From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 182 Human King Jiu Tou Clan

Lei Ming invited Zhao Gongming not by chance, but after consideration. Lei Ming knew that the potential of the human race had not yet been revealed. Except for the saints, no one knew that the human race would be the protagonist of the world in the future.

However, the Saint Taiqing established the Human Religion, and he was responsible for the education of the human race. Other saints should not intervene, otherwise it would be equivalent to owing the Saint Taiqing a favor.

The favors between saints are very precious.

However, it would be different if Lei Ming invited him. Lei Ming was the fourth ancestor of the human race and was qualified to make major decisions on behalf of the human race. He invited the Jie Religion, and even if the Saint Taiqing was dissatisfied, he could not say anything.

The spread of the Jie Religion would bring more benefits than disadvantages to the human race. If he could invite them, Lei Ming would definitely be willing.

Preaching is a big thing, especially for a big sect like the Jie Religion, which cannot be decided in the short term. After Lei Ming issued the invitation, he left Sanxian Island.

Returning to the human race, Lei Ming saw that the territory of the human race had been rebuilt.

However, the territory of the human race was more scattered, and it was slowly gathering around the tribe. Lei Ming could foresee that if this continued, it would not be long before the human race would split into various tribes.

"The human race is originally of the same origin, but as the ethnic group grows, separation in the future is inevitable, but now is not the time."

Lei Ming had been thinking about this issue for a long time. He felt that in order to unify the human race, the human race must have a clear leader.

The current leaders of the human race are four ancestors. Suiren, Yousui and Ziyi have been in seclusion, and Lei Ming is also busy practicing and rarely manages human affairs. This is the biggest reason for the division of the human race.

"I have to cultivate a human king."

Lei Ming spent hundreds of years looking for candidates suitable to become the human king in the major tribes of the human race, but his requirements for the human king were too high, and he had not found a suitable candidate after searching for many years.

These days, Lei Ming was resting next to a large swamp and just saw a woman in green clothes sailing. At this time, nine thunders came from the sky, and the woman was frightened and pale. A purple lightning struck her instantly, and Lei Ming wanted to save her but it was too late.

After the lightning, Lei Ming, who wanted to save the woman, suddenly stopped, because the woman was not dead, but there was a trace of life in her body, which was lurking in her lower abdomen, forming a life embryo.

"Born with strange signs, just suitable to be a human king."

Lei Ming was overjoyed, the fetus the woman was carrying had the purple air of the nine heavens, that was a natural king.

"I didn't expect to meet it here after searching for hundreds of years."

Lei Ming did not leave, but built a hut near the big lake and waited quietly. Ten years later, the woman gave birth smoothly, but because she was unmarried and pregnant, the father of the child was unknown, and the tribesmen did not treat her well.

The woman in green named her child Jiu Tou Shi, because she dreamed that her child had nine heads in her dream.

Lei Ming still did not show up, and waited until the child was nine years old before Lei Ming met him.

Jiu Tou Shi was very sensible since childhood because of his hard life, and he was naturally intelligent and had a photographic memory. He could understand almost everything at a glance and learn it at once.

Although the tribesmen didn't like them, Jiutoushi still got the cultivation method, but he started practicing later than the ordinary tribesmen.

Jiutoushi was extremely talented. He successfully condensed his Qi in his first practice. Half a year later, he broke through to the state of refining the spirit and returning to the void. Two years later, Jiutoushi reached the state of refining the void and merging with the Tao. He was one step away from entering the fairyland. At this time, Jiutoushi was only nine years old.

Jiutoushi was very mature. He did not expose his cultivation level and practiced quietly beside the big lake every day. When he was practicing that day, a thick fog suddenly appeared, and he couldn't see through the fog.

Jiutoushi lost his way in the fog and kept walking forward. As he walked, he came to a hut.

The door of the hut opened, and Lei Ming was looking at him with a smile.

Jiutoushi saw Lei Ming and immediately knelt on the ground: "Jiutoushi of the human race has seen Lei Zu!"

Lei Ming helped him up: "Do you know me?"

"I have seen the statue of Lei Zu in the ancestral temple." Jiutoushi answered honestly.

Lei Ming touched Jiu Tou's head: "Yes, you are very good. Are you willing to be my disciple?"

Jiu Tou was overjoyed and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Greetings, Master!"

Lei Ming accepted this apprentice with a smile, and then taught him the immortal body he created. The difficulty and requirements of practicing the immortal body are very high. Lei Ming only found Jiu Tou who can practice it among the entire human race.

Jiu Tou dispersed all his skills and began to practice the immortal body. After only three years, he entered the door, completed the first turn, and reached the earth immortal.

The immortal body, the first turn corresponds to the earth immortal, the second turn is the heavenly immortal, the third turn is the true immortal... until the seventh turn is the Daluo Jinxian, the eighth turn is the quasi-saint, and the ninth turn is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

While practicing, Lei Ming also passed on the art of governing the country to Jiu Tou. Lei Ming has rich experience and memories of his previous life. He soon trained Jiu Tou to become a qualified manager.

"Jiu Tou Shi, now that you have become an immortal and have extraordinary strategies, it's time to show them." Lei Ming called Jiu Tou Shi and assigned him a task.

"I want you to become the leader of your tribe within two years and conquer the tribes within a radius of 100,000 miles within ten years. During this process, you are not allowed to mention my affairs, do you understand?" Lei Ming said.

Jiu Tou Shi was already a calm young man, he nodded and accepted Lei Ming's challenge.

After sending Jiutou away, Lei Ming continued to practice in silence. A year later, Jiutou came back and told Lei Ming that he had become the leader of the tribe.

Lei Ming didn't say anything, but nodded secretly in his heart. Jiutou's tribe was not a very large tribe, and the strongest in the tribe was a celestial being. And now Jiutou has also become a celestial being, and he has cultivated an immortal body, and his combat power is far beyond his peers. It is not difficult for him to become a leader.

Five years later, Jiutou came back, and this time he completed the second task given to him by Lei Ming. What surprised Lei Ming was that after the second task was completed, Jiutou's strength also increased a lot, and he actually broke through to the third turn of the immortal body and reached the true immortal.

The immortal body is cultivated very slowly, and Lei Ming was very surprised by Jiutou's progress.

"Next, you continue to conquer other tribes. I hope you can unify the entire human race and become the king of humans as soon as possible." Lei Ming was very satisfied with Jiutou, "In this process, I allow you to borrow my influence."

"No, I will unify the human race with my own strength." Jiutou said confidently.

Jiu Tou Shi was a natural genius. He kept expanding outward. In less than a hundred years, half of the human race had been brought under his command.

Jiu Tou Shi was born with the purple qi of the nine heavens. His fate was extremely noble and he was born to control the luck. The luck of the human race was huge. After he conquered half of the human race, his luck in the human race was almost as good as that of the three ancestors. The huge luck helped him to make rapid progress. In just a hundred years, Jiu Tou Shi's immortal body reached the sixth level and his cultivation caught up with Lei Ming.

Lei Ming was more certain that his choice was correct, and he began to take the initiative to help Jiu Tou Shi. With Lei Ming's influence on the human race, as soon as he showed up, the rest of the human race immediately surrendered. Jiu Tou Shi completely unified the entire human race. His prestige and luck surpassed those of the four ancestors. He was truly the first person in the human race.

After unifying the human race, Jiu Tou held a heavenly sacrifice. Nine dragons flew down from the sky and entered Jiu Tou's body. Jiu Tou's momentum soared, and he easily broke through the bottleneck of Taiyi Jinxian and reached Daluo Jinxian.

The first Daluo Jinxian of the human race was born in this way.

Lei Ming was both pleased and envious when he saw Jiu Tou achieve Daluo Jinxian. Although Jiu Tou's strength exceeded his, he still respected him as always.

"Jiu Tou, you have become the king of the human race, the king of the human race. In the future, you can make your own decisions about the human race." Lei Ming handed all the power to Jiu Tou. In the absence of the three ancestors, Jiu Tou really made his words the most important thing in the human race.

After unification, the human race developed faster. However, at this time, the dragon clan accepted the order of the heaven and prepared to deal with the human race. In the waters where the human race lived, countless descendants of the dragon clan made trouble. Jiu Tou sent troops to suppress them, and soon calmed down the water tribes in the mountains and rivers.

But Jiu Tou Shi knew very well that the water tribes in the mountains and rivers were not a threat, but the dragon tribes in the four seas were.

Jiu Tou Shi faced the dragon tribe for the first time, and he was still a little hesitant. He asked Lei Ming again, and Lei Ming said everything he could.

"The rise of the human race must go through many difficulties, and the dragon tribe is just one of them. After becoming the king of humans. This is also your first real test. I hope you can lead the human race through it." Lei Ming said.

Jiu Tou Shi hurriedly asked: "Master, are you not going to show up?"

Lei Ming laughed: "I am a member of the human race. How can I not show up when the human race is in trouble? But when I show up, it must be when the human race is facing great difficulties."

Jiu Tou Shi nodded to show that he understood, and at the same time he made up his mind to solve this crisis by himself.

Although the dragon tribe wanted to deal with the human race, they did not take the human race seriously. At the beginning, they only sent some dragon bloodlines. Under Jiu Tou Shi's arrangement, these dragons were quickly killed.

After that, the dragon tribe finally began to take it seriously.

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