Li Sisi woke up and watched the clock ticking, and found that it was already 7 o'clock in the morning.

She got up quickly, washed her face, and put on makeup.

When she showed up at the address Xiao Tian gave her, she was shocked to see the top musicians surrounding Xiao Tian!

"Mr. Xiao Tian, you are the best pianist I have ever seen in the world!"

Li Sisi looked at the short-bearded man in shock. She had done her homework before and knew many famous musicians in Vienna.

Is that Chester, the famous recorder master of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra!?

"Mr. Xiao Tian! Your performance is amazing, and you perfectly interpret the soul of Mozart's nocturne!"

Li Sisi looked at another middle-aged man in a sweater and shirt, and was shocked.

That was the famous Gentry composer, the 'evergreen in the music world', Ermi!?

Why are they all around Xiao Tian?

Li Sisi didn't know what happened last night.

She had been adjusting to the time difference.

"Mr. Xiao Tian, your piano skills are worthy of the audience in Vienna Golden Hall! Even regarded as a classic, looking forward to your performance in a week!"

"Mr. Xiao Tian……"

"Mr. Xiao Tian……"

Countless compliments echoed in Xiao Tian's ears, and in fact, it was not just the members of the Philharmonic Orchestra who praised him.

Later, when Xiao Tian's performance entered the ups and downs, many members of the Philharmonic Orchestra spontaneously invited friends to witness Xiao Tian's skills, and were shocked and amazed by his superb and perfect piano playing skills.

Xiao Tian smiled and stood at the door to see him off, and asked,"You are late."

Li Sisi quickly said,"Sorry... Mr. President, I overslept today.……"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"It's okay. Our next schedule is not that tight."

Li Sisi said,"Ah!"

Xiao Tian said,"In a week in Austria, I will join the Philharmonic Orchestra in Vienna's Golden Hall for a piano performance."


Li Sisi had previously thought that the compliments from those musicians were only directed at Xiao Tian's invitation to the banquet.

But what did Xiao Tian do?!

He was going to give a performance in Vienna, the world's top concert hall!?

How is this possible?

This was not included in the previous itinerary. Has Mr. Feng's piano skills reached such a level?!

Even internationally renowned musicians are amazed?


Li Sisi looked at Xiao Tian and thought in disbelief.

Xiao Tian said,"Have you contacted those who are going to rent a house?"

Li Sisi said,"Well, Miss Fanni provided me with a lot of help in this regard. We talked until very late yesterday."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"So that's why you are late?"

Li Sisi's face flushed.

She glanced at the young and handsome president secretly. The breeze blew through her long hair. She was wearing beautiful cream-colored high heels and an Austrian-style windbreaker. She was very beautiful, about 93 points.

Li Sisi said,"Do you really want to rent out the residential houses at 500 East Vienne Trench Avenue and Cole Market to those wandering artists for free?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Otherwise, make money for me?"


Li Sisi was silent for a while.

She then remembered that the young man opposite seemed to have no interest in money anymore, and the mansion worth 925 million US dollars with a rent of 478.20 US dollars per square meter, in Xiao Tian’s itinerary, was actually given away for free to those wandering artists and musicians!

And it will be given away for thirty to fifty years!

This is really too exaggerated.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I have no interest in collecting rent. The rent is 478 US dollars per square meter, and the rent for 100 square meters is only 47,800 US dollars. Jiao Yunsi's secretary Fanni has made a detailed calculation."

Li Sisi was surprised and said,"Ah?"

Xiao Tian said,"The rent of the 500 properties I own is about 10 million to 20 million US dollars per month"

"Huh?! So much? One hundred million in one month?"

Xiao Tian laughed and said,"But in fact, renting a house will cause many problems and troubles. You need to hire a lot of people to solve the problems."

"Wouldn't the problem be solved if we give it to wandering artists and musicians for free?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Of course not, but this is an opportunity for us to build a good relationship with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the whole of Austria, and it is also an opportunity to become famous."

Li Sisi was completely silent.

The Mr. Feng in front of him was willing to use 120 million US dollars a year in exchange for the support and recognition of Viennese artists.

This is really surprising!


Li Sisi and the old man, the community administrator, prepared the keys. The old man's name was Cole, and his son was called Oromi.

Cole had gray hair and beard, and said respectfully:"Mr. Xiao Tian, your efforts have made Trench Street look brand new, and raised people's expectations of us to a new level. Thank you for your efforts!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao Tian, we will always look after this house for you."

Xiao Tian said politely:"Thank you."

One by one, the wandering artists who came to perform, brought their works and resumes to the community management center and waited for the young people at the table to review them.

Xiao Tian, who has intermediate management skills, classical music skills and top piano skills, can perfectly distinguish who is a real artist and who is a liar who fishes in troubled waters.

"Andrew, do you hope to become a world-class tenor in the future?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Tian."

The tall and somewhat reserved Austrian looked at Xiao Tian awkwardly.

Feng Min smiled, handed over a key, and said,"I hope this house can help you in pursuing your dreams!"

"Mr. Xiao Tian! ?"

No one expected that the middle-aged man would burst into tears the moment he received the key to Vienne Trench Avenue!

"Mr. Xiao Tian, you are the best person I have ever met! Thank you!! Thank you... Thank you!"

Li Sisi's scalp tingled.

She watched Xiao Tian identify the scammers one by one, hand over the keys to the real wandering artists one by one, and was deeply moved by their stories.

Xiao Tian said:"Many artists are not recognized and have no income in the early days."

Li Sisi nodded.

Xiao Tian smiled and said:"But once they become famous, do you know what will happen?"

Li Sisi was surprised and said:"What do you mean?"

Xiao Tian said:"This is an investment in human nature and knowing people. If they succeed in the future, I will be the one they thank the most."

Li Sisi looked at Xiao Tian in shock.

Xiao Tian also smiled.

Li Sisi looked at him.

So things have such a deep meaning?

But the other party is obviously younger than her!

"You get the envy of your assistant Li Sisi, the envy value +50,000, you get 5,000,000 yuan."

Xiao Tian smiled but said nothing.

"The future of Vienna's art field belongs to me. The performance in Vienna's Golden Hall is just the first step."

Xiao Tian handed the keys to the impoverished wandering artists. Today, Trench Street ushered in a carnival.

According to Xiao Tian's judgment, many companies began to observe these people discovered by Xiao Tian!

They were shocked to find that the artists selected by the young president of Kaihai Group all had their own characteristics and values.

Andrew Bolti never stopped thanking Xiao Tian.

He got a letter in a trance!

On the letter was a concert performance!

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