"Messenger of the Lord God!" Lei Ming's eyes widened, and he was trying to confirm whether Lei Jing was joking.

"Lord Lei Jing, is this your intention or the Lord God's?" Lei Ming asked, "This kind of thing is not something to joke about!"

Lei Jing's eyes widened: "How could I joke with you about this kind of thing? I came here this time to inspect you on my mother's order, and your strength has been approved by me."

Seeing Lei Ming and still having some doubts, Leisijing became a little angry. A piece of parchment appeared in his hand, and the parchment suddenly burned.

Not long after, the terrifying power of the Lord God of Destruction began to gather, forming a giant face in the air, exactly like the Lord God Bauhinia.

"Meet the Lord God." Feeling the pressure from above, Lei Ming knelt down on one knee.

"It seems that the Lord God has indeed reached the Golden Immortal realm!" Lei Ming thought in his heart, "But the Lord God has a powerful will power. The power of will is equivalent to the authority of this world. It can mobilize the power of the world in this world. If you really want to fight Come on, the Lord God should be more powerful than the Golden Immortal at the same level."

Lord Bauhinia first looked at Lei Ming and then at Lei Ming.

"Lei Ming, I already know about you. Although you are still a mid-level god now, you already have the potential to become a strong man. I now invite you to become the messenger of the Lord God under me. Are you willing?" Lord Bauhinia said. .

Lei Ming did not hesitate: "This is my honor."

The Lord God Bauhinia nodded: "According to the rules, the Lord God's messenger can ask the Lord God to grant a Master Artifact. What kind of Master Artifact do you want?"

When the main god bestows the main artifact, it is usually not chosen by the main god's messenger, but they will give corresponding main artifacts based on the main god's messenger's weaknesses. The Lord God Bauhinia valued Lei Ming's strength and felt that he had hope of reaching the Great Perfection, so he was a little more polite to him.

Lei Ming didn't even think about it: "I want a material defense master artifact."

Redbud Lord God said: "Okay, your wish will be fulfilled."

A black armor flew out from the Amethyst Mountains and soon came to Lei Ming. Lei Ming looked at the armor. Special patterns appeared on the armor. There was a powerful aura in the patterns, which was the aura of the power of the Lord God!

Lei Ming recognized his master with blood dripping from the armor. The armor was put on his body and then submerged into his body.

"Although my overall strength has reached the level of a seven-star demon, my weaknesses are very obvious. With this armor, the shortcomings of my physical body have been made up for. Coupled with my powerful soul power, my defense has definitely reached Shura level!"

Lei Ming was also very happy to get the main artifact of material defense.

After giving the main artifact, the main god Bauhinia said a few more words, and then disappeared. As soon as the Lord God Bauhinia left, Lei Jing became active again.

"Thunder, you have to thank me for being the messenger of the Lord God!" Lei Ming reminded.

Lei Ming quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Lord Lei Jing."

"There's no need to apologize. You owe me a favor. When you have the power of the Great Perfection God, just help me teach a few people a lesson." Lei Jing said, "Since you have become the messenger of my mother's main god , just call me Lei Jing.”

"Lei Jing, are you so sure that I can achieve the Great Perfection?" Lei Ming asked without any politeness, smiling.

"Humph, you only have this possibility. If it were so easy to become the Great Perfection God, I would have been it long ago." Lei Jing said angrily, "But having said that, your possibility is better than anyone I know. It has to be big, otherwise, how can you think that my mother, a mere seven-star demon, would be accepted as the messenger of the Lord God?"

After becoming the messenger of the Bauhinia Lord God, the relationship between Lei Ming and Lei Ming became much closer. The two returned to Bibo City, and after a short stay, Lei Jing became impatient.

"I happen to be planning to leave too, why not leave now." Lei Ming said.

"Okay!" Lei Jing was very happy after hearing this. "My mother only gave me two hundred years. After two hundred years, I will return to the Amethyst Mountains. I just want to take advantage of this time to have some fun."

Lei Ming and Lei Ming traveled west from Bibo City together. Lei Ming would ask Lei Ming for advice on the cultivation of earth laws along the way. Lei Ming was not as good at teaching as Qing Huo. He used actual combat to teach Lei Ming, and he tortured Lei Ming every time.

Lei Ming didn't think it was bitter, but rather enjoyed it. He learned too much from Lei Ming, and he gained a lot from almost every battle.

Kalosha Continent, Yilin Mansion, a small tribe far away from the city.

The lower god Charman looked at the albatross lizards with boredom. The albatross lizards are a kind of sacred monster. They can produce a kind of venom. After this venom is purified, it can threaten the middle god.

Sherman's tribe specializes in breeding albatross lizards, and he is responsible for herding the albatross lizards.

Charman came from a material plane. He went to hell just after he became a god, and was then sent to his current tribe by the army of the Lord God. His strength is low and he can only follow the arrangements.

"What is this?" Charman, who was bored, was walking casually in the mountains. He suddenly saw a red diamond-shaped crystal glowing in the sun and immediately picked it up.

Charman played with the crystal and found nothing special. This crystal is very tough, and Sherman couldn't damage it even if he tried to use his lower-level artifacts.

Charman didn't find it strange. He was just an ordinary lower god. There were many things in hell that he couldn't destroy.

"This may be some kind of treasure." Charman thought, and put the crystal into the space ring.

Decades later, the neighboring tribe suddenly launched a massive attack on Xiaman and his tribe. The other side invited a powerful demon, and Xiaman and his tribe could not resist at all. Before he died, Xiaman crushed his space ring. Although there was nothing inside, he was unwilling to let the other side get it.

Once the space ring was broken, the things inside entered the space turbulence. Ordinary items cannot withstand the impact of space turbulence, but the red diamond crystal stone was floating in the space turbulence. More than 100 years later, the diamond crystal stone did not know where it floated to. Suddenly, the space outside was broken, and the diamond crystal stone fell out along the space crack.

"I finally mastered the use of gravity space." Lei Ming laughed loudly. With him as the center, a circular space was formed. The gravity and repulsion in the space were all in his mind.

Lei Jing threw away the fruit angrily. Lei Ming's comprehension ability was too strong. He had been guiding Lei Ming for less than 200 years, and Lei Ming had already mastered gravity space.

"I am a divine beast of the earth, but it took me more than 100,000 years to master the gravity space!" Lei Jing thought.

Lei Jing suddenly laughed evilly, and a larger gravity space surrounded Lei Ming's gravity space. Lei Ming instantly lost control of the gravity space, but he immediately reacted and formed his own gravity space again, repelling the larger gravity space.

"Let me, your teacher, teach you again." Lei Jing smiled, and the gravity of his gravity space almost became substantial, stretching Lei Ming's space. Lei Ming also immediately increased the power of the space, and a sizzling sound was heard, and the part of the hell space where the two spaces overlapped was torn apart. Lei Jing immediately increased his power, and Lei Ming also used the fusion power, and the space crack became larger and larger until a red crystal fell down.

Gravity sucked, and the crystal fell into Lei Ming's palm, and he couldn't help but stop.

As Lei Ming stopped, Lei Jing's gravity space also disappeared.

"What is it? Let me see it." Lei Jing took the crystal away. "I haven't seen this thing before, but it's quite solid."

When Lei Jing played with the crystal, Lei Ming's heart was filled with huge waves.

"This is a red caltrop crystal diamond. How did it end up here?"

Although he only touched it for a moment, Lei Ming had already determined the identity of the crystal. Apart from the red caltrop crystal diamond, which was the token of the Supreme God's mission, Lei Ming couldn't think of anything else that would cause such a strong reaction from the Five Elements Pine. The moment the red caltrop crystal diamond was in his hand, the Five Elements Pine in Lei Ming's spiritual platform sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, and the one belonging to the wood element law expressed a strong desire.

"What on earth is this thing? Even I don't recognize it." Lei Jing muttered. He squeezed it hard, but the red caltrop crystal diamond had no reaction. He dripped blood to recognize the master, and the red caltrop crystal diamond did not change.

"Lei Jing, this may be a precious ore." Lei Ming said.

"Maybe." Lei Jing lost interest and threw the red caltrop crystal diamond back to Lei Ming. Lei Ming quickly caught it and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leiming, the time my mother gave me has come. I am going back to the Purple Crystal Mountains now. Will you go back with me?" Lei Jing asked.

Lei Ming shook his head. Before he got the Red Caltrop Crystal Diamond, he planned to go to the Purple Crystal Mountains with Lei Jing, but now he just wants to find a place to study the Red Caltrop Crystal Diamond.

"Okay then." Lei Jing did not force him. He was very free and easy. "You must train well. I will go to the plane battlefield in the future. I hope your strength can help me by then."

"Don't worry, I will!"

Lei Ming certainly has confidence. He has now merged the gravity space of the earth system law with the earth element, and has found the fitting point with the earth walking technique and the power mystery. If he can find the fitting point of the gravity space and the earth pulse, the five mysteries will be considered to be mostly integrated. Once the five mysteries are integrated, Lei Ming will have the strength of Shura.

After Lei Jing left, Lei Ming found a secluded mountain. He opened a cave in the center of the mountain and took out the Red Caltrop Crystal Diamond.

"Why is the red caltrop crystal so attractive to the Five Elements Pine?" Lei Ming was a little confused.

The red caltrop crystal lay in Lei Ming's palm, and Lei Ming's soul power could not penetrate it at all. However, the Qing Emperor's soul in his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness suddenly came out, and the power enveloped the red caltrop crystal.

The Five Elements Pine suddenly vibrated, and a branch belonging to the wood element law began to grow. Lei Ming actually noticed that the Five Elements Pine was absorbing the power of the red caltrop crystal!

"What's going on?"

Lei Ming himself didn't understand, but the Qing Emperor's soul was indeed rapidly strengthening. At the same time, the Five Elements Pine began to extract life power from the elemental world, and the life rules were also analyzed by the Five Elements Pine, and all the mysteries appeared in front of Lei Ming like flowing water.

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