From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 101 The assassin fell to death and Xisai died of laughter

"Level 5 peak, only one step away from level 6 warrior!" Doering Cowart flew out of the Azure Dragon Ring and said in surprise, "Lin Lei, try the effect of dragonization!"


Lei Ming left the Monster Mountain Range and returned to the Kingdom of Finland in less than half a day. He had been away from the Kingdom of Finlay for a few years, and there was almost no change here.

Lei Ming changed his clothes and walked slowly into Finlay City. As soon as he appeared in Finlay City, he was targeted by two forces.

Soon, some people got the news of Lei Ming.

"The target finally appeared!" Albert, the judge of the Dark Alliance, couldn't help but get excited when he heard that Lei Ming was back. He was sent to Finlay City to assassinate Lei Ming by the Dark Alliance a few years ago. Lei Ming's talent was so strong that the Dark Alliance was terrified.

The judge of the Dark Alliance is similar to the Inquisition of the Holy Alliance, specializing in dealing with some things that are not up to standard. The strength of the judges is very strong, and the worst is level 7.

The Dark Alliance's previous attempt to assassinate Lei Ming failed, and this time they sent Albert, a level 9 warrior. Albert practiced dark fighting spirit and had assassinated a ninth-level peak warrior and a great magician.

"Act immediately." Albert ordered.

Almost at the same time, Gilmer also learned about Lei Ming.

"Archbishop, in addition to Lei Ming, I found out something else." Marcus said, "As soon as Lei Ming appeared, the people of the Dark Alliance moved, and they are likely to assassinate Lei Ming. Should we send the Knights to protect Lei Ming?"

Gilmer shook his head and said, "Don't act yet. Lei Ming's faith in the Lord is not pure, otherwise he would not leave quietly. Let him suffer some pain before we take action. If he still can't establish faith in the Lord, then..." Gilmer made a chopping motion, and Marcus nodded silently.

The Church of Light took a fancy to Lei Ming and wanted him to use him for their own use. If he can't use him for their own use, then Lei Ming's existence will be an obstacle.

Albert's stealth skills are very superb, and few people can find him even in the daytime. With the shadows on the roadside, Albert kept sneaking, and his figure almost merged with the shadows.

"We'll be there soon." Albert hid in a corner, quietly waiting for Lei Ming's arrival. He held a bloody dagger and gathered all his breath.

Lei Ming walked slowly from the other end of the street. When he was about to pass the corner where Albert was lurking, Lei Ming suddenly stopped and turned away.

"Did he find me?" Albert was very surprised, but he saw that Lei Ming was not in a hurry, so he denied this guess.

"No matter what, you will die."

Albert followed Lei Ming silently, getting closer and closer to him. Just when he was less than ten meters away from Lei Ming, Albert made a move.

Albert squinted his eyes and stared at Lei Ming tightly. There was no emotion in his eyes, and they were as cold as steel.

A breeze blew, the flag above moved, and Albert also moved. He bypassed the pedestrians in front of him. The two pedestrians only felt a trance and did not see him at all.

Finally, Albert handed over the dagger. His dagger was made of special materials. It was not only hard, but also highly poisonous.

Lei Ming still didn't react at all, but just when the dagger was about to pierce Lei Ming, Albert suddenly slipped.

Albert was completely stunned. His shoes slipped and he fell on his back. When he came to his senses, Lei Ming was looking at him jokingly.

"What happened?" Albert asked himself. He was a dignified ninth-level dark warrior, but he slipped when he was assassinating. Is there anything more ridiculous in the world?

"What do you want to do? Are you trying to scam me?" Lei Ming asked with a smile.

Albert wanted to stand up immediately, but something even more surprising happened. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up. It was like he was carrying a mountain on his back, and the mountain pressed him down tightly.

"Earth magic, gravity magic!" Albert understood immediately. He looked around in panic. The magic that could suppress him was at least cast by a great magician, and it might even be a strong man in the Holy Domain.

"Did the strong man in the Holy Domain of the Holy Alliance take action?" Albert thought to himself. He never dreamed that it would be Lei Ming who took action.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Albert's heart suddenly exploded. Lei Ming glanced at the other party, then turned around and walked away slowly.

After a while, Gilmer and Marcus came with people. They were very surprised to see Albert's body.

"It's Albert, the judge of the Dark Alliance, a ninth-level strongman!" Marcus checked and confirmed Albert's identity.

"How did he die?" Gilmer asked hurriedly.

"He fell to death." Marcus came to a conclusion that he couldn't believe.

"A ninth-level dark warrior fell to death in Finlay City. What do you think His Holiness the Pope would think when he heard the news?" Gilmer was a little angry and wanted to scold Marcus in his heart.

"Maybe he fell hard and broke his heart." Marcus said after checking. He was just telling the truth.

Lei Ming returned to the palace, and Clyde was surprised and happy to see him. A few years ago, when Caesar came back from the Warcraft Mountains, Clyde knew that Lei Ming had the strength of the ninth level.

Clyde felt Lei Ming's aura. With his strength as a level nine warrior, he couldn't even catch a glimpse of Lei Ming's aura.

"Have you made a breakthrough?" Clyde asked, his voice trembling unconsciously.

Lei Ming nodded and flew to Clyde's side.

"Haha!" Clyde couldn't help laughing, he clenched his fists tightly and hit them continuously.

"Good, good!" Clyde said happily, "Hold the dinner tonight!"

At the headquarters of the Sabre Organization, a message was sent to the founder of the Sabre, Xisai.

"My lord, someone offered 5 million gold coins to assassinate the genius prince Lei Ming of the Fenlai Kingdom." A ninth-level assassin said, "We took this order a few years ago, but Lei Ming didn't return to Fenlai City until not long ago. We also found out that the ninth-level dark warrior Albert, the judge of the Dark Alliance, attacked Lei Ming, but Albert died and Lei Ming is still alive."

"Interesting!" Xisai looked at Lei Ming's intelligence. He didn't care about Lei Ming's talent. Xisai himself was a very talented person.

"How did Albert die?" Xisai asked.

"The people of the Holy See of Light said he fell to death." The expression of the ninth-level assassin was very strange.

Xisai was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"It seems that the Holy Land of the Church of Light has taken action. Haitings is too proud to admit that he killed the ninth-level warrior of the Dark Alliance with the Holy Land. But even if he finds a reason, he should find a suitable one. Is he trying to make me laugh to death by making up such a reason?" Xisai said.

"Then sir, do we still want to do this order?" asked the ninth-level assassin.

"Of course we do." Xisai's expression suddenly turned cold, the kind of coldness that disregards everything and even life. "I will do it myself. Let's see what the Church of Light can do."

At the dinner in the palace, Kalei and Shak toasted Lei Ming hypocritically, and Lei Ming felt the murderous intent from them.

"The assassination a few years ago should have been instigated by them. I didn't expect that the two of them haven't given up yet." Lei Ming took a sip of wine and felt funny in his heart. He wanted to see what tricks the two of them were playing.

After the dinner, Lei Ming returned to his mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he stopped moving.

"Your Excellency, it's too rude to come here uninvited." Lei Ming said to the darkness, and there was no movement in the darkness.

"Do you still need me to invite you?" Lei Ming's heart moved, and several ice arrows shot towards a corner. The dark area moved, and a figure appeared in front of Lei Ming.

"You can actually find me?" Xisai was very surprised. He thought Lei Ming was deceiving him, but he didn't expect Lei Ming to really find him.

Lei Ming looked at the other party and said: "The only one in the entire Yulan Continent who has such murderous aura and such a realm is Xisai, the King of Killing."

Xisai looked at Lei Ming in doubt. He was horrified to find that he could not sense Lei Ming's breath when he came in.

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