Among these 100 people, there are a total of 2 seeded players, and Lin Ye is one of them.

And the other is Ye Guo from [Tianwu School], the newcomer who was unlucky and also became one of the seeded players in the low-level professional competition.

High-level professionals, a total of 20 people.

They are Chen Junqi, Lu Yong, Bai Qi, Dong Feifei, these fighters of the Special Warfare Bureau.

Among the high-level professionals, there are a total of 10 seeded players, and Chen Junqi Lu Yong has 4 people, which naturally became one of the seeded players.

In addition to these 4 people, there are several veteran generals such as the dean of the Hua Hu Academy and the principal of the Tianwu School.

As for the top professionals, Lu Xiaofeng, a general of the Special Operations Bureau, and Jiang Sigui are the heads, a total of 6 people.

Among the full-level professionals, three old star battles will personally fight, and Gao Tianxiao will be an alternative.

The battle for the gods has no clear personnel yet.

At this level, the state cannot interfere, and among the gods of the Xia Kingdom, if they have this mind, they will naturally participate.

Of course, Huang Yuanzhong and Martial God will personally participate in this battle.

Time flew by, and

in the blink of an eye, several days passed.

On this day,

Lin Ye appeared outside an SSS-level copy.

His current level has reached LV118.

The last copy did not allow him to reach the full level, and he was still 2 levels away from writing the transfer task.

"SSS-level copies, there are 37 in total across the country, and this is the only one that will be opened soon."

"It's good that other seed players are all upgrading their level in the secret realm, otherwise the refresh of the SSS-level secret realm this time will be wasted."

Looking at the replica passage, Lin Ye whispered softly.

In Gao Tianxiao's words, the dungeon band level is relatively complicated, and it also requires team to evenly distribute experience.

As for the secret realm, as long as it is a secret realm without level restrictions, everyone enters together, and the monster is crippled and the player can mend the knife.

Moreover, the monsters of the secret realm have IQ, which is the best choice for this contestant to level up.

This also leads to the SSS-level replica being idle.

Because those who are enough have better choices, those who are not enough are not eligible to enter the copy.

"SSS level, take the time to copy all the channels, so as not to waste resources."

Step out, Lin Ye walked into the ordinary passage of the copy.

The process of flashing replicas and waiting for a replica of Talent 4 is very boring. However, on the path of cultivation, it was necessary to endure loneliness

and five channels in a row, and a whole month had passed since the copy was completed.

On this day

, Lin Ye walked out of the passage of death, and now he has reached the level of LV120, a full level of four turns.

It should be said that not long after entering the difficult passage, Lin Ye was already in a full state.

He patiently copied all the passages before writing the transfer task.

Outside the copy, Lin Ye flipped his wrist and took out the job transfer scroll that had been prepared long ago.

"Writing the task, completing the task, there are still nearly two months before the virtual battlefield begins, and the five-turn full level should not be a big problem."

Lin Ye muttered

, these days are mainly for replicas, otherwise his upgrade speed will definitely not be so slow.

"Low-level professional competition, high-level, top-notch!"

"Even if I don't reach the full level of the professional limit, I have to try my best to reach the top."

"I have to continue to replicate, only enough resources can provide me with a huge amount of experience points far and wide."

With a flip of his wrist, the job transfer scroll appeared in Lin Ye's hand.

Stimulate mental power.


A dazzling light appeared, and lines of small print appeared on the job transfer scroll.

Soon, the transfer task was written.

Looking at the tasks on the panel, this time the transfer is not simple.

However, it is not difficult.

"The remaining time, completing the transfer mission and copying the next secret abyss, should be enough."

[Transfer Mission 1]: Please enter an unlimited-level secret realm and obtain an elemental heart.

[Transfer Mission 2]: A race with a large body and strong combat power in the abyss, named the Abyss Behemoth by humans. The Abyss Behemoth Clan, with the Devouring Body as the promotion route, please go to the Behemoth Abyss and obtain the Devouring Heart.

[Job Transfer Task 3]: Mature professionals do not need to be reminded, please write down the three skills in your spare time.

[Job Transfer Task 4]: The career progression is extremely hard, please stop and relax quietly for a while. Duration: 3 days.

Four job transfer tasks, the difficulty is not high.

"Let's see if there is a record of the Elemental Heart on the tablet."

Lin Ye took out the tablet and entered the Elemental Heart on the search bar.

Soon, the detailed information about the Elemental Heart all appeared.

[Elemental Heart]: A crystal nucleus that condenses all the elements within the rules of the world, it has the huge power of various elements, and has an auxiliary and restraining effect on elemental professionals.

Auxiliary: Urge the elemental crystal nucleus, which can increase the level of another professional by 10 levels in a short period of time (within the god level).

Restraint: In the same way, urging the elemental crystal nucleus can reduce the opponent by 10 levels (within the god level).

"Gee, it's okay, I'm not an elemental professional, otherwise if I get this thing, it's equivalent to a small hang."

"See if there is any record of dropping Elemental Hearts."

Lin Ye continued to slide the tablet and look down.

[Elemental Heart] drop record:

1. [Super Element Secret Realm], 139 years ago, there was a drop record of the Elemental Heart in the Super Element Secret Realm, with a probability of 0.07%. According to big data calculations, the drop requirement is most likely related to the speed of clearing the secret realm.

2. [Rebellious Element Crack]: 800 years ago, at the beginning of the manifestation of the will of Heaven's Dao, the Rebellious Element Crack appeared, and someone obtained it once in the crack. However, the rebellious element crack also disappeared and never appeared again.

3. World statistics, the total number of drops of the Elemental Heart is 5, and there are 5 places in the world that can be dropped, whether it will be dropped twice, there is no statistics.

"Is it so demanding?"

"Elemental cracks are naturally impossible, and it is impossible to find them in other countries."

"Then my only chance is to go to the [Super Yuan Secret Realm]?"

"The drop probability is related to speed, well, with my speed, it should be considered fast enough!"

"I'm looking at the introduction of [Super Yuan Secret Realm]."

Search [Super Element Secret Realm], and all relevant details will appear.

[Beyond the Secret Realm], a secret realm with no level limit.

The monsters in the secret realm are all monsters that focus on elemental power. The rating is LV1-LV300.

It belongs to one of the highest secret realms of the country.

Entry requirements: Merit is worth 1 million.

After probably reading the introduction to the secret realm, Lin Ye smiled.

Not to mention the entry requirements, he who has a black card is naturally unimpeded.

The most important thing is that the uncharted monsters are all elemental monsters,

isn't this a food delivery?

Xiao Shu's skills are all restrained, and he can definitely clear the level easily.

"It seems that if you want to obtain this elemental heart, it is estimated that it will be a matter of minutes."

Lin Ye grinned and quickly rushed towards the location where the [Super Yuan Secret Realm] was located.

He didn't know that in addition to the [Super Yuan Secret Realm] at this time, General Huang Yuanzhong was explaining in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the monsters of various attributes in this secret realm.

"This secret realm gathers monsters of all the different elements, the second lesson of the career advancement path, recognize the terrifying power of each element, and smash it!"

"Seeded players, are you ready?"

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