From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 104 is about to be released!

This book has gone through a 50-day free period and is finally going to be put on the shelves. There is nothing much to say. So far, the results have not reached the ideal level. We will continue to work hard in the future!

I feel very lucky to be able to sign and put on the shelves. There are too many people to thank. I know that many book friends have followed from the beginning. It is also quite ashamed to say that the state of coding has fluctuated during this period, but I have finally adjusted.

Let me talk about the update plan. After the release, there will be two chapters of 6,000 words per day, and the update time will be changed to 6 and 8 o'clock. In the first week of the release, one chapter will be added every day, and then it will be added depending on the situation. I will explain it later.

There are many people I want to thank. The editor Beihe gave many recommendations, the book friends’ collections, recommendations and comments, and the rewards from several book friends. I am really grateful. Coding is not that easy. Without your support, I can’t stick to it anyway. What I can give back to everyone is persistence, continuous updates, and strive for more updates.

Thank you again! Please continue to support!

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