As night fell, the dark ocean was filled with colorful lights. Li Sisi held a glass of red wine and looked at the huge luxury yacht worth 256 million yuan, and she was a little drunk.

Li Sisi put aside her feelings, returned to Xiao Tian, and said,"Mr. President, the princess and the royal family have left."

"Well, you've worked hard today. Pack up and prepare to go back and rest."

Li Sisi is really tired.

But this feeling is very fulfilling. Following Xiao Tian, she can meet different people and encounter different things every day.

Whether it is the fashion show tonight, the princess and royal family members of the country of gentlemen she met.

Or the people she meets as the president's secretary, they are all people she used to be out of reach of. She needs Xiao Tian to drive.

Zeppelin Maybach, Bentley Bentayga, Rolls-Royce Phantom and many other top luxury cars have been driven by her... You know, even if Li Sisi got a driver's license, she didn't have many opportunities to drive, let alone this kind of luxury car.

Comprehensive improvement in life.

The salary has changed from asking for money from the family to the current monthly salary of 2 million!

This has simply made her living standard have a drastic improvement.

She used to be timid about bags worth tens of thousands of yuan, but now she can walk into luxury malls with confidence.

However, all these changes were brought about by Xiao Tian.

She felt more and more that she was not worthy of Xiao Tian... felt a little inferior

"I need to become a better person, only in this way can I continue to stand by Xiao Tian's side……"Li Sisi looked at Xiao Tian's sharp face and thought to herself.

Xiao Tian picked up his phone.

After finishing a day's work, the top appearance with a score of 97 was amazing. Lin Xuan's face appeared on the screen with the morning light.

"Husband, I miss you"

"I miss you as well"

"What did you do today?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I had a meeting with several directors of the branch companies in the morning, had lunch at Xin Rong Ji, a Michelin three-star restaurant, met with Wang Mingchong in the afternoon, and attended a fashion show in the evening to communicate with the princess and royal family of the country."


"What's wrong, wife?"

"Your life is really wonderful."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Isn't the life of a big star wonderful?"

Lin Xuan looked in the mirror, holding the mask, and said,"It depends on the time. If I attend the Oscars, it will be very interesting and nervous, because I don't know when I will win the award or be nominated."

"What about normal times?"Xiao Tian asked, sitting on the upper deck of the yacht, enjoying the breeze.

"It's very troublesome at ordinary times. I have to hide from those reporters and live like a thief...Husband……"

Lin Xuan paused.

Xiao Tian asked,"What's wrong?"

Lin Xuan said,"It was my greatest luck in my life to meet you in the coffee shop in Guanghai City.……"

Xiao Tian smiled.

Li Sisi, who was standing by, felt the same as Yu Ruoyun did at the beginning, a little uncomfortable, but if this kind of discomfort was to be endured every day, it would become even more uncomfortable.

She stood beside Xiao Tian.

The night sea breeze blew her long black hair, and also blew her eyelashes and small diamond earrings.

She was wearing high heels, and her figure was very beautiful under the petticoat.

Xiao Tian asked,"What is the schedule for tomorrow?"

Li Sisi said,"You need to deal with the daily work of Kaihai Group in the morning tomorrow. The situation at the headquarters seems to be very good. At noon, you will have lunch at a molecular cuisine restaurant in Buddhism. The chef Longge is very good at creative cuisine. In the afternoon, your schedule consists of three remote meetings, and there will be a charity dinner in the evening."

Xiao Tian said,"Cancel them all."

Li Sisi was surprised and said,"Ah?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I don't need to handle the affairs of Kaihai Group personally. I will hand them all over to Li Yiyuan. Remote meetings can be held at home, and forget about the charity dinner. I am not interested in charity funds organized by others."

"Mr. President……"

"Any other questions?"

"No…no more."

Li Sisi was a little nervous in front of Xiao Tian. She was actually a little absent-minded. She didn’t remember the details of the itinerary. For example, she forgot that the name of the Michelin three-star molecular cuisine restaurant in Buddhism was Aires, she forgot whether the three meetings were held with Clarins of Austria or Aisima of Buddhism, and she also forgot which foreign group hosted the charity dinner.

But she didn’t remember anything.

Mr. Feng seemed to know it clearly...

Li Sisi looked at Xiao Tian and asked,"Xiao Tian,……"


"Do you really need me as a secretary?"



Li Sisi's value was directly denied by Xiao Tian. She was very sad because she didn't do her job well, because she was distracted when Xiao Tian and Lin Xuan were on the phone, or because she drank some cognac, her face was slightly red.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"But people will always make progress, and you will handle things well in the future. After all, it's only a probation period now, don't be too depressed."

Li Sisi's expression suddenly became clear, looking at Xiao Tian and said,"Thank you."

Xiao Tian said,"And you are very beautiful, very well-behaved and obedient."

The proud Li Sisi never thought that she would be evaluated like this one day. She used to be a very arrogant person.

As a result, Xiao Tian shattered her arrogance in Xinrongji.

He changed her into her current appearance and state.

She couldn't help but restrain her personality.

After all, she met big people every day, whether it was the executives of Kaihai Group or the people Xiao Tian met one by one, and even the princess before, they all had identities and status that she couldn't offend.

Xiao Tian said,"You've been under too much pressure recently. Go back and have a good rest. Do Uncle Qiao and Aunt Li know about me?"

Li Sisi said,"I told them, but they didn't quite believe it."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"My parents don't believe it either, but reality is more effective than any excuse."

Li Sisi nodded, turned around and prepared to leave reluctantly.

She said,"Xiao Tian……"


"You are the best man I have ever met."

""Thank you."

Xiao Tian smiled at her. Li Sisi needed to go home, and this yacht was his residence. Xiao Tian looked at the stars in the night sky and sent a text message to Qiao Qiuqiu, telling himself to rest on the sea tonight.

As a result, Qiao Qiuqiu also wanted to come.

"Cousin, you are so boring! I will come to see you with Su Xiaozi!"


Xiao Tian remained silent.

Qiao Qiuqiu, accompanied by the butler Wen Wen, quickly ran to the giant yacht with a total tonnage of 15,917 tons.

Su Xiaozi, who was standing by, was a little dazed.

"Is this... a yacht?"

""What nonsense are you talking about!" Qiao Qiuqiu complained.

Su Xiaozi was shocked too many times today, whether it was the 70 million yuan that Qiao Qiuqiu withdrew to the bank, her family's residence, or her cousin's figure and fighting ability, all shocked her.

Xiao Tian on the upper deck was lying leisurely on the sofa, with the bright stars shining on his face and the red wine in the goblet, looking very comfortable.

Qiao Qiuqiu walked to the deck and asked,"Cousin, what are you doing?"


"Are you tired from work today?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Yes, I have been scheming with others all day, especially with the royal family of Shen Kingdom, and the etiquette is a bit troublesome."

"……"Qiao Qiuqiu rubbed his shoulders and said,"I thought you didn't have any worries every day."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Indeed, I don't have any worries."


"Because tomorrow is a day off"


"What's wrong?"

"Play games with others... After you took us to eat chicken last time, Zhou Xiaoyi, Aliang and I have never won again. Besides, isn't it the top ten anchors' peak battle now? It's so fun to broadcast together."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"It's called 'Douhe Live, the annual top ten anchors entertainment festival’"

Qiao Qiuqiu smiled and said,"It's almost the same, why are you so serious?"

Xiao Tian asked,"Where are your friends?" Qiao

Qiuqiu answered irrelevantly,"Cousin, are you good at fighting?"

Xiao Tian said,"Why do you ask?"

Qiao Qiuqiu said,"Su Xiaozi's brother is a world-class fighting champion, and she wants you to fight with her brother! Cousin, you must not agree to it, the world champion is the strongest person in the world, don't look at that beautiful woman Su Xiaozi, she is actually full of bad intentions!"


Qiao Qiuqiu looked at Xiao Tian blankly, not knowing what he was talking about.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I also want to fight with his cousin to see what level the world champion is at."

"Xiao Tian, are you sick? That's a world-class fighting champion!"

"The one he fought was a world-class fighting champion."

Su Xiaozi secretly listened to the conversation between the two people not far away, and her expression became more and more excited. She found that Qiao Qiuqiu's cousin was not only rich!

Not only was he handsome!

He was also very manly!

Even though Xiao Tian lost to her brother Su Chong, she still felt that Xiao Tian was a very good person.

After all, everyone has their own specialties.

His brother is a UFL player in professional fighting competitions, and what about Xiao Tian in front of him?

His identity is the president!

Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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