Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Ye had been in the [Behemoth Abyss] for 21 days.

The entire Abyss was also copied by Hidden Talent 4.

Now there are four copies and an abyss in Lin Ye's summoning space.

The replica is one S-class, two SS class, and one SSS class.

The abyss is the [Behemoth Abyss] that has just been copied.

At this time, there

were only 18 days left before the [Virtual Battlefield] of the Manifestation of the Will of Heaven opened.

"Finally finished copying, it's time for writing skills."

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Ye released the bone dragon and flew up from within the abyss.

After leaving the abyss, Lin Ye returned to the capital.

A few blank scrolls, he did not bother Gao Tianxiao.

In a chain store where equipment is sold, Lin Ye sold equipment that could not be used in the ring, and received a total of 5.7 billion star coins.

Spending 2 billion, Lin Ye purchased 20 blank scrolls before returning to the manor that Gao Tianxiao had given him by Gao Tianxiao of Tianhai Manor.

Open the door of the manor, the interior decoration is not luxurious, everything is simple.

"Not bad!"

Lin Ye grinned and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

With a flip of his wrist, all 20 blank scrolls were placed by him on the coffee table.

"Although skill writing has a probability of repetition, it is also possible to write failure. But 20 scrolls, writing three skills, should be more than enough.

"By the way, there was another one before, just take it out and use it."

His mind moved again, and Lin Ye took out the blank scroll that was left before.

"I hope to get off to a good start."

Urging the spirit, Lin Ye began to write the first scroll.

Hum ~

The scroll blessed spiritual power, and a burst of light flashed.

Soon, a line of small print appeared on the scroll.

New skill, [Death Prediction].

"Good fellow, did the first scroll actually go through writing?"

"Hahaha, I really went against luck."

"[Death prediction], look at the name are all high-end atmospheric skills."

Lin Ye was in a super good mood.


The skill book that completed the writing turned into a beam of light, and directly disappeared into Lin Ye's eyebrows.

In an instant, Lin Ye suddenly knew the effect of the skill and how to use it.

[Death Prediction]: A urging skill that predicts what will happen in the next 4 seconds. Skills can increase the amount of time to predict as you level up.

Note: When the skill grows to a certain height, you can predict the life and death of yourself and others.

"Good guy, isn't this the domineering thing in the anime in the past life?"

"4 seconds seems to be a small time, but if it really comes to a fatal moment, one second can change the outcome of the battle."

"In particular, skills can grow, and they can predict the life and death of themselves and others. This is outrageous, equivalent to seeing through the fate of others at a glance!

"Not bad, not bad, with this skill, you can see through the opponent's attack for 4 seconds in advance, which is enough to avoid a lot of fatal blows."

The first skill was written, and Lin Ye picked up the blank scroll and continued to write.

Repeat skill, [Thunder Breath, Purple Thunder Skyburst]!

"Huh, did it collapse the second time?"

Lin Ye complained.

However, he also wanted to open up, the only profession of Qiyin, if he could easily write skills casually, it would definitely not be a good skill.

If things are scarce and expensive, the probability is low, which proves that the skills of writing are all anti-heavenly skills.

The third blank reel is used, still repeated.

The fourth one, [Skill writing failed, scroll damaged].

The tenth sheet, [Skill writing failed, scroll damaged].

After using 10 scrolls in a row, no new skills were written, and Lin Ye's face became a little ugly.


, at the time of the 11th picture

, a new skill, [Ghost Floating].

Ghost floating?

"What kind of skill is this?"


When Lin Ye was puzzled, the skill book had already disappeared into his eyebrows.

"It turned out to be an auxiliary flying skill, but is it so against the sky?"

Lin Ye looked at the introduction about [Ghost Floating] and was immediately shocked.

[Ghost Floating]: When casting a skill, the body can briefly enter the ghost form, can penetrate walls, move regardless of all obstacles, and can ignore all physical attacks.

Skill duration: 120 seconds (can increase time with level).

"Good guy, I'm a good guy directly, and I ignore all physical attacks."

"So, as long as I use my skills, those professions that do brute force will completely take me for nothing?"

"Gee, but even if I don't use this skill, it is estimated that few people can break the defense."

"All in all, this skill is still very good."

"Turning into a ghost seems to be fun."

Sounding the special skill, Lin Ye suddenly became playful.

As soon as his mind moved, he directly urged the [Ghost Floating] skill.

Under the skill, Lin Ye's body actually underwent tremendous changes.

The body is like a projection, the feet disappear, turning into a transparent tail, and the whole person is also floating on the sofa.


Lin Yezhongji smiled, his body followed his thoughts, and he disappeared directly into the sofa.

Then he went underground.


Lin Ye made a wave-like sound, slowly emerging from the floor of the living room.

And then through the TV, through the walls.

One moment Lin Ye emerged from the chandelier, and the next he stretched out a hand from the TV.


""Negative~heart~Han~, I~come~find~you~~"

Have fun.

Soon, 120 seconds passed, and Lin Ye was stuck in the wall.

"My day, is two minutes so short?"

"Good guy, it looks like someone has to find someone to fix the wall."

With a click

, the body shook, the wall was shattered by Lin Ye, and the gray face walked out.



Lin Yedu still wants to play again.

Two hours later, Lin Ye was lying on the sofa, his body a little weak.

Although this skill does not consume much mental power, if it is too long, it will still be countered to a certain extent.

"No, lying groove, my skill seems to be more than that."

On the sofa, Lin Ye seemed to think of something, and the whole person was suddenly shocked.

"I am incarnated as a ghost and have no entity, does that mean that I can enter all kinds of quest secret realms with level restrictions?"

"Groove, I have to find a chance to try."

It dawned on me that such a difficult skill to write must be more than simple as it seems.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Ye continued his writing skills.

[Skill writing failed, scroll damaged].

[Skill writing failed, scroll damaged].

[Skill repetition, absolute son].

[Skill Repetition, Death Reap].

Several scrolls in a row did not produce new skills.

Lin Ye was also not discouraged, and continued to urge spiritual power, consuming one blank scroll after another.


On the 16th scroll, another new skill was born.

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