"Yes, Mr. Feng seems to have a huge amount of funds, which just fits our current budget for burning money. If Mr. Feng does not participate in the operation of the company, but enters as an investor, we may be able to reduce the time of the D round of financing!! Reduce the overall dilution of equity shares."

In the office of Douhe Group headquarters, Mr. Chen fell into deep thought.

"Contact Mr. Feng. I want to meet him."


Xiao Tian suddenly received a call. He pressed the answer button and asked,"Hello, how are you?"

"Is this Mr. Feng? I am Chen Pingyuan from Douhe Group. As the third largest shareholder, I would like to invite you to dinner. When are you free?"

"If you have anything to say, let's talk on the phone."

"Well, here's the thing, why did you invest in our company?"

"Live streaming is a promising industry in the future entertainment industry. I invested in you because I have great confidence in your Douhe Company.

Chen Pingyuan nodded.

He could hear that the voice of the investor opposite him was very calm and peaceful, which also made him feel a little relieved.

"Will you interfere with our company's operations?"


Chen Pingyuan let out a long sigh, and he carefully asked Mr. Feng:"Which investment bank are you the manager of?"

"Investment bank?"

"What's wrong?"

"Haha, I am the group director of Kaihai Group. You can regard this purchase of shares as my personal behavior and it has nothing to do with Kaihai Group. But I hope you can help Kaihai Group make some advertisements in the form of offline entertainment live broadcasts."

"These are all small things. You are Mr. Feng, who spent 40 million on our platform, right?"



Chen Pingyuan chatted with Xiao Tian for a while. When he learned that the other party was only 24 years old, he couldn't hide his envy and jealousy!

"You have gained the envy of Chen Pingyuan, the director of Douhe Group. The envy value is +50,000, and you have gained 5,000,000 yuan."

Chen Pingyuan hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

"We are friends, not enemies. Check the recent equity structure of Kaihai Group to see who is the largest shareholder.……"

"Mr. Chen, this is Xiao Tian."

"Kaihai Group is actually controlled by a 24-year-old young man?!"

"That's a luxury industry giant worth hundreds of billions! The president of the luxury group of LMHM, the number one company, is the richest man in the world this year! That young man is only 24 years old?"

"Is this world crazy?"

"40 million is just a drop in the bucket for Mr. Feng.……"

"No wonder! No wonder he can make so much money here."

"Our operations manager sent a private message to Mr. Feng, but there was no reply. Mr. Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Pingyuan said angrily,"What are you looking at? Mr. Feng must be given an explanation for everything that should be given! He is the third largest shareholder of our company and does not participate in the daily operations of the company. God of Wealth, we must offer him sacrifices!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen"

"Special logos, entry signs, and even special gift effects must be set up. I don’t want you to ask me this kind of questions about Mr. Feng next time. There are some things that Mr. Feng can do without, but he cannot live without!"


Xiao Tian was lying on the deck of the yacht, enjoying the sun.

His phone suddenly rang again.

A timid and sweet female voice came:"Mr. Feng... do you have time?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Ruoyun"

"Who is Ruoyun?"

Xiao Tian had long forgotten the name of the anchor in the live broadcast room where he had swiped 40 million. He didn't do live broadcasts much, so he didn't know how to block the gift effects.

The phone was full of special effects that completely blocked the anchor's face, and the fruit phone he just bought was swiped with a card.

"……"There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

Yu Ruoyun, who scored 90 points for her figure and appearance, instantly shut herself up.

Mr. Feng gave her 20,000 super rockets, equivalent to 40 million yuan, but he didn't even remember who she was?

She was always thanking him for the gift.……

"What can I do for you?"

"I would like to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude"


Xiao Tian ignored him and said,"Where are we going to eat?"

Yu Ruoyun knew that the gift settlement would not arrive until next month, and she actually only had more than 2,000 in cash.

The prices in Guanghai City are very expensive.

She said,"At my house, I will cook for you."

"You don't want to sleep with me?"


"Just kidding, that's it."

Xiao Tian was actually quite curious about the life of this anchor named Ruoyun. Forty million was a small sum for him, but for that anchor, it was the difference between heaven and hell.

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