxiao's departing back and whispered.

"Lao Gao, if I walk ahead of you this time, the entire Xia Kingdom will be handed over to you!"

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